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A brilliant start to the season at Bauters Jo (Gavere)

17 Jul 2020

In 2014, the colony of Bauters shined for the first time by magisterially winning the first national prize on a rock-hard Poitiers race against no less than 12,377 competitors. It was "Fabian" who emphasized his pure class. Two seasons later (2016) the national pigeon press was back at the court of Jo and Mieke Bauters because then their youngster "Ellis" (a granddaughter of "Fabian") became 1st National ace KBDB great middle distance ! Another 2 seasons later (2018) widower "Totti" won the 1st National Cahors against 6,356 old birds and then in 2019 it was bingo again... widower "Salvatore" who wins the 1st National Limoges against 10,699 yearbirds (also the fastest of 20.,277 pigeons) or with others the palmares of the Bauters family already looks more than impressive. 

Jo Bauters lives with his wife Mieke and their 2 daughters in the Baaigemstraat in Gavere and has always stayed close to his "roots". He also got infected with the pigeon microbe from an early age and as we know it's a beautiful microbe, not lethal, slightly addictive and you can experience a lot of virtue in it. At a relatively young age he learned a lot of tricks from his father, the late Andre Bauters, who was a speed player. Jo also wanted to test the same pigeons a bit further and with success.

"Bauters pigeons"

Jo and his brother started their own roofing company years ago. Because of their great dedication, this company grew steadily and in fact there was still relatively little time to practise his hobby properly.  A few years ago they decided to sell the company and Jo and his brother became building promoters. Because of this there was a little more room to manoeuvre and Jo was able to practise his hobby with a little more focus. But since last year Jo quit this project and as a fulltime professional pigeon fancier he concentrates on the pigeons, this under the name "Bauters Pigeons".

Jo built up his own tribe in which national winner "Fabian" plays a crucial role. "Fabian" flew a.o.: 1st Provincial Bourges 2,473d. - 3rd Angerville 305d. - 4th Provincial Argenton '012 - 5,548b. - 5th Souppes 151d. - 24th National Argenton '012 - 22.384d. After his national victory he was not sold and has grown into a very good stock pigeon.  The line of "Fabian" was successfully crossed with pigeons of Rudi De Saer, Team BDS and Team Freddy De Jaeger. But also the breeding lines of national ace pigeon "Ellis" and national winner "Totti" are crucial but we will inform you more about this later.

The season 2020

We have to put it the way it is... the wind has not yet immediately blown in favour of East and West Flanders, which has made it difficult for fanciers from these provinces to gain national exposure. But don't complain... Jo can certainly be more than satisfied with the start of his season.

Limoges Prov 4335d: 267-411-803-1082-1442 5/6

Bourges Oude Nat Z 5662d: 26-564-675-774 4/9

Bourges Jl Nat Z 4801d: 4-145-247-296-477-507-697-756-807-931-1108 11/30

Argenton Oude Nat Z 4574d: 424-491-821-977-1040-1042 6/9

Argenton Jl Nat Z 7262d: 3-23-59-64-312-315-324-373-401-556-920-946-963-1047-1104-1151-1156-1239-1425-1559-1599-1634-1686

23/35 of which 10 in the first 10%

Jo and Mieke... good luck to you.