
Lismont Patrick from Bekkevoort is General Champion Flemish Brabant KBDB 2023

22 Mar 2024

The general champion of Flemish Brabant is found in the municipality of Bekkevoort. Patrick Lismont and his wife Sonja have had another top season, the umpteenth in a row, but with an overall provincial title and the first Olympiad pigeon of his career, he already sees the 2023 season as a success.

He also acquired numerous ace pigeons at provincial and national level and it was mainly the young hens that raced very strongly in the sprint. We are all curious to see what they will do in the coming season in the middle distance, which is increasingly becoming his favorite game.

Championships 2023

General Champion Flemish Brabant KBDB 
1 Prov Champion middle distance old KBDB 
1 Prov Ace Pigeon long speed youngsters KBDB
1 Prov Ace Pigeon middle distance old KBDB
1 Speed ​​youngsters Flanders Herbots Championship
2 Prov Ace Pigeon short speed youngsters KBDB 
2 Prov Champion high speed youngsters KBDB 
3 Nat Olympiad Pigeon Cat.B Maastricht 2024
4 National young Herbots Championship
5 General old and yearlings Flanders Herbots Championship
4 Speed ​​and middle distance young Herbots Championship
5 Middle distance old and yearlings Flanders Herbots Championship
5 Prov Ace Pigeon middle distance KBDB 
6 Prov Ace Pigeon short speed old birds KBDB 
6 National Ace Pigeon middle distance old birds KBDB 
7 Prov Champion small speed yearlings KBDB 
7 Ace pigeon youngsters speed Herbots Championship
8 Ace pigeon youngsters speed Herbots Championship
9 National Ace pigeon speed youngsters KBDB 
9 Prov Champion middle distance yearlings KBDB 
11 National Ace pigeon middle distance youngsters KBDB 
12 National Champion speed youngsters KBDB 
13 National Champion middle distance olds and yearlings KBDB

Championships 2022

1 Prov Champion small speed old birds KBDB
2 Prov Champion small speed young birds KBDB
2 Prov Champion small middle distance old birds KBDB
2 Prov Champion small middle distance yearlings KBDB
2 Prov Ace Pigeon middle distance yearlings KBDB
3 Prov Ace Pigeon middle distance old birds KBDB
3 Prov Ace Pigeon small speed young birds KBDB
3 National Ace Pigeon middle distance yearlings KBDB 
4 Prov Ace Pigeon Middle Distance old birds KBDB
5 Prov Champion High Speed ​​Youngsters KBDB
7 National Ace Pigeon Middle Distance Yearlings KBDB
9 Prov Champion High Speed ​​Yearlings KBDB
13 National Ace Pigeon Middle Distance Yearlings KBDB
19 National Champion Middle Distance Old and Yearlings KBDB

Cocks and hens

The competition here is on two fronts, the widowers only fly at speed and are raced in classic widowhood. The hens also have partners who stay at home and only fly middle distance.

The system is quite simple and applies to both sexes, the pigeons always raise a round of youngsters in the winter. The best racing hens are coupled to the best widowers so that Patrick knows something about this before moving them to the breeding loft. But to get a place there, the bar is still very high. Hens usually fly here for 4 seasons and during that period they fly quite a few kilometers together. Who says that the sharpness is gone, they prove the opposite here in Bekkevoort with “Olympic Lisa”. A hen that is in her 4th racing season but still flies to the top and can present a fantastic list of achievements.

In the spring the pigeons are no longer coupled, only the widowers usually get to see their hen for a series of 3-4 sunny days during training. The widowers are not darkened because they have to be placed there immediately in April, while the hens are placed in the dark from March 1 to the end of April. This is always from 6:00 PM to 8:00 AM in the morning, just like with the young pigeons.

The training here is by still being a working fancier but once a day, they have chosen to train in the evening because otherwise he rarely sees his pigeons training during the season and a trainer must be able to see whether things are going well or not. not. 

The widowers train on Sundays because their flight is always speed and they then have the opportunity to take a bath outside. The hens get a bath in the aviaries on Sundays and do not train on Sundays. Furthermore, there is never any training here on the day of basketing.

How are the pigeons during the week?

The widowers simply have half a living box available and no dish in the other half of the living box. The hens sit on chapels in front of the boxes and are spread over 3 lofts where they always have the choice of where they sit. There are grilles on the floor and during the day they are locked outside in a small aviary. This also has 3 parts, but to put the pigeons a little closer together and to prevent mutual mating, they are divided into 2 parts.

What do you do for motivation?

There is also a small difference here, the widowers always get to see their hen before the flight and work is done on this. They must be together in the dish before they are taken away. After the flight they stay together for at least 1 hour 30 minutes and as the season gets longer this increases to a few hours but never longer than that. The pigeons from Momignies, which usually arrive home before Soissons, are allowed to stay together for as long as the last pigeons.

It is important here for both cocks and hens that the pigeons are only added once the competition has ended. Allowing the pigeons to relax with food and drink is important to Patrick.

The hens do not see their cocks at the speed when basketing. The living boxes are opened to make basketing easier and they are in the basket for a maximum of 10 minutes. From the middle distance the cocks are shown here because they are in the basket for 2 nights, but they are not allowed to stay with their cocks for long. This is 5 minutes for the first hen and maybe fifteen minutes for the last. When they return home, they are allowed to stay together for a few hours in the sprint and from the middle distance onwards they always separate between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. This is also important because Patrick's hens immediately start eating well after taking away the cocks and recovery is much faster.

Topper of the season with the old pigeons

BE 20-2119776 “Olympic Lisa” Hen 
3 Nat Olympiad Pigeon Cat.B Maastricht 2024
6 Nat Ace Pigeon middle distance KBDB 2023
8 Nat Ace Pigeon middle distance KBDB 2021 
Wins a total of 22 x 1:100

    1 Sermaises          2.314p
    1 Soissons            1.313p
    1 Lorris                     678p
    1 Lorris                     415p
    1 Momignies           268p
    1 Sermaises            238p
    2 Sermaises         2.250p
    2 Momignies        1.357p
    2 Lorris                    304p
    2 Lorris                    329p
    2 Lorris                    177p
    3 Nanteuil            1.544p
    3 Sermaises            710p
    3 Lorris                     663p
    3 Momignies           559p
    3 Sermaises            318p
    4 Orléans             1.958p
    4 Sermaises            562p
    4 Sermaises            189p
    5 Sermaises         3.238p
    5 Soissons            2.771p
    6 Lorris                     670p
    6 Lorris                     524p
  10 Soissons               168p
  12 Orléans              2.783p
  12 Soissons            1.331p
  13 Lorris                     548p
  15 Sermaises             561p
  17 Soissons               563p
  18 Soissons            1.380p
  18 Lorris                  1.295p
  20 Soissons               689p
  25 Lorris                     844p
  28 Lorris                     650p
  31 Lorris                     921p
  32 Sermaises             515p
  34 Lorris                     948p
  50 Melun                 1.534p
  62 Sermaises         1.251p
  64 Momignies        1.112p
107 Sermaises         5.490p
122 Melun                 3.815p

Father BE 13-2142060 Blue
Won himself 1 Soissons 397p – 1 Momignies 102p – 2 Soissons 258p – 3 Momignies 951p – 11 Soissons 1.109p
Son from “047/11” 3 x 1st x “219/11” Daughter 2 National Argenton 22.442p

Mother BE 16-2284948 Checkered
Daughter of “405/12” Black 1 x 1st x “406/12” Checkered whife feather

Young pigeons

These are darkened at the same time as the old hens, but they are darkened for a month longer. They only fly once a day and they are trained well before the season, but during the season the pigeons are no longer raced once. The sexes are usually separated after having flown Momignies twice, but for the coming season Patrick is toying with the idea of ​​waiting a little longer. The sliding door always opens 1h to 1h30 before basketing and they are then basketed. When they return home, they stay together until the next morning and have a bath on Sunday morning. Afterwards the sexes are separated and given rest.

Toppers among the youngsters were 3 hens

BE 23-2046896 Checkered Hen
1 Ace Pigeon middle distance Obrafo 2023
11 Nat Ace Pigeon middle distance youngsters KBDB 2023

  1 Lorris                       262p
  2 Lorris                       192p
  3 Melun                      233p
  9 Nanteuil                  170p
11 Lorris                       849p
14 Soissons                 244p
16 Nanteuil                  245p
20 Nanteuil                  212p
43 Momignies          1.017p

Father DV 05525-21-682 Blue – Reiner Laisegang
Son from "DV 432/20” 100% Kaasboer Gaston Van de Wouwer x “DV 199/20” Blue

Mother BE 20-2119838 Dark Checkered
Daughter from “724/18” Jack Daniel Peeters 8 x 1st x “858/19” Nina won 2 Nat Ace sprint young birds KBDB 2019 and 3 x 1st 

BE 23-2046816 Checkered Hen
1 Prov Ace sprint young birds KBDB 2023
9 Nat Ace sprint young birds KBDB 2023

  1 Soissons                  593p
  1 Soissons                  240p
  2 Soissons                  384p
  4 Soissons               1.233p
  4 Laon                           73p
  6 Soissons                  886p
10 Soissons              1.174p
10 Nanteuil                  170p
12 Nanteuil                  245p
18 Laon                        224p

Father BE 20-2119682 Checkered
Won himself 1 Momignies 215p - 1 Momignies 160p – 3 Momignies 597p – 9 Momignies 1.059p – 12 Momignies 1.451p
Son from “148/18” Blue 1 Prov Ace sprint young KBDB 2018 x “277/18” Checkered whife feather 3 x 1st 

Mother BE 21-2123346 Noor
Won herself 7 Nat Ace middle distance yearlings KBDB 2022
Won 1 Lorris 650p – 6 Orléans 2.562p – 7 Lorris 2.065p – 10 Orléans 5.345p – 10 Lorris 4.175p
Daughter from "812/17” Maurits Haesendonckx x “229/17” Checkered whife feather

BE 23-2046815 Checkered Hen
2 Prov Ace sprint young birds KBDB 2023

  1 Momignies             169p
  2 Momignies          1.450p
  2 Momignies             772p
  7 Momignies             900p
  8 Momignies          1.017p
11 Momignies             826p
11 Momignies             232p
26 Momignies             695p
50 Momignies          1.885p

Father BE 13-2142003 Checkered
Won himself 2 Prov Ace small sprint yearlings KBDB 2014
Won 1 Momignies 766p - 1 Momignies 134p – 1 Momignies 76p – 5 Momignies 381p – 6 Momignies 1.217p
Son from “025/10” Checkered J D’Haes 2 x 1st x “082/10” Blue

Mother BE 13-2142052 Checkered
Won himself 5 Momignies 1.769p – 18 Momignies 340p
Daughter from “DV 180/12” Blue P Kocks 100% Leo Heremans x “064/11” Checkered 2 x 1ste 

Power supply

The widowers get 50% Vandenabeele Beyers and 50% Sport (Vanrobaeys and Anthoons). In half of the week this becomes 100% Sport. The hens get 50% Vandenabeele Beyers and 50% Super Recup Anthoons. At the end of the week this will be 50% Super Recup Anthoons and 50% Sport (Vanrobaeys and Anthoons). They always receive the last mixture they receive at basketing when they return home.

During the week, Beute's schedule is followed fairly strictly. When they return home, these are electrolytes, during the week Omega oil is added to the food with brewer's yeast or vitamin Ral. As a veterinarian, Patrick always visits Stijn Rans for a check-up, usually before the racing and breeding season. If necessary, an additional visit is also made during the season, but of course everything depends on performance.

The common thread he follows is as follows. I have a system that works in terms of nutrition and guidance. So if it is one week less, I am not going to rush to change this system because it was one week less good. Having confidence in the system and your pigeons is important.

The pigeons are given a cure against tricho in the spring and nothing more during the season. The old pigeons have not been treated for the respiratory tract in the past 3 years. The young pigeons also receive a treatment against tricho and during training I treat them against the respiratory tract so that they start clean.

Furthermore, the old pigeons are given a mandatory paramyxo - herpes vaccination in the spring and they receive a treatment against paratyphoid in the autumn without vaccination. The young pigeons are now injected twice against Paramyxo – Rota for the 3rd year in a row and I like this very much, they also receive a vaccination against smallpox.

Congratulations to Patrick and Sonja on these top results from the entire HERBOTS TEAM.

Buelens Kim