
Marc Vanonckelen from Halen wins 1st and 2nd Provincial Souillac 449 old birds (2 fastest of 864 pigeons)

23 Jul 2024

Just a few weeks ago we visited Marc Vanonckelen in Halen, Limburg, to put provincial Argenton in the spotlight. In recent weeks he was close to a victory with 2nd Prov Sancoins 1,230 old birds and 3rd Prov Argenton 992 old birds. Now Marc wins 1st and 2nd Provincial Souillac 449 old pigeons. The form of his racing hens is clearly in order and who knows what great things are yet to come in the coming weeks. 

First 2 arrivals from Souillac 

BE 22-5033312 “Millia” Checkered Hen

  1 Prov Souillac          449p
  1 Fastest                     864p
  8 Nat                       4.673p
  8 Prov Tulle               764p
29 Lorris                   2.329p

Father BE 17-5024347 Miles
Brother of “Corrie” 1 Prov Souillac '20
Brother of “Milla” 9 Nat Vierzon 11,572p and 3 x 1st 
Son of “056/15” Nest brother Maicka 6 x 1st x “000/12” Daughter Sedna I Jos Thone

Mother BE 16-2226978 Lola Liza - Jos Thoné
Proven breeding hen and also mother of “Jeanneke” 20 Nat Bourges 20,238p
Daughter of “059/11” Dwain is grandfather 1 Nat Argenton 12,936p (fastest 23,570p) x 
“592/11” Kirin was herself a wonder racing hen in the national races

BE 22-5033327 “Millia II” Dark Checkered white feather

2 Prov Souillac                        449p (after loftmate)
2 Fastest                                   864p (after loftmate)
12 Nat                                   4.673p
  9 Prov Souillac ’23                532p
72 Nat                                   6.084p
94 Vierzon                            4.342p

Father BE 17-5024333 Triple Three
Son of “414/09” Top breeder Verrreckt – Ariën x “629/11” Faiza Dirk Leekens is granddaughter of base breeder “Lucky Luke”

Mother BE 20-5086065 De Crom
Daughter of “145/16” Mikko Jos Thoné is father of 3 Nat Chateauroux 22,476p – 19 Nat Gueret 12,888p – 28 Nat Issoudun 18,176p. 
“Mikko” is a son of “Koen” 4 x 1st, including 1st Sourdun 2,146p x “Mira” 2 x 1st Nat (z) 
x “360/16” Fran Jos Thoné is a daughter of top breeder “Kajo” 14 x 1st speed x “ Tilly” 1 Nat Tulle 6,100p

Best results 2024

Soissons 2,645 old and yearlings: 1,103,132,139,140,144,237,… 8/12
Soissons 1,261 old: 6,28,31,33,35,97,… 16/30
Soissons 960 old: 4,5,11,21,22,27,42,43, 46,46,58,62,67,80,84,… 24/32
Sens Prov 5,749 old birds: 7,15,32,93,118,120,164,192,215,308,496,… 13/13
Sens Prov 9,487 old and yearlings: 11,22,58,152,187, 190,251,296,333,468,744,… 13/18
Bourges Prov 2,243 old birds: 10,11,17,35,46,92,109,129,… 10/14
Argenton Prov 1,672 old birds: 1,11,28,45,98,108,… 7/11
Tulle Prov 445 yearlings: 14,17,27 3/3
Sancoins Prov 1,230 old birds: 2,12,13,18,25,48,86,… 8/9
Argenton Prov 992 old birds: 3,19,33,34,61,62,74,91,… 10/11

Marc, congratulations on this new victory from the entire HERBOTS TEAM.

Buelens Kim