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Baert-Debusschere - Ere : 1st National Bourges 5,436 old birds

08 Aug 2020

Distance: 393km
Velocity: 1244,35 m/m

Ere: A small village in the neighbourhood of the beautiful Doornik, that’s where Damien Baert lives. Damien isn’t an unknown name within pigeon sport as since 1990, the year that he started racing from the current address, he won already several different provincial, zonal and even national victories. The 1st national victory dates from 2010 when “Diego” (B08-9041156) was the fastest against 30,328 Argenton racers. Spicy detail…also on that day it was 30+ degrees and a North Eastern wind. 
In Winter 2011 – 2012 a large part of the Baert colony came in sale and an agreement was made with Roger Debusschere (Lokeren) to race in tandem. Roger is known for his impressive breeding loft which is housed with direct pigeons from Gaby Vandenabeele, Benny Steveninck and Bernard Van Renterghem-Deblicquy accomplished with Gaston Van de Wouwer, L-B-J Geerinckx, Gino Clique, Hugo Vlaminck and so on…Truly unique. Every year the 1st and 2nd round of youngsters from Roger goes to Damien to be tested. 
In 2014 this cooperation delivered a national victory out of Tulle. Against 5,972 old pigeons it was their “Mexence” (B12-4210234 – crossing Vandenabeele x Van Renterghem) who placed his ring number on top of the list. 
And now…the past weekend…during one of the hottest days of the year it is the blue cock “Mexendre” (B18-4108552) who left all 5,436 old Bourges races behind. “Mexendre” is out of the good old breedinlines from Damien and then we are talking about the superior base breeding couple “Joël” x “La Flamande”. “Joël” (B98-9116021) x “La Flamande” (B98-6117073 – bought on Lier market) lifted back then the Baert colony. They became parents to top pigeons such as “Daisy” (1st Bourges 1,427b.) – “Nils” (1st Chateauroux 2,516b. – 1st La Souterraine 3,842b. – 1st Bourges 2,050b.) – “Hector” (1st Bourges 1,090b.) – “Ines” (1st La Souterraine 5,184b.) – “Harry” (3 x 1st) and so on. And also now they have a big part of the genes of the national Bourges winner as “Mexendre” is a double grandson to them, spiced up with pigeons from Herbots Gebr. (strain “Yvan” and “155”) and Maurice Casaert (grandmother “Nina” is a.o. mother to 1st interprov. Vierzon 11,065b. and 6th Nat. Bourges 31,641b.) 


Pigeon sport has his mysteries and also Damien had a lot worries on his mind the past few years. Facts are facts…since decades Damien was a top racer in the Doornik area but when a few years ago, and this at the exact same spot, an entirely new loft was built by professional loft builders it wasn’t working out anymore and the results were set back. That same fancier, those same quality pigeons, that same method and they had to be satisfied with a lot less. But Damien isn’t a quitter and the new loft was adjusted in a matter of oxygen, isolation, and so on…Efforts that took a few seasons of time but which were being rewarded as it is going crescendo since a while now and Damien sees his name again on top of the results. Winners aren’t quitters !

Damien and Roger… congratulations on this beautiful national result out of Bourges…up for the next one… it is granted sincerely from the entire Herbots team.

BE18-4108552 : 1st National Bourges 5,436 old birds


Stefan Mertens