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Eijerkamp, again outstanding in the hard and difficult 2021 season

07 Jul 2021

The Eijerkamp lofts, Lotte Eijerkamp and Hans and Evert-Jan Eijerkamp, were in 2020 the best from the Netherlands as they were crowned 1st and 2nd Best Fanciers of the Netherlands WHZB. So both teams beat the rest of the Netherlands in 2020 and nobody would think or imagine that this could be improved again but …….. the Eijerkamp lofts proved again the quality for their pigeons in this difficult season. Up to now a fantastic season winning first prizes in massive competition on NPO, Provincial and Regional level but also showing many top positions in all these races.


Here an overview of the best results in the 2021 season;

Chalons en Champagne (373 km)     6,078 pigeons 

            1-3-47-55-80-82 etc.                                                             31/58

NPO Vierzon (613 km)                       3,993 pigeons

            1-4-5-11-13-14-16-17-22-56-71-85-88 etc.                          30/48

Bierges (187 km)                               6,047 pigeons 

            1-2-3-11-18-24-25-36-38-41-42-61-64-65 etc.                     97/129

Niergnies (299 km)                            5,573 pigeons

            1-2-3-8-10-14-15-17-18-21-22-28-34-35-36-39 etc.             110/127

Quievrain (256 km)                            3,327 pigeons

            1-4-5-6-12-14-20-30-31-46-54-55 etc.                                 48/115

NPO Salbris (599 Km)                        4,671 pigeons

            2-3-4-7-9-15-24-30-33-42-43 etc.                                         33/50

Melun (455 km)                                 2,179 pigeons

            1-2-3-5-6-7-8-9-12-15-16-17-19-22-24-25-26 etc.               65/84

Prov. Morlincourt. (358 km)              8,695 pigeons

            5-6-7-8-13-19-21-66-84 etc.                                                 33/44

Chalons (373 km)                               1,579 pigeons

            1-2-3-4-7-12-15-16-19-20-22-23-26-29-30 etc.                    76/94

Chimay (262 km)                               5,807 pigeons

            8-12-13-14-26-27-38-43-44-46-54-55-64 etc.                      93/129

NPO Chateaudun south (565 km)      2,701 pigeons

            3-25-42-63-92-98 etc.                                                                       31/59

NPO Issoudun (646km)                      4,495 pigeons 

8-36-72-85 etc.                                                                     19/40              



Some of the winning / top pigeons in the 2021 to introduce you here


NL20-1248550            Blizard

1.NPO Vierzon3,993 pigeons616 km
4.National Vierzon10,138 pigeons 
33.NPO Salbris          4,671 pigeons599 km
50.NPO Laon11,179 pigeons332 km
61.NPO Nanteuil7,509 pigeons408 km
23.Chimay3,540 pigeons262 km

Father: NL19-1411588 ‘Dragon Hans’, 10. Nat Ace pigeon Youngsters in 2019 and direct son for ‘Olympic Hans’ x ‘Eternity’. ‘Olympic Hans’ is one of the top breeders now in the loft and father, grand- and great grandfather for many winners, ace pigeons and top birds. He was Olympic pigeon for the Netherlands in Brussels in Cat . D allround.

Mother: NL18-1629769 ‘Lucia’, daughter for ‘Victor’, 1. NPO Chateauroux - 3,795 pigeons’ X ‘Xenon’, 1. Nat. Ace pigeon Long Distance Fondspiegel 2018 – 2019.

NL20-1248601            Grand Prix Ilona

1. Prov Chalons                     6,078 pigeons 373 km
10. Dizzy le Gros                    2,279 pigeons 316 km
21. Prov Morlincourt             8,695 pigeons 358 km
81. Niergnies                          5,573 pigeons 299 km

Full sister to NL20-1248228 ‘Princes Andreja’, supreme massive winner in 2020 as youngster 

1. Prov. Nanteuil                  7,509 pigeons 408 km
1. Bierges                               3,901 pigeons 187 km

Father: NL18-1821669 ‘Olympiade Stefaan’, direct son ‘Nieuwe Olympiade’ x ‘Bonte Stefaan’. The ‘Nieuwe Olympiade’ is a true super breeder in the loft as he is father, grand- and great grandfather to many first prize winners worldwide in the meantime. ‘Olympiade Stefaan’ in meantime is father to1. Prov. Chalons - 6,078 pigeons, 1. Prov. Nanteuil - 7.509 pigeons, 1. Bierges - 3.901 pigeons

Mother: NL15-1362814 ‘Roulette’, super hen who was 4. Nat. Ace pigeon Short/Middle Distance 2017 PIPA winning 1. NPO Nanteuil – 4,305 pigeons, 1. Isnes – 5,079 pigeons, 3. Quievrain – 1,216 p., 6. Vervins - 6,240 p., 6. Quievrain - 1,955 p. 7. Bierges - 7,088 p. etc. 
She is bred from a son of the superhen ‘Spinneke’ (Daughter ‘Olympiade 003’ x ‘Steady’, a superracing and breeding hen direct from Stefaan Lambrechts.


NL20-1248265 ‘Turbo Donny’

A super cock who is now already winner of 2x 1st prize in big competition 

1. Prov. Laon              11.179 pigeons           332 km
1. Quievrain                3,365 pigeons           255 km
3. Prov. Nanteuil          7,509 pigeons           408 km

Father: NL13-1804797 ‘Turbo Olympiade’, direct son ‘Nieuwe Olympiade’ x ‘Celena’. The ‘Turbo Olympiade’ already is father to 1. Prov. Laon – 11,179 p., 1. Nanteuil – 752 p., 2. Isnes       5,079 p., 2. Chalons – 3,282 p., 4. Chimay - 7.048 p. 6. Bierges - 7,088 p., etc. 

Mother: NL15-1365259 ‘Dollar Hen’, beautiful top breedster bred from ‘Lichte Blauwe’ x ‘Smashing’, granddaughter ‘Olympiade 003’. The ‘Lichte Blauwe’ is direct son ‘Olympiade 003’ x ‘Goudklompje’. ‘Dollar Hen’ is proven breedster as she is mother to 1. Provincial Laon - 11,173 pigeons, 1. Quievrain - 3,365 pigeons and 1. Tienen - 3,977 pigeons.

NL19-1411308 Steady Euro

5. Nat. Ace pigeon Allround WHZB 2020
9. Nat. Ace pigeon Young WHZB 2019
3. Nat. Melun             6,383 pigeons             463 km
11. Niergnies             6,400 pigeons             299 km
17. Morlincourt          4,288 pigeons             358 km
19. Prov. Niergnies   10,065 pigeons            299 km
20. Niergnies                 2,708 pigeons             299 km
22. Quievrain             6,209 pigeons             255 km
25. Bierges                 5,920 pigeons             187 km
26. Budel                    4,373 pigeons             103 km
26. Etrouengt             6,652 pigeons             270 km
32. Chalon                  5,141 pigeons             373 km

Father: DV07462-14-432 ‘New Euro’, 1. Olympic pigeon Germany Youngsters and bought in auction at Herbots. He is one of the top breeders nowadays at Eijerkamp and father to a.o. 3. Nat. Ace Middle Distance Young 2018

Mother: B13-6151195 ‘Steady’, direct Stefaan Lambrechts and bred from grandson ‘Goede Rode’ Dirk v.d. Bulck when paired to super hen ‘Miss Angerville’, who is fastest pigeon Quievrain in province Antwerp against 13,188 pigeons.


NL20-1248269 Kalinda
1. Niergnies                5,573 pigeons                         299 km
1. fastest Niergnies  10,729 pigeons                       299 km
6. Chalons                   3,347 pigeons                          373 km
8. Bierges                   3,901 pigeons                           187 km
18. Dizy le Gros          4,000 pigeons                          316 km
19. Niergnies                          2,781 pigeons               299 km
77. Prov. Nanteuil      7,509 pigeons                         408 km
86. Chimay                             5,807 pigeons                226 km

Father: NL17-1821218 ‘Dream Boy’, direct son ‘Olympic Leo’, Olympic Pigeon Germany Cat. D Allround and 2. Nat. Ace pigeon in Germany. ‘Olympic Leo’ was bred in at Leo Heremans and is direct son of ‘Roeper Pair’ and was raced in the loft of Wolfgang Roeper. In 2017 ‘Olympic Leo’ was bought in the online auction of Roeper at Herbots. ‘Olympic Leo’ became father and grandfather to several 1st prizewinners at Eijerkamp already.
Mother: NL15-1362593 ’Daphne’, super racing- and breeding hen and winner of 2x 1st prize, 1. St. Quentin - 3,720 pigeons and 1. Niergnies - 1.100 pigeons. ‘Daphne’ is granddaughter for ‘Euro’ and ‘Jackpot’, so bred from the real and best source of the Heremans - Ceusters in the world. 


Superb references with Eijerkamp pigeons

Not only in the Eijerkamp loft top results achieved but also super references with other fanciers worldwide. Check the Eijerkamp website to see all these references Here some of the top references achieved with Eijerkamp in the 2021 season;

Peter Janssen - Kleve                         1. Prov. Quievrain – 12,718 pigeons              direct Eijerkamp

J. Doldersum and Son - Almelo        1. Chalons – 1.769 pigeons                              direct Eijerkamp

J. Doldersum and Son - Almelo        1. Nanteuil – 2.658 pigeons                             direct Eijerkamp

S.Bals - Wouwse Platage                    1. Prov. Pt St Maxence - 10,106 pigeons       25% Eijerkamp

Gebr. Homma - Steggerda                 1. Chimay – 14.805 pigeons                             50% Eijerkamp

Roger Lowe - Reading                        1. Ilkestone – 1,112 pigeons                            75% Eijerkamp

Gerard Heinhuis – Steenwijk            1. Prov. Sourdun – 6,700 pigeons                   50% Eijerkamp

Johan van Dijk - Eerbeek                   1. Quievrain – 6,954 pigeons                           100% Eijerkamp

Houmes and Sons - Middelburg       1. Prov. Fontenay – 8,936 pigeons                 50% Eijerkamp

Comb. Van Rooij  - Tull in ‘t Waal     1. Prov. Lessines – 19,326 pigeons                 75% Eijerkamp

Wendy Doldersum - Almelo             1. Weert – 4,304 pigeons                                 50% Eijerkamp

Josza Janos – Cegled                          1. Jihlave – 2,426 pigeons                                50% Eijerkamp