
Veulemans – Perilleux from Vissenaken win 1st Provincial Argenton 1,991 old pigeons (fastest of 4,087p)

13 Jun 2024

We are 2 national races away and for the tandem Veulemans – Perilleux from Vissenaken it is again a hit at Argenton after Bourges. They won 1st Provincial Argenton for the old pigeons against 1,991 old pigeons and achieved a great series for the yearlings with 4 pigeons in the first 5 against 2,150 pigeons. This 2-year old hen is also the fastest in the province of Flemish Brabant against 4,087 pigeons. At national level she wins the 8th prize against 16,576 pigeons. Last week's winner of Bourges won the 4th prize against 2,150 pigeons at Argenton and is doing fantastic. 

Top results 2024

1st Provincial Argenton 1,991 old pigeons (fastest of 4,087p)
1st Provincial Bourges 2,333 yearlings
1 – 3 – 4 – 5 S.Nat Argenton 2,150 yearlings

Winners Argenton 

BE 22-2105086 Blue Hen 
Wins 1st Provincial Argenton 1,991 old pigeons
 Previously also won 7 Sermaises 1,075p – 5 Soissons 596p – 15 Nanteuil 978p. 
Won a total of 22 prizes, including 11 per 10

Father BE 18-6045933 Rivo – Ivo Renders
Won himself 1 Laon 1,363p – 1 Laon 493p – 7 Nat (z) Tulle 1,790p – 58 Nat Argenton 16,762p – 156 Nat Issoudun 10,603p
Proven breeder 
Father of “743/21” 1 Sermaises 455p
Father of “179/22” 1 Soissons 1,429p
Son of “585/16” Son Sproetje x “948/08” Ros Jos Wouters

Mother NL 19-1667652 Chanilla – Willem De Bruijn
Proven breeding hen
Mother of “699/20” 2 Bourges 399p – 17 Sermaises 2,068p - 22 Nat Tulle 7,267p
Daughter of “824/12” Chateauroux won 7 Nat Chateauroux 49,405p x “646/17” Danilla Willy Daniels

BE 23-2024412 “Rune” Blauwe Hen
Wins 1st S.Nat Argenton 2,150p and 1st Soissons 388p

Father DV 0634-17-553 Reiner 
Won 1 Chevrainvilliers 1,600p – 4 Sermaises 509p – 4 Sermaises 263p – 15 Chevrainvilliers 2,087p – 18 Sermaises 2,244p
Proven breeder 
Father of “792/21” 1.650p
Father of Orleans “203 /22” 1 Soissons 1,801p
Son of “287/16” Marc is Gaston Van de Wouwer x Van Eynde – Goovaerts x “923/13” Daughter F16 B & N Van Oeckel

Mother BE 14-2340402 Francine's Fortune
Proven breeding hen
Mother of “022/21” 1 Soissons 1,900p – 1 Lorris 483p
Inbred to “Golden Francine” 1 Nat Bourges 24,019p
Daughter of “252/08” B-52 won 10 Nat Bourges 22,516p and 26 Nat Bourges 10,906p and son of Platinum Pair x “895/13” Golden Francine is a granddaughter of Platinum Pair

Olav and Toon, congratulations on these great results from the entire HERBOTS TEAM.

Buelens Kim