
Kipp und Söhne : 1st National Ace National Marathon Races

10 Nov 2019

Althornbach: The name KIPP UND SOHNE stands for HIGH QUALITY when it concerns marathon birds. In 1998 the name KIPP became world-famous by winning 1st International Barcelona !

Also the racing season 2019 was again impressive and as acts speak louder than 1000 words we give you an overview of the most important championships and results 2019 

1. Nationaler As-Vogel Nationaler Marathon
1. Int. As-Vogel IGW
1. + 2. + 10. Int. Bordeaux
1. Int. Bordeaux Jährige
1. Nat. Bordeaux
1. Int. Champion IG Weitstrecke
3. Atlantik-Cup Gewinner (Pau-St.Vincent)
4. Nationaler Weitstreckenmeister der Int. Flüge
6. Nationaler As-Vogel der int. Flüge
10. Mittelmeer-Cup Gewinner (Barcelona-Marseille-Narbonne-Perpignan)
Ehrenpreis Marseille
Ehrenpreis Perpignan
Schnellste 2er-Serie Perpignan
Ehrenpreis Limoges

12.05. Langres 215 km 1.440 p. : 1.,14.,27.,28.,33.,40.,41.,42.,43.,43.,
45.,46.,51.,57., etc.
18.05. Auxerre 322 km 1.575 p. : 18.,19.,38.,39.,40.,50.,53.,59.,60.,75.,etc.
25.05. Bourges 440 km 3.409 p. : 35.,40.,41.,60.,65.,66.,67., etc.
01.06. Argenton 525 km 2.976 p. : 22.,22.,24.,35.,50.,72.,78., etc.
15.06. Limoges 590 km 1.875 p. : 8.,26.,85.,86.,97.,99., etc.
22.06. Pau 885 km 1.356 p. : 31.,42.,105.,248.,272.,274.,328.
01.07. Bordeaux 770 km 1.594 p. : 1.,2.,10.,12.,14.,15.,23.,48.,52.,62.,69., etc.
05.07. Barcelona 975 km 1.130 p. : 60.,71.,77.,95.,120.,263.
13.07. St.Vincent 906 km 948 p. : 13.,96.,112.,120.,135.,150.,172.,204.,225.
19.07. Marseille 675 km 2.070 p. : 12.,35.,37.,47.,63.,128.,132.,147.,179., etc.
29.07. Narbonne 753 km 1.185 p. : 106.
03.08. Perpignan 808 km 806 p. : 17.,28.,73.,103.,109.,114.,139.,154.

Who else can show these impressive marathon results ?

Although fanciers world-wide offered a lot of money to purchase proven Kipp birds, Hugo and his father Wulfram never sold a top winning bird and this makes the breeding loft of German champions KIPP extremely powerful. Following international top birds are still housed on the breeding loft in Althornbach:

“Picasso” DV04900-07-280

1 National ace 2008
3 National Tarbes 1,824b.
8 International Tarbes 12,537b.
16 National Perpignan 1,810b.
655 International Perpignan 17,624b.

Is father of:
1 Auxerre 449b.
4 Langres 654b.
5 Argenton 1,504b.
11 National Pau 1,106b.
19 International Pau 2,122b.
64 National Perpignan 1,142b.
90 National Perpignan 1,923b.
101 International Bordeaux 2,458b.
156 International Pau 8,555b.

Is grandfather of:
2 National Marseille 900 hens
7 National Marseille 1,921b.
105 International Marseille 11,244b.

“Golden Glory” DV04900-07-289

1st International ace 2011 over 3 races
1st National ace 2011
1st National ace Marathon 2011
6th International ace Barcelona 2-year result
8th International ace Barcelona 2011 – 2 year result

2 National Narbonne 1,180b.
3 Barcelona 663b.
5 Interprovincial Bordeaux 1,133b.
10 National Barcelona 1,921b.
15 National Pau 1,106b.
22 National Barcelona 1,959b.
49 International Narbonne 12,605b.
73 National Narbonne 1,368b.
201 International Barcelona 25,750b.
208 International Barcelona 26,066b.
221 International Pau 8,555b.
856 International Tarbes 12,849b.

“Pride Of St. Vincent” DV4900-14-225

1 International St. Vincent 2016 10,643b.
Is a daughter of “Schumidala 207” x Barcelona Rose

“Olympic Ace” DV4900-14-284
Olympiad bird Brussels 2017 Marathon
7 Nat. Bordeaux
7 Internat. Bordeaux 1,948b.
17 Nat. Narbonne
20 Internat. Narbonne 8,466b.
40 Nat. St. Vincent
212 Internat. St. Vincent 10,643b.
125 Nat. Carcasonne
1.268 Internat. Carcasonne 10,836b.
242 Nat. Pau
283 Nat. Bourges
359 Internat. Bourges 2,886b.
312 Nat. Bourges
341 Internat. Bourges 3,444b.
418 Nat. Limoges
562 Internat. Limoges 4,792b.
671 Nat. Bourges
920 Internat. Bourges 4,508b.
33 Auxerre 1,303b.
Is a son of “Purple Lord” x “Primadonna Girl”

“De St. Vincent” DV04900-12-818

1 National St. Vincent 1,058b.
3 International St. Vincent 11,388b.
71 National Marseille 1,331b.
26 Langres 398b.
44 Marseille 673b.
127 Langres 799b.
163 Auxerre 960b.
211 Limoges National 1,833b.
235 Langres 762b.
268 Limoges 2,821b.
293 Internat. Limoges 3,196b.
315 Auxerre 972b.
321 National Bordeaux 1,296b.
374 National Bordeaux 1,158b.
392 Bordeaux 1,308b.
399 Bordeaux 1,824b.
411 Internat. Bordeaux 2,113b.
411 Internat. Bordeaux 1,464b.
442 Argenton 1,364b.
1,236 Internat. Marseille 8,848b.
Is a son of “Rainmakers Son” x “Daughter Narbonne duivin”