
Van Hoof – Vanwijngaerden from Schriek win 2nd National Argenton 8,343 old birds

19 Jul 2024

For the 3rd time in his career, Patrick Van Hoof from Schriek in Antwerp wins the 2nd National in a heavy middle distance race. This time it was again very exciting against the national winner from Sint – Niklare, but credit where credit is due, the pigeon did not lose any time upon arrival so she certainly did not miss out. The colony here is formed by Patrick Van Hoof and Kristina Vanwijngaerden.

The racing team was not large for this season, barely 13 were selected to race. During the winter period, the best 4 racing hens, including the pigeon from Argenton, were coupled to the young pigeons' loft to collect eggs and immediately transfer them. Afterwards, they were walked daily from mid-January and flew easily for 1h30 to 2h00 per day. The basic condition was excellent and around mid-February they were paired with a cock in the racing loft for 4 days so that they knew him before the season started. Afterwards they only saw them again during the first training flights of the season. Now they still train for one hour every day, but I limit this to Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. They do not train on the day of basketing. It is the first time that I have let my pigeons out so early in the spring, but I have certainly not experienced any disadvantages. 

The hens spend the day in an aviary in front of the racing loft and in the evening they move to the resting loft in a counter box where they are only locked up when they really want to mate. Otherwise they can simply remain loose in the loft. 

The food that the pigeons received during the winter period was 50% Purification together with 50% Galaxy Sport Light Beyers. Afterwards, they switched to Beyers' Galaxy range, which he has been following for several years. The products that are used during the season are from Schroeder – Tollisan and from the middle distance I also use some products from Koehoorn. 

The hens did not see any cocks when they were basketed for the first flights of the season. Afterwards I sometimes left them with the cocks for a few minutes but they could not reach them and now I left them together for an hour on Thursday morning. I like variation in motivation to keep them awake until the end of the season. 

When they return home from the more difficult flights, they are allowed to sit half-way next to the cocks until most of the pigeons are home. Usually after one hour this is the case and they are allowed to join the cocks. Each hen has a permanent cock.

Winner Argenton

BE 22-6155315 “Wilma” Blue Hen

1 Nat (z) Argenton        1.064p
1 Prov                                 898p
2 Nat                               8.343p
84 Nat Argenton         15.210p
144 Nat Bourges         12.094p
188 Nat Bourges         24.006p

Full sister “415/22” 43 Nat Argenton 8.343p

Father BE 21-6230612 “Blue Bear”
½ brother “Pebbles” 2 Nat Chateauroux 24.617p – 3 Nat Argenton 14.787p
½ brother “BE 18-604” 9 Nat Issoudun 11.465p – 1 Etampes 3.663p
½ brother “BE 19-123” 15 Nat Argenton 4.606p
Son of  “217/16” Bear” ( Grandson Bak 13 Vervloesem R & P ) x
“602/18” Lolita won 48 Nat Argenton 16.762p – 87 Nat La Souterraine 9.469p – 116 Nat Argenton 4.606p – 193 Nat Issoudun 11.465p

Mother BE 18-6254708 “Patrice”
½ sister “BE 18-594” 1 Etampes 1.289p
½ sister “BE 19-123” 15 Nat Argenton 4.606p
Daughter of “447/17” Zomerzot x”326/16” Fifieke is mother “Pebbles” 100% Patricia Verhaegen

Patrick & Kristina, congratulations on this victory from the entire HERBOTS TEAM. 

Buelens Kim