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Hebberecht Chris (Evergem): 1st National Marseille 2,102b.

25 Jul 2020

“I was still waiting for pigeons from the race out of Montélimar and all of a sudden I heard a pigeon passing by as a rocket”…these are the words from Chris about the way his national winner Marseille arrived at his loft after an extreme long distance race

I didn’t think at all on a pigeon out of Marseille and this seen to the location of Evergem in comparison to the wind at that moment. It was in the line of expectations that the first pigeons were to be found in the South of the country or in the middle of Belgium. 

A motivated arrival

When I had a look at my clock I saw Marseille on the screen and then the few hairs I have left on my head arose. I felt immediately that this was a head pigeon. It seemed that he, totally without any influence of the wind, came home all by himself. He had to be motivated extremely by the way he entered the loft. Although, I didn’t do anything special. At basketing I lock up the hen in the box on half-box position and let the cock sit next to it for half an hour. Then I leave them together in the box together, the biggest eager has been set back by then and the cock will go into the nest dish rather quick. Then I basket them quietly. 

Thank you Michel and Didier

I just saw that it was a blue one and thought immediately that it was the pigeons that I got from the brothers Desbuquois. In the summer of 2018 we exchanged some summer youngsters and I could race a few of them as cock. In his birth year he was trained until Clermont, so he had a bit of experience but not enough experience on the further distances. 

As year bird he raced in 2019 the 424th national on Aurillac and with this he got his driver’s licence in the pocket. 

This pigeon got as preparation Vierzon and Limoges and on both races he had prize on a local level, to get to the absolute top on Marseille. 

This proofs that the genes of this pigeons come up at the moment they have to go to the distances they are suited for. It is a known given that the pigeons of Michel & Didier can handle the furtest distances with a national victory as highlight. The past years they also crossed in some long distance blood and this with very good results. The last years they also get top results easily on the races from 600 to 900km. 

The winner from Marseille has the noble blood from Julius Barcelona in his veins on fathers’ side and Bolleke Watten (origin Limbourg) on mothers’ side. Top quality as heritage. 

Chris is a constant given on the long distance races

The name Chris Hebberecht is world famous. From father onto son the long distance races have been the favourite terrain. Chris already one in the past a national victory on St.Vincent, but next to this titles such as Champion Long Distance Belgium, Ace bird Long Distance, ace birds extreme long distance and a load of stages in the most reputable classifications. Also on other lofts the Hebberecht-pigeons took care of successes until far over the Belgian boarders. It is a strong formed strain where you can find names such as the unparalleled Champion, Costello, Ike, and so many others that took care of top results and took care of a successful offspring. 

It is really granted to them in Evergem, the sympathetic Kathy and Chris can only enjoy it and hopefully they can continue this in the coming races. 

The “Marseille” will remain on the lofts in Evergem and will have to take care of further reinforcement of the breeding strain.

All the success from the Herbotsteam !

Geert Dhaenens

Distance: 880km
Velocity: 1036,39 m/m

BE18-2096571: 1st National Marseille 2,102b.
