
Marc Denolf (Kortemark) wins 1st Prov. Dax West Flanders against 789 old birds

18 Jul 2024

Kortemark - Marc Denolf won the first provincial prize against 789 old birds on the international flight from Dax last weekend. This placed this pigeon in 4th place nationally against 2,578 pigeons, an achievement of stature.


Marc's winning pigeon is a cock with ring number BE21-3017222. This pigeon has delivered impressive performances before, such as on 28 June 2022 in Tulle where it won the 35th national prize against 6,842 pigeons and on 3 June 2023 in Limoges where it finished 934th nationally against 10,381 pigeons.

Playing System and Previous Victories

"We play on widowhood with about 60 cocks," explained Marc, who is an established name in pigeon racing. His impressive career includes two national wins, a dream for many pigeon fanciers.

In 2018, he won the 1st national prize at Agen against 4,541 old birds with "Roste 75". This pigeon was also the fastest of the entire field of 9,740 old and yearlings. In 2022 he repeated this success with BE20-3020958, which was the fastest old pigeon in all of Belgium from Tulle against 9,763 old birds.

Marc Denolf once again proved to have a patent on excellent pigeons for the one-day long distance, a category in which he always excels.

The whole Herbots team congratulates Marc with this brilliant performance.

Maarten Herbots