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Combination Ebben - Boven-Leeuwen 1st National Ruffec 9,998 pigeons Fastest out of 23,855 pigeons (all national sector races)

07 Jul 2022

Boven-Leeuwen: Who doesn't know him...Falco Ebben...for years a successful pigeon photographer and also a talented pigeon fancier. Falco proved this again last weekend by winning 1st national Ruffec against 9,998 pigeons. But it does not stop there, because his winner was also the fastest of all pigeons that were released this weekend on national sector level and then we are talking about no less than 23,855 pigeons.
Since 2020 Falco started in the garden of his own house and on 2 seasons he already put top performances on paper. He was already honoured as 2nd champion unranked day long distance Northern Union (Division 7 to 11) and 2nd national champion unranked speed. 
Just to clarify. Falco forms on his own loft in Boven-Leeuwen as well as on the loft in Beneden-Leeuwen a combination with his uncle Will. In Boven-Leeuwen Falco is assisted with the daily care by his daughter Renée. The basis on both lofts is the same and then we are talking about the famous Ad Schaerlaeckens pigeons.

High lights last 5 racing seasons (exclusive on the loft of Comb. Ebben, since 2020 also old birds are raced)

2nd National champion short distane not-nominated  NPO 2021
2nd National champion short distane not-nominated  NPO 2016
5th National champion nominated  2016
6th National champion young birds middle distance not nominated 2019
7th National champion young birds not-nominated 2017
7th National champion young short distance not-nominated 2019

3e Total classification National Fondspiegel young 2017-2019
3e Total classification National Fondspiegel young 2019-2021
6e Total classification National Fondspiegel young 2016-2018
3e Total classification National Fondspiegel young 2018-2020

1st youngbird “Podium der Grootmeesters 2018”
1st youngbirds “Podium der Grootmeesters 2021”
1st Natour “Podium der Grootmeesters 2019”
2nd youngbirds “Podium der Grootmeesters 2019”
4th General young birds “Podium der Grootmeesters 2019”
5th Jonge duiven Podium der Grootmeesters 2020”
7th General youngbirds  “Podium der Grootmeesters 2018”

2nd One-day-fond semi-National NU not-nominated 2020


Those who analyse the results in detail have already noticed it. The national Ruffec winner wears a Belgian ring around his leg. Falco tells: "My winner is a blue hen which comes straight from the well-known vet Dr. Fernand Mariën. I consult Dr. Mariën every 4 to 6 weeks. His advice is always followed blindly and up to now we have never complained. 
Ruffec was marked on the flight programme in fluorescent marker. It was a very unique opportunity for a long time to participate in a 700 km race. The only obstacle I saw was that the pigeons had to fly 580 km the week before Ruffec and 588 km the week after. Despite this heavier programme I went for it and luckily the flight before the basketing of Ruffec was of the easier calibre. I had 8 pigeons in the race and won 7 prizes with besides the victory also 3 prizes per dozen. Only downside was that my 1st signed bird failed. The day after she was wounded on the fallboard. 
The racing team is played according to the system of total widowhood but Falco thinks that there is too little "schwung" in the daily training. A point to keep an eye on, but as long as the results are good, there will be no panic. 

Falco says: "Our basic mixture is a fairly heavy mixture that is made at Vanrobaeys and has been available commercially since this year (Ebben Special number 3910).
In the winter we feed this mixture with 50% paddy. During the racing season, I feed very lightly and the basic mixture is lightened with paddy. Many fanciers make the mistake of feeding too heavily. The last three or four feedings and when coming home, there is heavy food on the menu. I always stop feeding until the pigeons leave something behind. I also feed my pigeons one more time a few hours before basketing'. In principle, we give very few by-products! Grit, limestone, redstone, minerals (pink powder). Besides condition powder of Marien. I moisten the feed with Zell Oxygen or Daflor. Once a month with Marien's syrup. Nothing else! After the flight, there is no disinfection and the pigeons always get clean water. When they come home, minerals are mixed with the food. "


'Pandemic' is a son to NL16-1310994 'Linus' mated to NL15-1875429 'Katja'. 'Pandemic' is still in the racing loft of Combination Ebben, Boven-Leeuwen, and won 11 x 1:100 up till 21.05.2022:

1. Morlincourt 909 b.
1. Tilburg 101 b.
2. Reusel 254 b.
5. Prov. Dizy le Gos 14.634 b.
6. Prov. Morlincourt 17.024 b.
6. Melun 1.635 b.
14. Prov. Niergnies 9.279 b.
14. Bierges 3.447 b.
17. Niergnies 5.156 b.
20. Bierges 5.348 b.
40. Chalons en Champagne 5.880 b.

He became 6. Ace Pigeon Short Distance in Federation (Kring 2, Regio ZW, Afdeling 8/GOU) in 2021 and 9. Ace Pigeon Allround in Federation in 2021.

Since he is on the racing loft he only bred a few youngbirds so far. One of them was send to the Algarve Golden Race in 2021. He became 42. Ace Pigeon vs 6.877 registered birds and won the 48. place in the semi-final (297 km) against 4,794 b. (10 seconds behind the winner). 


Resultats Combinatie Ebben, Boven-Leeuwen 2022

16-04, Reusel (club), 67 km, 254 birds, 31 basketed, 22 prizes: 
2 x 1:100 (6%), 13 x 1:10 (42%) en 22 x 1:3 (71%).

30-04, Bierges (regio), 144 km, 3.447 birds, 29 basketed, 23 prizes:
2 x 1:100 (6%), 20 x 1:10 (69%), 23 x 1:3 (74%)

07-05, Quievrain (regio), 206 km, 3.275 birds, 27 basketed, 25 prizes:

7- 35- 36- 38- 40- 59- 61- 101- 118- 170- 212- 225- 226- 230- 328- 372- 409- 442- 471- 658- 815- 988- 1.010- 1.021- 1.040.
14 x 1: 10 (52%), 25 x 1:3 (93%)

14-05, Morlincourt (afdeling), 313 km, 20.278 birds, 21 basketed, 20 prizes: 
5 x 1:100 (24%), 15 x 1:10 (65%) en 20 x 1:5 (95%).

21-05, Morlincourt (afdeling), 313 km, 17.024 birds, 19 basketed, 17 prizes:
3 x 1:100 (16%), 9 x 1:10 (47%) en 17 x 1:3 (89%).

28-05, La Ferte St Aubin, 529 km, 1.275 birds, 20 basketed, 13 prizes:
2 x 1:100 (10%), 8 x 1:10 (40%) en 13 x 1:3 (65%)

28-05, Niergnies (afdeling), 252 km, 11.764 birds, 8 basketed, 8 prizes:
2 x 1:100 (25%) ,5 x 1:10 (62%) en 8 x 1:4 (100%).

04-06, Chalons en Champagne (afdeling), 337 km, 10.901 birds, 27 basketed, 24 prizes:
3 x 1:100 (11%) 13 x 1:10 (48%) 24 x 1:3 (89%)

11-06, Chateaudun, 519 km, 1.173 birds, 17 basketed, 12 prizes:

11-06, Niergnies, 252 km, 2.664 birds, 9 basketed, 6 prizes:

25-06, Nevers, 571 km, 1.842 birds, 10 basketed, 7 prizes:
3 x 1:100 (30%), 6 x 1:10 (60%), 7 x 1:4 (70%)

01-07, Ruffec, 760 km, 7.130 birds, 8 basketed, 7 prizes:
1 x 1:100 (12%), 3 x 1:10 (37%) en 7 x 1:3 (88%).

02-07, Melun, 413 km, 839 birds, 10 basketed, 8 prizes:
6 x 1:10 (60%) en 8 x 1:3 (80%)


We are curious to see what top results Falco and Will will achieve. We wish them every success!

Stefan Mertens