
伊文思·杨&汤姆(Jan & Tom Iwens)确认了其在2023年中距离和中长距离的实力

20 Jul 2023

Last year, after Vierzon, we visited the colony of father and son combination Jan & Tom Iwens in Sint Katelijne Waver in Antwerp. They then won with their top hen “Manon” 1st Int.Prov Vierzon against 6,366 pigeons and this was the fastest of 15,233 pigeons in total. Last year, in addition to “Manon”, “Angele” was also a real super hen who will perform super again in 2023, just like her full sister “Renke”. It is not a large colony that you will find here, but it is a colony with some very strong bloodlines that are establishing themselves even harder year after year.

Best results 2023

30/04, Noyon (195 km), 1458 old + yls : 2-11-38-81-110-133-136-180…(15/23)
06/05, Melun (296 km), 746 old + yls: 4-6-17-35-40-90…(14/22)
13/05, Sermaises (348 km), 713 old + yls: 4-7-16-37-49-50-70-80…(13/21)
13/05, Sermaises, 454 yearlings : 3-12-24-25-38-43-73…(9/15)
20/05, Sermaises, 442 old + yls: 1-3-3-5-9-11-14-18-21-22-30-35-40-41-49…(18/19)
20/05, Sermaises, 294 yearlings: 2-4-6-10-11-15-19-22-23-31…(13/13)
27/05, Sermaises, 934 old + yls: 3-6-38-65-188-199 (6/7)
27/05, Sermaises, 639 yearlings: 2-4-27-44-115-126 (6/7)
27/05, Bourges (458 km), 163 yearlings: 1-11-26-50 (4/6)
27/05, Bourges national, 18729 yearlings: 27-912-3906 (3/6)
03/06, Sermaises, 693 old + yls: 1-12-33-34-36-43-63-65-108 (9/11)
03/06, Sermaises, 193 yearlings: 1-4-8-9-10…(7/8)
09/06, Argenton (538 km), 44 old birds: 1 (1/2)
09/06, Argenton, 106 yearlings 3-7 (2/3) 
09/06, Argenton provincial, 1348 old birds : 11 (1/2)
09/06, Argenton provincial, 2175 yearlings: 20-50 (2/3 )
10/06, Sermaises, 164 old + yls: 4-5-10-16-20…(11/12)
10/06, Sermaises, 121 yearlings: 2-5-8-12-18…(9/10)
17/06, Melun, 285 old + yls: 7-13-15-33…(9/14)
17-06, Melun, 173 yearlings: 5-9-19…(5/8)
24/06, Argenton Nat (z), 1659 old birds: 134-297 (2/2)
24/06, Argenton Nat (z), 2231 yearlings: 130-148-525 (3/3)
24/06, Melun, 196 old + yls: 2-8-25…(7/11)
24/06, Melun, 125 yearlings: 2-7…(5/8)
01/07, Melun, 523 old birds : 20-21-22-27-32-39-40-41-42…(13/16)
01/07, Melun, 396 yearlings: 14-15-22-28-29…(10/11)
08/07, Argenton, 141 yearlings: 5-7 (2/3)
08/07, Argenton provincial, 1159 old birds : 107 (1/2)
08/07, Argenton provincial, 2328 yearlings: 71-101 (2/3)
The youngsters have flown 1 race so far :
01/07, Noyon, 1231 young birds : 1-2-9-18-43-58-121…(21/35)

Super couple BE 17-6165612 “Mister Perfect” x BE 16-2111023 “Het Bommeke”

Sometimes you discover those special couples that give really good pigeons year after year and with which you can build a stock. Here at Jan & Tom, this couple is one of those, both the children and grandchildren give good offspring and ensure the best pigeons.

They are the parents of

BE 20-6218810 “Angele”
BE 22-6163928 “Renke”

Both are presented in this article with results in detail.

BE 23-6105555 won 1st Noyon 1,231p
BE 18-6147388 Won 1 Melun 851p – 1 Melun 386p – 1 Noyon 264p – 5 Noyon 313p – 14 Melun 407p – 17 Melun 766p - 23 Melun 693p – 45 Melun 1,301p – 64 Melun 2,273p – 172 NAT Issoudun 11,465p
BE 17-6147387 won 2 Noyon 264p – 4 Chevrain 320p – 5 Chevrain 539p – 20 Nat (z) Argenton 4,959p – 28 Chevrain 2,292p – 187 Nat (z) Bourges 7,004p
BE 19-6207689 won 5 Melun 473p – 12 Melun 1,433p – 22 Melun 2,132p ​​– 210 NAT Chateauroux 19,529p
BE 19-6207690 won 1 Chevrain 941p – 2 Chevrain 505p – 3 Noyon 360p – 5 Chevrain 1,871p – 9 Noyon 398p
BE 19-6207615 won 1 Noyon 360p – 12 Noyon 398p
BE 19-6207616 won 2 Melun 473p – 5 Melun 1,433p – 8 Melun 2,132p ​​– 9 Noyon 360p
BE 21-6022944 father of BE 22-6163989 ( see results below )
BE 19-6207720 grandfather of BE 22-6163999 “Triple Nine” ( see results below ) a.o. 1st Sermaises 1.292p

Only with hens to battle

Only hens are raced as old and yearlings, there is room for cocks, but they prefer to do it with hens that are calmer and can handle a little more than cocks. Better with one shift the whole work than with 2 shifts half the work. The hens are only coupled with their new partners for 3 to 4 days in the spring during the training period. They just sit in the aviary during the winter period and only come to the racing lofts in mid-February to resume training. Afterwards they are darkened to be able to shine especially in May, June and July on their flights from the truth. During the season itself they always train only once a day, this is Monday and Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning.During the day the hens sit quietly in a shielded aviary with windbreak netting and one side is open where no wind can blow in but where they do get oxygen. At night they move to their breeding box where they are locked in their breeding box.When basketing we always try to basket them calmly because we don't notice much difference if they show me something. They are much smarter than us and really know when it is basketing day. After the flight they are allowed to stay together for a short time at the beginning, but as the season progresses this is longer and longer.

Toppers of the 2023 season

BE 20-6218810 “Angele” Hen

    1      Melun                              1.852p
    1      Nat(z) Chateauroux      1.668p
  15      Nat                                10.317p
    3      Sermaises                         442p
    4      Melun                              1.233p
    5      Melun                              1.767p
  27      Melun                                 523p
  53      Sermaises                      1.838p
  60      Noyon                             1.613p
  64      Nat Issoudun               14.758p
267      Nat (z) Bourges            3.017p
510      Nat Chateauroux       22.196p
696      I.Prov Vierzon               8.897p
862      Nat Argenton              21.282p

Full sister from BE 22-6163928 “Renke” Hen

    2 Noyon                      1.458p
    5 Quievrain                    163p
  10 Sermaises                  294p
  12 Sermaises                  693p
  18 Nat (z)Argenton     2.644p
  23 Melun                          828p
  28 NAT Bourges        18.729p ( 1 – 163p )
  28 Melun                          396p
  96 Sermaises               1.093p
101 Prov Argenton       2.328p

Father BE 17-6165612 Mister Perfect 
Brother “16” 1st National Argenton 19.592p
Brother “De Tank” Mother 1ste Int.Prov Vierzon 6.336 yls ( fastest 15.233 birds )

Gr.F. BE 13-6094830 Vici – R & P Vervloesem
            Son “974/07” Father from Trikkie 1st Prov La Souterraine x “157/12” Daughter 
            Olympic Flipper 2nd Olympiad bird All Round Nitra 2013
Gr.M. BE 14-6247381 Sunhine 
            Daughter from “202/13” Rambo Van Eynde Goovaerts x “806/13” Daughter Mistral  R & P Vervloesem

Mother BE 16-2111023 “Het Bommeke” F & M Van Oosterwijck

Gr.F. BE 13-2054238 F & M Van Oosterwijck
Gr.M. BE 13-2054245 

BE 22-6163989 Blue Hen

  2 Sermaises                 639p
  2 Noyon                        166p
  2 Sermaises                 121p
  8 Melun                         196p
10 Sermaises                 193p
17 Melun                     1.210p
24 Sermaises                454p
29 Melun                        396p
38 Noyon                    1.458p

Father BE 21-6022944 Brother 16
Brother “16” 1st National Argenton 19.592p
Brother “De Tank” Mother 1ste Int.Prov Vierzon 6.336 yls ( fastest 15.233 birds )

Gr.F. BE 13-6094830 Vici – R & P Vervloesem
            Son “974/07” Father from Trikkie 1st Prov La Souterraine x “157/12” Daughter 
            Olympic Flipper 2nd Olympiad bird All Round Nitra 2013
Gr.M. BE 14-6247381 Sunhine 
            Daughter from “202/13” Rambo Van Eynde Goovaerts x “806/13” Daughter Mistral  R & P Vervloesem

Mother BE 17-6165516 

Gr.F. BE 15-2064853 F & M Van Oosterwijck
Gr.M. BE 11-6072614 Super breeding hen

BE 22-6163999 “Triple Nine” Duivin

    1 Sermaises            1.292p
    2 Melun                       196p
    4 Melun                       147p
    8 Sermaises               121p
  12 Melun                    1.798p
  22 Sermaises               294p
  32 Nanteuil               2.747p
  38 Sermaises               934p
  94 Melun                   1.208p
110 Noyon                  1.458p

Father BE 20-6218701 Bourges 701
Won himself 20 National Bourges 28.551p

Gr.F. BE 14-6247363 Den Brave
            ½ brother “16” 1st National Argenton 19.592p
            ½ brother “De Tank” Mother 1st Int.Prov Vierzon 6.336yls ( fastest from 15.233 birds )
            Son from “830/13” Vici Patrick Vervloesem Base breeder x “733/06” Jos De Belder
Gr.M. BE 14-6290538 Jules Lens
            Daughter from “999/09” Laenen Mariën x “887/04” Sister 1 Prov Argenton and La Souterraine 

Mother BE 11-6022896 Granddaughter Vici

Gr.F. BE 19-6207720 Broer 16 
            Brother “16” 1st National Argenton 19.592p
            Brother “De Tank” Mother 1st Int.Prov Vierzon 6.336yls ( fastest from 15.233 birds )
            Son from “830/13” Vici Patrick Vervloesem Base breeder x “381/14” Sunshine
Gr.M. BE 19-6073336 Andre Roodhooft 

Jan and Tom, congratulations on this wonderful season from the entire HERBOTS TEAM.

Buelens Kim