
Philip De Maeseneer (Denderwindeke) Young ... driven and talented.

01 Apr 2020

1. Preface:

The 29-year old Philip de Maeseneer lives in Denderwindeke. He keeps the family restaurant 'FOLENSALA' open with his mother, his father has a butchery. Philip started racing pigeons on his own in 2009. His father used to have pigeons but the pigeon germ didn't do its work well back then. Filip had to take care once for his fathers' pigeons during 3 months and from then on his interest in pigeon sport grew. He raced especially on Noyon and this worked out rather well. In 2010 he switched on to the middle distance races, but as less and less pigeons were raced on this distance he started racing from 2014 the greater middle distance races. He already won the 2nd Provincial on this distance. As Filip has to work in the restaurant at the weekends, he hardly races on Sundays anymore. The first years he got pigeons from amongst other René Sterkx and Julien Verbiest (Sleidingen).

2. Game system:

The widow cocks team exists out of 24 old and yearling pigeons, divided over 2 lofts. One loft is for the greater middle distance races and one loft is being used for the long distance races. These pigeons have a winter breeding and can raise 2 youngsters where after they go on widowhood. Than they can train off their winter fat, so they don't get lazy. Once half March/beginning of April the real trainings start off. The widow cocks train once a day and when the weather is good it might be twice. They are being trained really well so they have enough confidence at the start of the season. Once the races are up, he doesn't toss them anymore. They only get to see their partners after a race or at short distance races. When the race went well it could only be for about 15 minutes. Along the season comes up and the nice races are there the widow cocks can stay until the evening with their partner. 

Philip also keeps 20 hens. These only race great middle distance. During the week they stay on their resting loft, where there are rolls at the bottom so they won't pair up amongst each other. They only get to see their cock at arrival. Philip has the same training schedule for the hens as the cocks. 

The youngsters are being trained as well as possible, so they will have a bit of experience as yearling. About 90 youngsters are being bred yearly out of 14 breeding couples, where the first eggs will be replaced under the yearlings. So he has 4 early youngsters from the breeders. These are being accomplished with youngsters out of his best racers. 

The youngsters are being darkened (from 18h00 to 08h00) from half of March until the longest day of the year (20th of June). They are being trained in small steps and the goal is to get them on one National race for the experience. Nothing has to but everything can when it concerns the youngsters. 

3. Week schedule:

Philip keeps on to the entire gamma of Beyers. At the beginning of the week he uses 1-2 days the Vandenabeele mixture. Then he switched onto the GALAXY LIGHT and the last feedings exist out of Sport and Premium Briljant. Also peanuts, candy and hemp seed is being given so the pigeons can take on these last extra's. On a regular base he gives Probac-1000 and brewers' yeast over the food. He also adds a lot off electrolytes and tea in the drinking pot. 

4. Medical:
On a yearly base he consults vet Johan Vercruysen (Oosterzele) 2 or 3 times, this for a check-up and the obliged vaccinations. 
The racing team cocks and hens get a vaccination against Paramyxo/small pocks. The youngsters get Paramyxo/Herpes, small pocks (with the brush) and another vaccination against Paramyxo/Herpes.
After the season all the remaining pigeons (breeders + racers) a 10-day cure with Cosimix followed by a vaccination against paratyphoid  ( Zozalt-t). 
Before the pigeons will basketed they get one yellow drop in the beak. 

5. Strains:

At the moment Philip is very satisfied with the original pigeons from Tom Van Gaver (Moortsele), Roodhooft Andre (Pulderbos) and the earlier mentioned Sterckx Rene ( Begijnendijk) and Verbiest Julien (Sleidingen)

6. Results:

Top 15 quotations Provincial East-Flanders 2016-2019

2/957 old Argenton II 2018
2/700 old Blois 2016 (slechts 1 duif mee)
4/1943 yearling Chateauroux II 2016
9/2860 old Chateauroux 2017
11/694 yearling Chateauroux III 2018
12/384 old Chateauroux III 2018
13/1321 old Tulle 2015 (only one pigeon basketed)
15/3886 yearling Bourges I 2018

A few nice results 2019

Orleans: 297/ 2-5-7-13-16-45-52-53-71-72-75-90-95-99... 20/35 
Melun:146/ 7-9-16   3/3 
Argenton: 538/ 9-17-32-91-97-101-116...10/17
Etampes: 100/ 3-28  2/3
Etampes: 147/ 3-9-16-21-23-25-29-34....10/14
Limoges:334/ 1-6-61-112  4/8
Issoudun: 323/ 12-21-26-31-32-38-44-57-58...12/16
Chevrainvilliers: 210/ 1-60-70  3/5
Chevrainvilliers: 96/ 1-40-44  3/5
Bourges: 195/ 11  1/1
Tulle: 251/ 5-11-16-36    4/6
Chateauroux: 151/ 3-11-18-28-34-40  6/7
Noyon: 401/ 6-9-15-25-48-72-93-110...13/20
Noyon:444/ 1-4-5-16-17-22-23-24-34-42-43-66....27/44

Mooiste results 2018:
Pithiviers 290: 2-28-76 (3on3)
Chevrainvilliers 600 : 30-116-136-188-189 (5on5)
Chevrainvilliers 800: 36-60-81-83-86-106-142-202-235(9on14)
Blois 161 : 7-12-14-17-25-36-39 (7/15)
Vierzon 636 : 11-61-190 (3on3)
Bourges FCD 1124 : 2-29-77-222-285-368 (6on10)
Chateauroux 496 : 5-15-99 (3on4)
Argenton 340 : 21-34-107(3on5)
Gueret 112 : 8-38 (2on3)
Argenton II 122 : 1-19-23 (3on3)
Orleans 136 : 10-11 (2on3)
Chateauroux FCD 96 : 2-3-27 (3on3)
Toury 321: 1-14-31-33-35-42-45-58-59-79-113-127-128-140-142(15on20) youngsters
Orleans 278 : 7-38-52 (3on3) youngsters
Noyon 333 : 4-14-17-20-37-50-61-67-88-113-122-127-133-135-136-137-140-146-150-155-161(21on30) 

7. Championships:

Championships 2019
East Flemish youth (25-30)
1st Champion Long distance 
1st Ace bird Long distance
2nd Champion Middle distance
2nd General Champion

Season 2018

Club EDL Viane-Moerbeke
1st Champion GMD old
2nd Champion GMD yearlings
3rd Champion GMD youngsters
1st Ace bird okd GMD
2nd King GMD
3rd General Champion (most prizes) GMD

3rd General King ( 1 and 2 in all categories) GMD 
5th Champion old GMD
8th Champion yearlings GMD 

East - Flemish youth category 25-30 jaar
1st Champion old Long distance (1and2)
1st Ace bird Long distance  

8. Best pigeons ;

4123487/2018(de Limoges)
This was a late from 2018. Raced as youngster only Noyon. 
1/334  Limoges
5/251  Tulle​
11/617 Bourges​
21/323 Issoudun

1/321 Toury
2/297 Orleans​
3/557 Orleans​
3/147 Etampes​
6/334 Limoges​
6/159 Noyon​
12/1322 Etampes

1/210 Chevrainvilliers
1/96 Chevrainvilliers
3/173 Issoudun
3/100 Etampes
4/111 Chateauroux III
6/441 Chevrainvilliers
8/795 Chateauroux I
9/782 Argenton I
9/308 Argenton II
11/195 Bourges
18/1380 PE ArgentonII
19/1671 Pajot Chevrainvilliers

1/122 Argenton II
2/957 PE Argenton II
2/96 Chateauroux III
8/112 Gueret
11/636 Vierzon

9. End:
Philip would like to thank some people that make it possible for him to set these kind of results. Without the support of his parents and his girlfriend it wouldn't be possible for him to take care in such a way for his pigeons. Thanks to them he is where his is at the moment, and he is proud of it as well. 
Also a well-meant thank you to his neighbour Frans Reygaerts and good friend Tom Van Gaver , Philip already got several good pigeons from Tom. At last but not least I want to thank Philip. Off course for the warm welcome and the look inside his loft, but also because I bought a voucher from him last year and I got a really good hen from him. 

Otte Michael