
卢克·德拉尔(Luc De Laere )荣获亚精顿西佛兰德斯省冠军和季军

12 Jun 2024

This weekend, Luc De Laere achieved his 51st provincial victory. Just a few weeks after congratulating Luc on his 50th provincial win, he strikes again! With BE23-3039684 "Femke Sproet," a grandchild of the famous "Sproet Tieke," he won first place among yearlings in the provincial Argenton race in West Flanders against 3,661 yearlings (and fastest of 7,344 pigeons). It was a tense moment at the De Laere household as "Femke Sproet" flew around for about two minutes before landing on the board. 
Besides this first place among yearlings, Luc also secured second provincial place among old birds (3rd place out of 7,344) with BE21-3065324 "Magic Wittenbuik."

"Sproet Tieke"
Coincidentally, exactly ten years ago on the same weekend, Luc found "Sproet Tieke" in his loft after the national race from Châteauroux. Although "Sproet Tieke" was the fastest of 39,835 pigeons at that time, he missed the national victory due to the reporting rules. Whereas nowadays pigeon arrivals are reported automatically, back then they had to be reported manually within 10 minutes of arrival. Thus, Luc saw the national victory slip away, and "Sproet Tieke" did not receive the honor he deserved.

What "Sproet Tieke" and his descendants have achieved in races and breeding since then is something Luc could never have dreamed of. Additionally, the first five arrivals from Argenton were all grandchildren of "Sproet Tieke." De Laere’s results from Argenton are impressive:
Local (564b): 1-14-15-45-56-117-125 (7/16)
Provincial (3.661b): 1-32-33-126-159-440-495 (7/16)
Old birds:
Local (313b): 1-3-11-13-17-18-25-26-27-57-65-85-104 (13/16)
Provincial (3.683b): 2-10-30-34-43-50-65-81-84-267-324-444-602-866 (14/16)

BE23-3039684 "Femke Sproet"
When I asked Luc for some extra information about his provincial winner, a blue hen named "Femke Sproet," he told me the following: 
“'Femke Sproet' is played in a simple manner. At basketing, the pigeons are simply taken from their perches and placed in the basket. Upon returning home, the hens can visit the loft next to the cocks, who are in partitioned nest boxes, until the next morning. But what I don’t understand is that the next day, half of the hens are back on their perches and not next to a cock,” Luc said.
As unusual as this behavior may seem, Luc, I think you shouldn't worry about it. After all, it has brought you your 51st provincial victory!

BE21-3065324 "Magic Wittenbuik"
The second provincially clocked pigeon, the blue cock BE21-3065324 "Magic Wittenbuik", on the same national flight Argenton but in the old pigeons category last weekend was also a grandchild of "Sproet Tieke", as well as a half-brother of "Armin", the first National Ace pigeon G.M.D. 2022 as well as the 1st Nat. Châteauroux winner against 4,003b.

Luc, congratulations once again from the entire Herbots team!

Maarten Herbots