
Johan Donckers (Grobbendonk) Top from short distance to great middle distance

20 Feb 2023

Grobbendonk. Maybe it is just us but when we hear the municipality of Grobbendonk, we always have to think of the well-known "Tienverbond", where the top Belgian short distance racers cross swords every week. One of those toppers in that well-known "Tienverbond" is Johan Donckers but Johan does not only aim for short distance, no, he also aspires to the middle-distance and national great middle-distance races. And with success because in 2020 he was crowned General Provincial Champion KBDB Antwerp and in 2021 he impressed by winning the 1st National Chateauroux against 24,628 old birds
But also in the 2022 season he raced rock hard. Typical of the Donckers pigeons is that they do this so smoothly from 100km to 500km/600km. The results below prove it:

17/04 Quievrain 113km - 1092 old – 36 prizes/55 birds
9 – 18 – 19 – 21 -22 – 23 – 29 – 30 – 39 – 45 – 46 – 49 – 81 – 82 – 85 – 87 – 89 – 90 – 96   

24/04 Quievrain 113km  - 1142 old birds – 36 prizes/53 birds
1 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 12 – 17 – 22 – 31 – 34 – 45 – 56 – 59 – 63 – 65 – 72 – 73 – 77 – 96 – 100 – 103 – 108 – 119 – 136

01/05 Noyon 217km - 2910 old birds – 47 prizes/65 birds
1 – 2 – 3 – 8 – 9 – 18 – 70 – 78 – 87 – 91 – 110 – 144 – 152 – 163 – 198 – 200 – 201 – 213 – 229 – 246 – 278

07/05 Melun 317km - 3279 old birds – 37 prizes /56 birds
11 – 16 – 18 – 30 – 34 – 39 -47 – 52 – 78 – 79 – 101 – 154 – 155 – 168 – 176 – 178 – 199 -201 – 239 – 250 – 287 – 293 

14/05 Sermaises 376km - 3640 old birds – 42 prizes /56 birds
1 – 18 – 22 – 23 – 34 – 36 – 42 – 71 – 89 – 99 – 103 – 174 – 176 – 178 – 191 – 242 – 263 – 265 – 300 – 311 – 321

15/05 Noyon 217km - 1439 old birds – 8 prizes /9 birds
2 – 5 – 99 – 129 – 136

21/05 Toury 390km - 999 old birds – 28 prizes /51 birds
1 – 5 – 10 – 11 – 15 – 25 – 26 – 27 – 47 – 52 – 61 – 63 – 65 – 75 – 76

21/05 - Vierzon 485km - 464 year birds Kempische Fondclub KFC – 2 prizes /2 birds
8 / 36

04/06 - Argenton 559km - 518 old birds KFC         7 prizes /9 birds
1 – 15 – 40

11/06 - Auxerre 385km - 1692 old birds – 23 prizes /27 birds
4 – 5 – 7 – 27 – 28 – 36 – 58 – 75 – 85 – 109 – 112 – 114 – 118 – 128 – 132 

26/06 - Issoudun 510km - 14 old birds KFC – 4 prizes /4 birds
3 – 4 – 10 – 39

03/07 - Noyon 217km - 924 old birds – 9 prizes /10 birds
13 – 17 – 59 – 113

03/07 - Noyon 217km - 2554 young birds – 17 prizes /28 birds
4 – 15 – 24 – 50 – 132 – 133 – 136 – 188

09/07 - Gueret 598km - 187 old birds KFC 3 prizes / 4 birds
3 – 10 – 12

23/07 - Fay Aux Loges 410km - 755 old birds – 8 prizes /15 birds
1 – 5 – 7 – 8 – 18 – 49 – 61    (1st provincial 3200 old birds)

30/07 - Bourges 492km - 164 oude birds KFC      3 prizes /3 birds
12 – 14 

06/08    Chateauroux 534km 165 year birds KFC – 4 prizes /5 birds

27/08 - Melun 317km - 1375 young birds – 27 prizes /41 birds
2 – 3 – 4 – 14 – 16 – 21 – 29 – 58 – 60 – 112 – 122

10/09 - Chateauroux 534km - 398 young birds KFC – 21 prizes /40 birds
9 – 10 – 13 – 16 – 26 – 27

Top results that resulted in winning the following championships

Short distance club Pulle season 2022:
1st champion old birds Quievrain + 1st ace pigeon 6199472/2020
1st champion yearlings Quievrain + 1st ace pigeon 6167824/2021
2nd champion young birds Quievrain
1st overall champion Quievrain
1st champion old birds Noyon + 1st ace pigeon 6199457/2020
1st champion yearling birds Noyon + 1st ace pigeon 6167773/2021
2nd champion young birds Noyon - 1st ace pigeon 6208260/2022
1st overall champion Noyon
1st overall champion Quievrain + Noyon

Short distance Noyon Het Tienverbond season 2022:
4th champion old birds Quievrain
7th champion yearlings Quievrain
6th overall champion Quievrain
1st champion old birds Noyon + 6th ace pigeon 6199457/2020
3rd champion yearling birds Noyon + 5th ace pigeon 6167773/2021
6th champion young birds Noyon + 4th ace pigeon 6208260/2022
Best young bird Noyon over 6 flights with 6208260/2022
1st overall champion Noyon

Hafo (middle distance) Bouwel season 2022:
1st champion old birds + 2nd ace pigeon 6110721/2019
1st champion yearling pigeons + 1st ace pigeon 6167771/2021 + 2nd ace pigeon 6167715/2021
3rd champion young birds 
1st overall champion hafo Bouwel
Hafo samenspel Regio Mechelen season 2022:
2nd champion old birds 
1st champion yearling birds + 1st ace pigeon 6167771/2021 + 2nd ace pigeon 6167715/2021 (6pr)
7th champion young birds
1st overall champion Hafo Region Mechelen

Hafo Turnhout + Region Mechelen (middle distance) season 2022:
3rd champion old birds
2nd champion yearling birds + 2nd ace pigeon 6167715/2021 + 3rd ace pigeon 6167771/2021 (5pr)
11th champion young birds
1st overall champion season 2022

Kempische Fondclub Great middle distance season 2022:
2nd champion old birds
3rd champion yearling birds + 2nd ace pigeon 6167766/2021
3rd overall champion kingship

Schilde Great middle distance, Fond  2022:
3rd champion old pigeons great middle distance + 3rd ace pigeon 6199469/2020 + 4th ace pigeon 6199410/2020
3rd champion yearling birds large middle-distance +1st ace pigeon 6167766/2021 + 2nd ace pigeon 6167723/2021
3rd overall champion large middle-distance
2nd champion old birds long-distance + 2nd ace pigeon 6199493/2020
4th champion yearling birds very long-distance
4th overall long-distance champion

Provincial championships Antwerp season 2022:
2nd overall champion with 4 entries
2nd champion small middle distance old and yearling birds
4th champion semi long distance youngsters
8th champion long-distance old and yearling pigeons
13th champion speed old and yearling pigeons

National championships season 2022:

14th National ace great middle distance yearlings 6167766/2021
14th National ace small middle distance yearlings 6167715/2021
36th National ace small middle-distance yearlings 6167771/2021

The start

"My father didn't have pigeons. But I used to have some show pigeons when I was 9-10 years old in a small coop made in the chicken coop. It was a uncle of my father (Jules Wouters, Pulle) and his brother-in-law (Jos Cools, Pulle) who persuaded me to keep racing pigeons instead of show pigeons. And so we started with racers for the first time in 1975.

The first season was anything but good and not a single prize was won that year. It was only at the end of August 1976 that I was able to win my first prize and two weeks later I was able to record my first 1st prize. My first listing in the championships was in 1979 and this with the youngsters from Noyon. From 1981 I have been among the champions every year.

With old and yearling birds we play the classic widowhood with the partner always staying at home. This both with cocks and hens. I tried total widowhood for 2 years and I didn't like it. It may be an ideal system if you play all pigeons on the same race but speed on Sunday and small and large middle distance on Saturday are very difficult to combine. With the youngsters we play on the sliding door."

"My first pigeons I achieved success with came from local fanciers such as Jules Wouters, Jos Cools and Rene Smolders, all from Pulle. A few years later, reinforcements came from Jos Salien, Grobbendonk and from Frans Peeters, Viersel.

The pigeons I bring in are usually purchases from a voucher to support local associations. The coupons I bought and still buy come from fanciers from the region I have to play against and who play very well. So my direct competitors. To name just a few, Leo Heremans, Gust Jansen, Gebr. Van Hove, Eddy Janssens, Peter Nuyts, Danny Van Dyck, Rik Hermans, Leo Auwers, Cyriel Lambrechts and I may have forgotten a few. In the early 2000s, I also exchanged pigeons with Gust Jansen and Gebr. Van Hove, both from Beerse."

"In 2014, 2016 and 2017, I caught up pigeons from Karel Laenen/Rudy Van Reeth from Herenthout. 

The offspring from a Leo Heremans hen gave several good pigeons as well as from an Eddy Janssens hen. Out of an hen from Danny Van Dyck, I have bred several good pigeons with my two old stock pigeons that are currently still proving themselves in my breeding loft. The pigeons I bought from Karel Laenen Karel/Rudy Van Reeth were a hit. Especially a son and a daughter from the "Pitbull" have proven their breeding value several times over."

With this strong strain, Johan scores weekly from the speed to the big middle distance. A quality not given to all pigeons but the Donckers pigeons more than excel at this

Especially for internet sales Pigeon Bids, Johan bred and selected a group of class pigeons. A unique opportunity to bring this exceptional class to your breeding loft. 

Some toppers in this auction are: