
范希兄弟(Freddy & Jacques Vandenheede)荣获波治东佛兰德斯省成鸽组5751羽冠军

31 May 2024

Kruisem, Belgium - Freddy and Jacques Vandenheede have achieved an impressive feat by winning the 1st Provincial Bourges old pigeons East Flanders. With their blue cock BE22-4137359 "Weezer", who finished first against strong competition of 5.751 pigeons, they also secured the 2nd national place against no less than 24.006 pigeons.

"Weezer" stands out with his strong back and calm demeanor both in hand and in the loft. This remarkable cock had already achieved promising results as a young bird, with a first and second prize, only beaten by a loftmate.

Last year, however, posed a challenge for this cock when he was involved in a disaster flight. Despite this setback, he continued to demonstrate his qualities by flying both sprint and middle-distance races. During the winter, he raised a pair of young birds and has been on widowhood since then.

The performance in Bourges is all the more impressive as it was only his third race in 2024 where he competed for a prize. In all three races this year, he has won prizes, each time placing in the top ten percent.

Freddy and Jacques Vandenheede are no strangers to success. This victory adds to an impressive series of previous achievements, including:

1st International Narbonne against 5.098 pigeons in 2012 
1st National Châteauroux against 18.499 pigeons in 2017 
1st National Cahors against 6.903 pigeons in 2019 
1st National Vierzon against 11.574 pigeons in 2019 
1st National Vierzon against 20.956 pigeons in 2019 
1st National Brive against 3.756 pigeons in 2020 
1st National Limoges against 9.756 pigeons in 2020

Freddy and Jacques Vandenheede have once again proven their expertise and dedication in the pigeon sport with this victory.

Freddy and Jacques, congratulations once again on your provincial victory from the entire Herbots team!

Maarten Herbots