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Gommaire Verbruggen is racing after 4 National races at the same high level as the past season

01 Jul 2021

After his amazing season of the past year has Gommaire Verbruggen started off very strong again. All best racing pigeons with exception of one stayed in the racing team and could again make nice weather. When you have after 3 national races 13x Top 20 National (z) in the pocket you know that you’re at the right track. 

Off course more national races will come along to have a go for one or more national ace bird just as the past season. 

National races 2021

6 x TOP 20 National (z) Bourges

Bourges Nat (z) 4,164 old birds : 2,3,18,23,38,60,69,94,103,104,121,128,129,… 22/24
Bourges Nat (z) 3,251 year birds : 9,10,17,48,53,57,63,103,107,113,135,138,148,… 28/50

5 x TOP 20 National (z) Chateauroux

Chateauroux Nat (z) 2,974 old birds : 7,28,29,40,41,76,84,… 15/18
Chateauroux Nat (z) 2,529 year birds : 4,12,19,20,… 17/41

Chateauroux Nat 24,617 old birds : 50,166,170,243,246,486,534,694,764,998,… 15/18
Chateauroux Nat 22,196 year birds : 23,61,113,118,… 17/41

12 x TOP 100 National (z) Argenton 

Argenton Nat (z) 1,804 old birds : 3,29,31,53,82,84,99,… 12/18
Argenton Nat (z) 2,416 year birds : 40,42,44,53,96,116,153,159,165,… 26/38

5 x TOP 100 National La Souterraine

La Souterraine Nat 8,383 old birds : 4,65,83,… 9/15
La Souterraine Nat 14,037 year birds : 72,99,… 

Both with cocks as hens 

The racing team exists both out of cocks as hens and are all being raced on the classic widowhood system. Not as they used to race on the ‘chaos’ system where it were mostly the hens that raced top. No, now he want a maximum of efficiency and the cocks now race as hard as the hens. 

After the moulting period end of November all racing pigeons are being coupled and can have a winter breeding. No second coupling follows but are being darkened from the beginning of March until the end of April. 

In a matter of daily training they are being released once a day and they still train very good. One full hour in the air is more norm as exception. At the day of basketing they don’t train. 

How do you take on the races between the nationals ? 

This is very different, when the weather is normal this will be normally a shorter flight ( +-200km ), but the week after Chateauroux I left the team at home and had them tossed myself at 20km from home on Saturday morning and left them together for half a day. When you then have a look at Argenton with 10x Top 100 National zone a week of rest can’t do any harm according to Gommaire. 

How are your breeders during the week?  

The boxes are all being closed both with the cocks as the hens and long sticks will come onto the loft to sit on. We don’t foresee anything at the floor to avoid the coupling amongst each other. If couples are being formed between hens then I’ll split them up over 2 lofts. 

Do you anything in a matter of motivation ? 

The pigeons always get to see their partner, the cocks get their hen for about 5 to 10 minutes with the nest dish and the hens get to see their cocks mostly for half an hour. 

When they get home there is food and drinks foreseen to let the pigeons rest for a bit and when a big group of pigeons is home that’s the moment I go up and leave them together with their partners. In a matter of food I only use Super Recup from Anthoons. The last day they get twice as they want and afterwards a lot of pealed sunflower pits are being given for the extra fats. 

First arrivals Bourges

BE 19-2031013 “De Zot” Cock

    1      Prov    Gueret                       2.057b
    3      Nat                                      12.888b
    2      Nat(z) Bourges                    4.164b
  19                 Fay Aux Loges         1.350b
  41     Nat(z) Chateauroux            2.974b
246     Nat                                     24.617b
  46     Nat      La Souterraine      15.939b
  48                 Sermaises                2.692b
184     Nat     Argenton                26.085b
336     Nat     Issoudun                18.176b

Father “BE 16-3136645” Superbreeder 645 – Anthony Maes

Mother BE 08-2040062 Blue Beauty 
Super breeding hen ( Marcel Aelbrecht x Kletskop ) 

BE 19-2031010 Hen
Full sister “De Zot” previous 

    3      Nat(z) Bourges                    4.164b
  23                  Melun                        2.769b
  35     Nat      Argenton                26.085b
  40     Nat(z) Chateauroux            2.974b
243     Nat                                      24.617b

BE 20-2052127 Cock
9 Nat (z) Bourges 3.251b 

Father BE 16-2138079 Son Ballon
Son “Ballon” Kristiaan Hennes 1 S.Nat Argenton 3,144b x “Daughter Paulien” Albert Derwa

Mother BE 18-2069057 Sister Zot
Daughter “Superbreeder 645” Anthony Maes

BE 20-2052124 Hen
10 Nat (z) Bourges 3.251b

Father  BE 19-2031038 Son “Superbreeder 645” Anthony Maes

Mother BE 15-2307163 Daughter Prins ( Prins won 1 Nat (z) Montlucon 2,996b )

First 2 arrivals Chateauroux 2 x TOP 10 National (z) 

BE 19-2031024 Hen

  2                     Soissons                    2.820b
  6                    Nanteuil                     1.931b
  6                    Soissons                        924b
  7        Nat(z) Chateauroux             2.974b
50       Nat                                        24.617b
11       Nat      Argenton                 26.085b
18       Nat(z)  Bourges                    4.164b
23                    Melun                        2.769b
36       Nat(z)  Chateauroux            2.053b
159     Nat      Gueret                     12.888b
240     Nat      La Souterraine       15.939b

Father “BE 16-3136645” Superbreeder 645 – Anthony Maes

Mother BE 16-2138097 Sister Kleine Ballon
“Kleine Ballon” won 1 Sens 560b – 19 Prov Blois 3.122b – 40 Prov Limoges 2,174b

BE 20-2052146 Hen
4 Nat (z) Chateauroux 2.529b

Father BE 14-2216469 Son “Golden Ring” – Grandson “Brutte Kletskop” 

Mother BE 18-2069073 Daughter Superbreeder 645 – Anthony Maes

First arrival Argenton

BE 19-2031154 Blue Hen

  3       Nat (z)          Argenton           1.804b
52       Nat                                        14.787b
16                             Soissons              924b
17                             Soissons           2.820b
49       Nat (z)          Chateauroux    2.053b
68       Nat               Issoudun         18.176b
85       Nat               Argenton        26.085b

Father “BE 14-2216425” Ramses 425
Son “Ramses” 18 Nat Argenton 5,941b – 22 Nat La Chatre 21,180b

Mother BE 18-2069435 Daughter “Superkweker 645” Anthony Maes

First arrival La Souterraine

BE 19-2031126 Het 126 Hen

2                       Nanteuil                      1.931b
4          Nat      La Soutteraine            8.383b ( 1ste Provincial ) 
23                    Melun                           2.769b
64       S.Nat   Vierzon                         8.008b
94       Nat(z)  Bourges                       4.164b
105     Nat      La Souterraine          15.939b

Father “BE 18-2069450” The Beauty Sero 
Son Superbreeder 645 Anthony Maes

Mother BE 16-2138070” Witpen 070 ( Strain Silkman – Kim & Kletskop )

Annie and Gommaire, a big congratulation with these fantastic results and a lot of success for the rest of season. 

Buelens Kim