Bert & Roger Martens from Elsloo have with “Mathieu” and “Dumoulin” 2 golden racers on their lofts.

贺伯特兄弟乔& 拉夫( Jo & Raf ) 奇妙的2020 赛季

Sabrina Brugmans from Halen starts really strong on the short distance races

梅格联盟(Comb Maegh):2020也璀璨夺目

Marcel Wouters, Westmalle, might be racing his last year in 2021...

‘Brieftauben-Zumdiek’ are the owners of the most impressive ‘Van den Bulck’ collection

Frans & Gert Rondags shine in 2021 as they stopped in 2020

乔.宝特斯(Jo Bauters, Gavere)2021年赛季继续使翔两岁鸽(2019)、一岁鸽(2020)和幼鸽(2021)

Niels Broeckx, Oud-Turnhout, are locked and loaded !

Eddy & Maarten Leutenez, Kruishouten and Milan Leutenez, Kluisbergen think they’re up for a beautiful season !

Jules & Yves Engels, are keeping the name ‘Engels’ up high with amazing results…

马克&吉尔特·波林(Marc & Geert Pollin, Snellegem):2021年想搞事情,烧起燎原大火!

Jules & Yves Engels, Putte World fame for an extra ordinary pigeon strain

班尼·史蒂文(Benny Steveninck)

Jackie – Leen De Bruine from Niewerkerk ( NL ) win with the 2nd National Barcelona 2019 almost an unique double

凡爱尔萨克-杰普森(Van Elsacker – Jepsen, Schilde)相信健康的鸽子能够成功

Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation for Air and Surface Disinfection in the Pigeon Loft

'Kannibaal', 'Di Caprio', 'Natalia', 'Olympic Niels', 'Blauwe Kannibaal Junior'....Dirk Van Dyck, Zandhoven