
Team Noel-Willockx (Baasrode): 1st provincial Argenton 2,833 yearlings (East Flanders)

16 Jul 2024

The season is really working overtime now and last weekend, with 5 national races, was one of the "busy" weekends for pigeon fanciers. 
One of the standouts was undoubtedly the well-known combination Eddy Noel and Ivan Willockx playing under the name Team Noel-Willockx from Baasrode. 
At Argenton, it was their cock "Grey Pipo" that took home the provincial victory. He beat the 2,833 yearling East Flanders Argenton pigeons with an average speed of 1,427.19 m/m.

BE23-4180935 - 'Grijze Pipo'

Direct PIPA Breeding - grandson of iconic pigeons: Best Kittel, Goed Grijs, Vader Good Grijs en Moeder Remco

1st Prov. Argenton 2,833 yearlings
1st Nat. Zone Argenton 1,558 yearlings
12th Nat. Argenton 11,777 yearlings

Furthermore, “Grijze Pipo” also won following (no doubles):

46. Noyon 1,499b.
63. Toury 1,401b.
86. Noyon 1,100b.
93. Nat. Zone Bourges 3,167b.
176. Nat. Chateauroux 13,852b.
213. Noyon 2,642b.
237. Nat. Zone Bourges 2,942b.

Besides the provincial and zonal win at Argenton, there was the zonal win from Souillac yesterday. 
This victory was achieved by "Angeline".

BE22-6104565 - 'Angeline'
Father is a half-brother of 1st Ace Pyramids OLR Egypt. Mother is direct Davy Tournelle.
Angeline” wins:
1st Nat. Zone Souillac 1,129 old birds
3rd Prov. Souillac 1,166 old birds
4th Nat. Souillac 4,673 old birds

“Angeline” her further palmares:
1. Toury 573 old birds
6. Vierzon 1,933 old birds
23. Noyon 2,543 old birds
26. Nat. Tulle 7,883 old birds
90. Nat. Limoges 6,889 old birds  

Briefly something about the care

The pigeons fly out from the end of January and are left together once a week, as it suits, for a few hours or a day. They are not specially paired for the season, do not have a nest and therefore do not raise youngsters. They are just allowed to do as they please. Some have a permanent partner, others do not. They are played on the total widowhood system. The preparation is over speed, to the small middle distance to go to the national. The focus is on the national long distance flights.

Weather conditions can sometimes throw a spanner in the works, but with one exception, they go into the basket every week. The strange thing is, the more they fly, the better they get. No, they can't handle it all but our slogan remains: "Only the strong survive"....
That's the only way to get better. With the survivors, the strain will be further built up in order to realise our dream and achieve a really strong all-round colony with pigeons that can win from 100-1000km.
In terms of feeding and supplements, the AIDI scheme is of course followed. "Modern" scientifically based feed system that contains more than enough highly absorbable energy for the pigeons to fly their weekly kilometres. Because the mixtures are easily digestible, pigeons can keep eating them to easily obtain the kilocalories they need every week to successfully cover the many kilometres. With mixtures from, say, 10-15 years ago, this would have been well nigh impossible. The use of supplements is limited as much as possible, although they are invariably included when pigeons fly 400 km or more every week. Recovering quickly is then a necessity. Building up energy quickly is just as important.
The same rhythm is maintained with the youngsters. This has the advantage that they are well selected and you can start the season with somewhat experienced yearling birds. The youngsters will start soon and as they are the "result" of an increasingly strict selection, we are eagerly looking forward to it.


Stefan Mertens