
Ulrich Lemmens from Balen scores 2 x 1st National (z) on Limoges and Valence

15 Jun 2024

We are barely 2 long distance flights away and we already have a double winner on both flights, Ulrich Lemmens from Balen in Antwerp scores 2 x gold on both flights. From Limoges he brought 4 old pigeons and scored 2 pigeons in the top 12 National zone, starting with gold. One week later Valence scored again with 1st Provincal against 601 old birds and 1st National zone against 1,739 old birds with barely 3 old birds in the basket. 

1 Nat (s) Limoges 1,863 old birds
1 Nat (s) Valence 1,739 old birds
1 Prov Valence 601 old birds
12 Nat (s) Limoges 1,863 old birds

His condition got better and better every week, the preparation went well and he also started with the 1st prize from Sermaises on the shorter flights. A good sign for Ulrich that the condition was ok for the upcoming important races.

The racing team was coupled on January 1 and raised a pair of youngsters, the better pigeons were allowed to lay twice so that I could shift the first round to breeding pairs. After the breeding period, the racing pigeons were taken apart and the training could start. Despite the difficult spring, most of my pigeons have already completed quite a few kilometers in their wings, so they started the long distance in good condition. 

In the field of nutrition, Ulrich Beyers uses Galaxy Light Sport and Enerygy, and he also works closely with Pigeon Vitality to test new things and create a new system together. 

Winner Limoges and Valence

BE 22-5010222 Hen
1 Nat (z) Limoges 1,863 old birds ( 54 Nat 10,653p ) 
Also won 35 Nat Aurillac 6,512p – 12 Bourges 359p – 79 Prov Limoges 1,149p
Won the shorter races also 4 Melun 143p – 5 Soissons 497p – 8 Melun 193p – 11 Melun 305p – 11 Sermaises 258p – 17 Sermaises 445p – 18 Soissons 275p 

Father BE 17-5092968 Grandson Specialleke – Patrick Sons
½ brother “201/22” 1 Prov Limoges (15 Nat)
Son of “195/12” Son Specialleke Ulrich Lemmens x “893/10” L Vogels won 1-2-3-9 -9 on Chimay

Mother BE 20-5063988 Inbred 003 Leo Heremans – Magarino Tobaja 
Daughter of “NL 453/11” Grandson 003 Leo Heremans x “NL 125/13” Granddaughter 003 Leo Heremans

BE 22-6050778 Hen
1 Nat (z) Valence 1,739 old birds (8 Nat 5,469p )
Won last year also 139 Nat Aurillac 6,512p
Won on the shorter races 2 Melun 304p – 2 Melun 193p – 4 Soissons 255p – 6 Melun 874p – 6 Melun 490p – 6 Melun 1,266p – 6 Melun 735p – 10 Soissons 357p – 13 Momignies 532p – 14 Momignies 240p – 15 Momignies 1,271p

Father BE 18-5017615 Ace Pigeon Martens – Luc Martens
Won 1st Ace Pigeon middle distance 2019
Son of “591/16” Son 1st Ace Pigeon middle distance 2015 x “NL 529/17” J Wijnen

Mother BE 21-5074685 The White Tail – Patrick Sons
Daughter of “150/20” Grandson Specialleke x “575/19” Line Specialleke

Ulrich, congratulations on these 2 great victories from the entire HERBOTS TEAM.

Buelens Kim