
Ruud Botterweck, Mechelen (NL), winner Cup of Flanders 2020

06 Aug 2021

Ruud Botterweck from Mechelen in Holland wins the cup of Flanders in 2020 with the first 10 given on Barcelona. 
We like to introduce him shortly before we have a glimpse at the amazing pigeons he has on his loft. 

Short intro 
Ruud Botterweck, 62 years old, and since 6 years due to his health not active anymore in the labour process. Due to a further retrogression of his health on the lungs and hart he has to decrease the amount of pigeons. That’s why he decided to sell a part of his proven breeders by the Herbots family. 
Already at a young age he got interested in pigeon sport. Until 1995 he raced with lots of successes with his uncle on the program races. And after this he started to on his own on the long distance races. First on the afternoon releases and then on the ZLU-races. His biggest successes were: 3rd National Irun 2007 (8th International), 1st National Tarbes 2009, 3rd National Tarbes 2010 and winner of the Cup of Flanders in 2020.

At the moment I still have 30 old racers. The breeders are for sale now in the auction and have about 40 youngsters. The pigeons are being raced on nest position. On Barcelona on youngsters of about 5 days and on Perpignan on eggs. 

The selection is being done the entire year trough. If there is something wrong with the pigeon than he has to go despite his pedigree. The pigeon had a minimum of preparation this year of 5 races. They didn’t go any further tan Sens (345km). In fact not enough due to the cold and bad weather and when it is above 25 degrees I can’t basket them as I don’t have enough air to do this. On Barcelona 2021 it was rather well despite the bad preparation. When I have less pigeons next year I hope to basket them more. 

The racing pigeons are being coupled beginning of April and due to the birds of prey only released when they are on egg. When the weather is good they sit in an open loft the entire day and when the youngsters are old enough they can go out for an hour in the morning and in the evening. The youngsters have to do about three races in September. 

Food and care
The pigeons get Mariman. From the coupling on it is breeding mixture and after the last race they get moulting mixture the entire Winter. From January on I add 50% barley from Beyers. The pigeons also get grit, seaweed and pikkoek. 

The youngsters are being vaccinated in August against paramyxo and small pocks. The old pigeons get these two vaccinations in January. The past years I added one week per month apple vinegar to the water, but couldn’t do it this year. The pigeon doctor doesn’t get rich from me.

This year there is Perpignan at the program but depending on the weather predictions which aren’t that good for Perpignan, the season is already possibly over. Next year I hope to race the yearlings on Agen again and the old ones on Barcelona and Perpignan when my health allows it. 

Top breeders

Ruud brings for the above mentioned reasons 10 of the best marathon breeders in auction, with amongst other original proven breeders from Batenburg-Van de Merwe, Philip Geerdinck, Kees Droog, Saarloos & Son (100% Noël Peiren), and so on…let’s introduce a few of them:

“Granddaughter New Laureaat” NL17-1262064 – Lot N°2
Original Batenburg-Van de Merwe

Is mother to:
                   8        Club Barcelona ’21             152b.
               561        Nat. Barcelona ’21           4,838b.                              

                 19        Club Barcelona ’21             152b.
               735        Nat. Barcelona ’21          4,838b.                

Father: “Son New Witbuik” NL14-1040649
Is father to : 7th prize final race OLR Derby Aruna ‘16
Direct son “New Witbuik” x “Daughter Golden Wing”
“New Witbuik” NL09-1244606 won:
               1             Nat. Barcelona                 6,392b.
               6             Internat. Barcelona         25,320b.
“Daughter Golden Wing” B10-3080383
Direct daughter to “B03-3239132”, winner of
 2nd Nat. and 3rd Internat. Barcelona 12,657b. - 
54th Nat. Perpignan, 75th Nat. Cahors

Mother: “Daughter New Laureaat” NL14-1040597
Is mother to : 7th prize final race OLR Derby Aruna ‘16
Direct daughter “New Laureaat” x “Daughter Etterbak”
“New Laureaat” B08-2222675 (Wiels Luc), winner of
               1             Internat. Barcelona         25,382b.
               8             National Barcelona         12,281b.

“Daughter Etterbak” NL11-1722484
Direct daughter “Etterbak”: 1st Internat. Ace Barcelona 

“Son Invictus” NL19-1651182 – Lot N°3
Original Batenburg-Van de Merwe

Father: “Invictus” FR12-294562- 
original Michel Dubois
Won:     1st Internat. Ace Marathon ‘15
               5             Internat. Pau                    9,052b.
               15          Internat. St. Vincent       10,737b.
               21          Internat. Perpignan         15,954b.
Is father to:
               6             Internat. Agen ‘18
               96          Nat. S2 Bergerac

Strain: 50% Jelle Jellema (“Orion” breeding line)

Mother: “Daughter New Laureaat” NL18-1084847
Direct daughter 
“New Laureaat” x “Daughter Sumerian Fighter”
“New Laureaat” B08-2222675 (Wiels Luc), winner of
               1             Internat. Barcelona         25,382b.
               8             National Barcelona         12,281b.

“Daughter Sumerian Fighter” NL17-1261676
Born out 
“Sumerian Fighter” (1st Internat. Barcelona ’17 against 17,094b.) 

“Saar” (2nd Nat. Barcelona ’17 against 4,504b. at Jelle Jellema)

“Double Grandson New Laureaat” - NL18-1084556 – Lot N°3
Original Batenburg-Van de Merwe

Father: “Son New Laureaat” NL17-1262313
Born out “New Laureaat” x “Kleine Jade”
“New Laureaat” B08-2222675 (Wiels Luc), winner of
               1             Internat. Barcelona         25,382b.
               8             National Barcelona         12,281b.
“Kleine Jade” NL11-1292679 – Jellema
 1            Internat. Barcelona ’14                20,669b.

Mother: “Daughter New Laureaat” NL16-1509324
Direct daughter “New Laureaat” x “Rosanna”
“New Laureaat”: all info see above
“Rosanna” NL07-1674252, winner of:
               1             Nat. Barcelona ‘15
               3             Internat. Barcelona ‘15

“Double Granddaughter De Sterke” - NL17-1451098 – Lot N°9


Original Verbaal W.

Father: “Son De Sterke” NL13-1436831
Direct son out “De Sterke” x “Jetje 600”
“De Sterke” NL00-4080148
Won:     1st Nat. ace Perpignan over 4 and 5 racing seasons
“Jetje 600” NL06-4062600
Won:     1st Nat. ace Barcelona over 4 years
               30          Nat. Barcelona ‘11
               32          Nat. Barcelona ‘12
               37          Internat. Barcelona ‘11
               39          Nat. Perpignan ‘11
               79          Internat. Barcelona ‘12 

Mother: “Daughter De Sterke” NL12-4144706
Born out 
“De Sterke” (all info see above) 

“Granddaughter De Van Zelderen” (Gerard Van Tuyl)

And this how 6 other top breeders are to be found in the auction that ends on the 11th of August at 14h00, without classifying one better than the other, all are equal and surely an asset to your own breeding loft if you aspire the top of the marathon races. 

Results 2020:

Barcelona           54e, 123e, 448e, 489e, 490e, 824e en 931e. 
                              (International 9 /10 and win the Cup of Flanders 2020)
Only participated on Perpignan and Barcelona in 2020 due to my health issues. On Perpignan no prizes of the 4 basketed pigeons. 

Results 2019:

Barcelona           34e, 169e, 228e, 689e, 813e en 996e  (6 / 15) 

Marseille            132e, 187e, 326e en 459e  (4 / 6)

Results 2018 with ao:

Barcelona           57e, 60e, 97e, 138e, 213e, 281e, 503e, 577e, 646e, 759e, 795e en 924e.
                              (International 15 / 22)

Marseille            135e, 328e, 426e, 466e, 543e and 613e.

Perpignan          424e, 486e en 899e. (3 / 3) 

The NL14-1342862 was 3rd Ace bird International Barcelona over the years 2017 to 2020. Unfortunately he left behind this year on a 250 km race. 

He still has the NL16-1788490 and the NL16-1788526 who are siblings and each with 3 prizes on Barcelona over the past 4 years. 

Ruud, a big congratulations with so many good stuff on your lofts and to all a lot of success with the auction and hopefully you win the pigeon that you want !