
Lannoo-Ballegeer (Moerkerke) win 2nd Nat. old & 3rd Nat. yearlings Sancoins

01 Jul 2024

Moerkerke - The Lannoo-Ballegeer tandem delivered an impressive performance on the national flight from Sancoins. They proudly achieved 2nd national place against 9,749 old birds and 3rd national place against 12,962 yearlings. What makes this achievement even more remarkable is that both winning pigeons are full brothers to each other.


This blue cock shone with the 2nd national place in the old birds and was the 5th fastest pigeon out of 22,711 old and yearling birds combined. His previous performances confirm that this performance is no coincidence:
Results 2022:
1st Montoire against 774b (25th Prov. of 6,382b)
14th Fontenay against 465b

Results 2023:
11th Prov. Châteauroux against 1,963b
20th Argenton against 495b
86th Nat. Bourges against 18,729b

Results 2024:
15th Toury against 1,383b
262nd Fontenay against 5,728b


The full brother of BE22-3053406 also managed to put himself in the spotlight by winning the 3rd national place among the yearlings against 12,958 pigeons. He also showed his class as the 4th fastest pigeon out of 22,711 old and yearling birds together. His performances in recent years speak for themselves:
Results 2023:
1st Chateaudun against 413b
2nd Montoire against 569b (43rd I.Prov. against 4,105b)
327th Pontoise against 7,901b

Results 2024:
2nd Clermont against 406b
16th Toury against 716b
181st Nat. Bourges against 3,256b

Provincial Victories

Both pigeons not only achieved national successes, but also provincial victories in their category. As icing on the cake, there was a third early pigeon from Lannoo-Ballegeer that managed to take the 2nd provincial place among the old pigeons on the same flight.

Fangio & Stefaan, heartfelt congratulations from the entire Herbots team!

Maarten Herbots