
史蒂芬·蓝布瑞契(Stefaan Lambrechts)荣获波治安特卫普省一岁组3873羽冠军

31 May 2024

It was red hen B23-6145928 that won the opening classic from Bourges at provincial level (Antwerp). The beauty of the story is that Stefaan did this with his 1st nominated. "Not that I know it", says Stefaan " but last week she also won the 6th against 2,063b. from Sermaises.

"My yearling team didn't get much experience as youngsters. A lot of short distane races and 2 middle distance races and I feel that this year because I already had to record some losses. Oh well...no better selection than the flights themselves I would think. "

The old and yearling teams are raced via chaos/total widowhood . As motivation, they do a short training toss on the day of basketing, stay together for a while and are then separated to be basketed in the evening. 

The Herbots team wishes Stefaan lots of success.