
Schaekels – De Loecker from Lennik win 3 x 1st Provincial in 3 weeks

23 Jun 2023

We urgently had to visit the tandem Schaekels – De Loecker from Lennik in Brussels. They have achieved a nice series in the province of Flemish Brabant from Bourges, Blois and Vierzon and always start with the fastest pigeon from the province. Super class that is getting even better every year. For Rudi and Mathijs, this is a signal that they are busy charting the right path for their careers.

Season 2023 so far

1st Brabant Union Vierzon 1,874 yearlings ( fastest of 3,008 pigeons )
1st + 2nd Brabant Union Blois 1,716 yearlings ( 2nd fastest of 2,935 pigeons )
1st Provincial Bourges 2,457 yearlings ( fastest of 5,016 pigeons )
1st National (z) Bourges 3,097 yearlings ( fastest of 6,014 pigeons in zone B2 )

Vierzon Br.Unie 1,874 yearlings : 1,5,16,35,71,81,116,117,… 14/19
Blois Br.Unie 1,219 old : 11,20,22,80,83,… 6/6
Blois Br.Unie 1,716 yearlings : 1,2,4,5,8,14,31,… 18/21
Bourges Prov 2,569 old : 4,11,12,23,34,37,42,73,183,185,… 16/16
Bourges Prov 2,457 yearlings : 1,18,14,166,172,182,184,… 11/13

Flying team

They race with cocks and hens, the best cocks are raced in classic widowhood while the rest of the widowers are raced in total widowhood. The hens were darkened from March 15 to April 15, while the cocks were not darkened.

Only the loft of total widowhood was allowed to have youngsters in the spring, while the other pigeons did not do winter breeding, but were simply allowed to brood over. They were coupled +- at the end of February.The new thing about their system is that the widowers live in an aviary behind the racing lofts, where they can sit in peace and quiet out of the wind, sun and noise. They just sit here on chapels and pass by their racing loft twice a day. 

The first time to let them out through a hatch along their pen and the second time when they come in after training. But they are always fed in the run during the week, so they don't really stay in the loft or dawdle. We don't know if this is the right motivation because we now have a warm summer so this system may be very good, but with a humid and bad summer it may be bad. But as long as the results are as they are now, we will not change anything. The hens also stay in an aviary during the day, but this is then located at the front of the lofts. In the evening they can simply move to their resting pen and that's it.

Both groups train once a day, the hens normally always in the morning and the widowers in the evening. Only on very hot days do we switch to the rhythm of having all pigeons trained in the morning.When basketing, their system is even easier, all pigeons are picked up in the aviaries and go into the basket without motivation at that moment. Perhaps this extra stimulation ensures that they spend little time in the breeding loft and therefore want to fly home faster. When they come home they can always stay together for 3 to 4 hours.Most of the pigeons here are all provided for the heavy middle distance and long distance races, if they do fly a shorter race in between, this will be Noyon.

In terms of nutrition, we use the Beyers Premium mixtures and also their products. Especially Royal Jelly, Bioflorum, Energy Oil with conditioning powder and Recovery are the main products we use from them. In the field of tricho we have an annual check-up with Dr. Bjorn Geeroms and the racing pigeons were treated before the racing season and use the yellow drops every 3 to 4 weeks, but certainly not every week. We also gave 2 days of Head / Intestine from our vet on his advice, which we usually repeat once the season has progressed well.

Provinciale winners

BE 22-2013005 Vuil Checkered Hen 

  1 Nat (z) Bourges ’23        3.097p
  1 Prov                                  2.447p
  3 Nat                                 18.729p
  3 Noyon                              1.728p
  4 Noyon                                 435p
15 Noyon                                 490p
23 Noyon                                 416p

Father BE 21-2011530 
Brother from “607/19” 13 Nat Ace long distance old birds KBDB 2021 with a.o. 8 Nat (z) Souillac 2.342p – 10 Prov Limoges 851p – 12 Nat (z) Brive 2.521p – 14 Sermaises 4.923p – 44 Nat (z) Limoges 4.870p

Gr.F. BE 11-2002796 Dark Checkered - Clement Demesmaeker
Gr.M. BE 18-2026441 Jan Van der Weerden 

Mother BE 18-2026474 
Full sister “743/18” 20 Nat Ace long distance old birds KBDB 2020, won a.o. 4 Nat(z) Souillac 1.988p – 9 Prov Brive 459p – 25 Prov Tulle 658p - 46 Nat (z) Limoges 2.777p
Full sister “533/18” 3 Nat (z) Issoudun 3.129p ( 13 Nat 10.603p ) 

Gr.F. BE 17-2010896 Blue - Clement Demesmaeker
                Son from “743/15” Favoriet x “360/15” Marieken
Gr.M. BE 14-2319630 Daniel De Roock 

BE 22-2013100 “Den Argenton” Cock 

  1 Prov Blois ’23                1.716p ( fastest 2.935p )
  1 Prov Argenton ’22        1.453p
20 NAT                              13.393p
  8 Noyon                                328p
13 Sermaises                     3.306p

Nestbrother from “099/22” 4 Prov Blois 1.655p – 7 Orleans 2.207p – 10 Sermaises 1.196p – 33 Sermaises 1.839p – 37 Sermaises 3.306p

Father BE 11-2002796 Dark Checkered - Clement Demesmaeker
Father from “232/17” 1 Prov Blois 1.091p
Father from “273/17” 1 Sermaises 2.349p
Father from “607/19” 13 Nat Ace long distance old birds KBDB 2021 with a.o. 8 Nat (z) Souillac 2.342p – 10 Prov Limoges 851p – 12 Nat (z) Brive 2.521p – 14 Sermaises 4.923p – 44 Nat (z) Limoges 4.870p
Father from “798/20” 3 Bourges 722p – 4 Sermaises 606p – 9 Prov Blois 1.179p – 11 Prov Bourges 2.569p – 16 Prov Vierzon 1.102p – 16 Sermaises 1.719p – 31 Sermaises 4.204p
Grandfather from “005/22” 1 Nat (z) Bourges 3.097p ( 3rd National 18.729dp) 

Gr.F. BE 08-2095761 Black Pearl – Ras Roger Florizoone
                Son from “544/05” Georges Son 1 Nat Barcelona ’99 x “654/03” Mother from  
                “Wout” 1st National Chateauroux
Gr.M. BE 05-2233302 Florke – Ras Roger Florizoone
                Nestsister “Witpen Barcelona” 91 + 210 National Barcelona

Mother BE 16-2005277 Vuil Blauw witpen
Won herself 1 Prov Blois 551p – 4 Argenton 516p – 7 Blois 430p – 9 Souppes 531p
Sister from “240/16” 1st Ace Br.Unie heavy middle distance 2018
Sister from “155/15” is mother frmo 1st Provincial Bourges 1.176p and 1st Sermaises 4.310p
Sister from “568/19” 1 Nat (z) Bourges 5.243p ( 5th National 34.311p )
Sister from “584/19” is father from 3 Prov Blois ’23 1.655p

Gr.F. BE 10-2006720 Blue - Clement Demesmaeker
                Son from “109/07” Son Raul x “078/06” Kleintje
Gr.M. BE 11-2001417 Blue white feather – Jan Van der Weerden

BE 22-2013048 “De Zwarte 048” Cock

  1 Br.Unie Vierzon ’23   1.874p ( fastest from 3.008p )
  2 Br.Unie.Blois ’23        1.716p ( 2nd fastest 2.935p after loftmate )
10 Sermaises                  1.839p
62 Sermaises                  1.634p

Father BE 20-2119210 Son Blauwe James

Gr.F. BE 18-2025313 Blue James – Clement Demesmaeker
                Son from “917/05” De James x “359/15” Wielemie Gaby Vandenabeele
Gr.M. BE 18-2026503 Vuil Blauw 
                Won herself 6 Chateauroux 450p – 9 Blois 346p - 12 Blois 810p – 24 Montlucon 970p -  29 Argenton 1.078p
                Daughter from “013/13” Daniel De Roock x “312/14” Clement Demesmaeker

Mother BE 15-2009201 Checkered
Won herself 1 Vierzon 176p – 2 Bourges 262p – 4 Chateauroux 106p – 8 Blois 230p – 11 Bourges 416p

Gr.F. BE 11-2001439 Clement Demesmaeker
                Son from “194/04” Blue x “772/08” Willy Vandrogenbroek
Gr.M. BE 11-2004764 Blue – Ras Marcel Aelbrecht

Rudi and Mathijs, congratulations with these wonderful results from the entire HERBOTS TEAM.

Buelens Kim