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Frank Zwiers (Breda) An established value on the marathon races in the Netherlands

04 Mar 2022

In spite of his young age, Frank belongs since a few years to the top of the Dutch marathon world. Frank is someone with a goal and knows how to combine a busy family life perfectly with his beloved pigeon sport. But, and this is how we know Frank, he prefers to specialize in 1 discipline and try to belong to the best than to be active on all fronts and then be labeled as a "follower". Frank Zwiers pigeons and very long can mention them in one breath.

Special pigeons 
To demonstrate the class of this loft we would like to give you an overview of the individual performances of some of the current racing/breeding toppers



3x raced on the marathon and 3x top-11 National/NPO

Mother to 4th Nat Agen 2021, 11th Nat ace 2020

Current base breeder
Won himself 1st NPO, 5th Nat Tarbes in 2013
Father and grandfather to:
1. European ace 2020
1. Int ace 2019/2020
4. Olympic ace  2019
4. Nat ace PIPA 2016
5. Nat ace NPO  2017
9. Nat ace ZLU  2020
11.Nat ace ZLU  2020

bred at Ad van Dongen out of 2 original Zwiers birds
6 times raced at Frank and won 4 x 1:100

4. Olympic ace marathon Poznan 2019
5. National ace Marathon 2017
8.  St. Vincent 5,879b
18. St. Vincent 6,228b
24. Bergerac 2,664b
27. Bergerac 2,726b
45. Dax 1,266b
249.Dax 1,309b

Le Bernard
Won himself:
1. Nat St. Vincent 2016 against  13,472b.
26. Nat St. Vincent 2015 against  7,830b.

Father and grandfather to:
2. Perpignan 4,287b.
25.Internat. 12,752b.
3. Agen ZLU 3,940b.
4. Int yearl 10,657b.
8. Marseille  4,314b.
9. Agen ZLU 3,940b.
40.Agen ZLU 5,483b.
55.Bordeaux 10,638b.

Mad Max
1. European ace 2020
1. Int ace 2019/2020
5.  Pau ZLU    4,255b, clocked at 01:24am
10. Narbonne  12,848b,  clocked at 01:15am
17. Agen ZLU   3,940b
362.Narbonne   3,829b
32. Int ace yrl 2019b

Grootvader van:
15.Perigueux   1,604b
19.Bergerac    2,750b
21.Perigueux   1,604b
79.Bergerac    2,750b
All arrivals during the night!!!


Those who can compete weekly with real top pigeons, automatically rank very high in the known championships. The following championships were won by the Zwiers pigeons in recent years. 

2nd Nat champion marathon 2013
3rd Nat champion marathon 2015
4th Nat champion marathon 2017

1st European ace 2020
1st Int ace 2019-2020
4th Olympiad bird Marathon 2019
5th Nat ace marathon 2017
8th Int ace yearlings 2020
9th Int ace yearlings 2020

 In 2020 7x top 30 International ace yearbirds

Top 10 National NPO
1 Nationaal St. Vincent 2016 (“Le Bernard”) 13.472p
1 Nationaal Dax 2016 (“Amber”) 4.616p
1 NPO Tarbes 2013 ( “Kian”), 5th national 8.707p
2 Nationaal Perpignan 2019 (“Bernadette”) 4.287p., 25th Internat 12.752p.
3 Nationaal Agen ZLU 2018 (“Fusion”) 4,776b
3 Nationaal Agen ZLU 2019 ( “Vaiana”) 3,934p, 4th Internat 10,675b.
3 NPO St. Vincent 2018 (“Neo”), 8th national 5,879b
3 NPO Tarbes 2015 ( Miss Nijdeken), 10th national 5,413b
3 NPO Bordeaux 2015 (“Bonte Lady”), 7th national 11,727b
4 Nationaal Agen ZLU 2021 ( “Showman”) 6,804b, 14th internat 14,173b
5 NPO ST. Vincent 2015(“Constance”), 17th national 7,830b
5 NPO St. Vincent 2019 (“Aurora”), 96th national 12,070b
6 Nationaal Agen ZLU 2018 (“Aurora”) 4,776b
6 NPO Bergerac 2015 ( “Sacha”), 19th national
7 NPO St. Vincent 2017 (“Neo”), 18th national 6,228b
7 NPO Dax 2016 (“Minos”), 18th national 4,616b
7 NPO Cahors 2013 ( “Daphnia”) , fastest yearling
8 Internat Narbonne ZLU 2020 (“Elin”) 8,492b)
8 Nationaal Marseille ZLU 2021 (“Bernardinho”) 4,314b.
8 NPO Bordeaux 2014 (“Kronos”), 15th national 12,195b
8 NPO Agen 2016 (“Appollon”), 17th national 7,125b
10 NPO Bordeaux 2017 (“Serena”) against 2,128b
10 Internat Narbonne  ZLU 2020 (“Mad Max”) 12,848b

Referenties 2021
Not only do the Zwiers pigeons show their class at Breda, but also at other lofts people appreciate the quality of the Zwiers and owe success to their contribution.

4.  NPO Limoges 2021 (Auke Rekker)
6.  NAT Perigueux 2021 ( Jochemsen & Zn)
11. NPO Limoges 2021 ( Jos Meijer)
15. NPO Perigueux 2021 ( Peter Struijk)
16. NPO Perigueux 2021 ( Peter Struijk)
21. NPO Perigueux 2021 ( Peter Struijk)
22. NAT Perigueux 2021 ( Gerard Kok)
24. NAT Pau ZLU 2021 ( Willem Tiellemans)
24. NAT Marseille 2021 ( Carlo Dominicus)
25. NAT Bressols 2021 ( Auke Rekker)
26. NPO Agen middaglossing 2021 ( Wim Gielen)
29. NPO Agen middaglossing 2021 ( Wim Gielen)
29.NPO Limoges 2021 (Auke Rekker)

Top 10 references 2015-2020

1.Int ace Pau 2017-2018 (Verweij- de Haan)
1. Provincial ace marathon 2020 ( Wim Gielen)
4. Best yearbird marathon 2016 PIPA ( Ad van Dongen)
2. Nat Bergerac 2018 ( Auke Rekker)
2. NPO Orange 2017 (Gebr. Leideman)
2. NPO Bergerac 2016 ( Pieter Guelen)
4. Nat St. Vincent 2019 (Eddy Peperkamp)
4. Nat Perigueux 2020 ( Wiersma & Zn)
5. Nat Narbonne 2018 (Hoefnagels- Beens)
5. Nat Pau ZLU 2018 (Verweij de Haan)
5. Nat Orange OL 2018 (Auke Rekker)
6. Nat Bordeaux 2016 (Marien Orgers)
7. NPO Bergerac 2016 ( Hans Radstaak)
7. Nat Dax 2018 ( Eric Haal)
8. Nat Perigueux 2020 (Peter Hermsen)
8. NPO Bergerac 2020 ( Hans Radstaak)
8. NPO Orange 2017 ( Henri Diks)
9. Nat Agen ZLU 2019 ( Ben de Keijzer)
9. Nat Bordeaux 2019 ( Hans Trouwborst)
9. NPO Dax 2017 ( Peter Struyck)
9. Nat Agen ZLU 2015 ( Coen van Haarlem)
9. NPO Orange 2015 ( Renee Harps)
10. Nat St. Vincent 2020 ( Eddy Peperkamp)
10. Nat St. Vincent 2018 ( Peter Struyck)
10. NPO St. Vincent 2018 ( Auke vd Deen)
10. NPO Orange 2015 ( Renee Harps)

Tuesday 8 December at 2 p.m. ends an unique internet auction where Frank offers strictly selected pigeons born from the very best of his breeding loft.

Some of the top pigeons in this auction are: