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Louis Stabel & Zn, Goirle (NL), excellent racing for more than 30 years!

29 Jan 2021

Father & Son Stabel, a golden combination in winning 1st prizes, winning many, many championships and this all off course by having an amazing breeding strain. In 2020 they became for the 29th (!!) time 1st General Champion in their club and also for the 13th (!!) time in 14 years 1st General Champion in the Combine of Hart of Brabant and 6x Top 10 NPO in 2020. An amazing list of results.

Before we start talking about the superb pigeons that are doing this for them, let’s have a look at their most important won championships and rankings:

1st National ace-pigeon autumn races 2015
2ndNational champion nominated long distance 2016
5th National champion nominated middle distance 2017-
1st NPO Orleans 5,110b. 2017
1st National Orleans Section 1A 7,008b. 2018
1st NPO Montlucon 5,509b. 2019
1st Super Gouden Crack 3 provinces 2020

Top 30 results NPO races 2018 – 2020 (as you will notice, some of these NPO winners are being offered in the online auction that ends on February 2nd at 14h00 ECT)

1 NPO Orleans                 4,733b. 459 km
1 NPO Montlucon           5,509b. 603 km
2 NPO Morlincourt       17,537b. 260 km
2 NPO Chateauroux        2,558b. 577 km with ‘Simone’ Lot N°1 in the auction
3 NPO Chateauroux        2,558b. 577 km
5 NPO Pont St Max       12,470b. 303 km
5 NPO Chateauroux        1,303b. 577 km
5 NPO Issoudun            7,628b. 554 km with ‘Simone’ Lot N°1 in the auction
6 NPO Sens                    10,005b. 390 km
6 NPO Issoudun               7,628b. 554 km
6 NPO Melun               5,317b. 360 km  with ‘Sophie’ Lot N°5 in the auction
7 NPO Pont St Max       12,470b. 303 km
7 NPO Montlucon           5,046b. 603 km
7 NPO Argenton              2,621b. 606 km
8 NPO Melun                    5,317b. 360 km
8 NPO Montlucon           5,046b. 603 km
9 NPO Morlincourt        17,537b. 260 km
9 NPO Sens                     10,005b. 390 km
9 NPO Melun                 13,540b 360km  with ‘Beautiful 243’ Lot N°2 in the auction
10 NPO Pont St Max     12,470b. 303 km
10 NPO Melun             7,249b. 360 km  with ‘Simone’ Lot N°1 in the auction
10 NPO Orleans               4,234b. 459 km
10 NPO Melun             5,317b. 360 km with ‘Huub’ Lot N°8 in the auction
10 NPO Argenton            2,621b. 606 km
12 NPO Issoudun             7,628b. 554 km
14 NPO Orleans            4,733b. 459 km  with ‘Simone’ Lot N°1 in the auction
16 NPO St Vincent           1,524b. 998 km
17 NPO Sens                  10,005b. 390 km
17 NPO Melun                 5,317b. 360 km
17 NPO Gien                     3,917b. 459 km
18 NPO Issoudun             7,628b. 554 km
18 NPO Orleans               4,733b. 459 km
18 NPO Chateauroux      3,431b. 577 km
18 NPO Vierzon               2,945b. 525 km
19 NPO Issoudun             4,110b. 554 km
20 NPO Montlucon          5,509b. 603 km
21 NPO Montlucon         5,046b. 603 km
21 NPO Orleans               4,234b. 459 km
22 NPO Argenton         2,621b. 606 km with ‘Melanie’ Lot N° 6 in the auction
23 NPO Orleans               4,234b. 459 km
24 NPO Vierzon               2,945b. 525 km
24 NPO Chateauroux      2,558b. 577 km
25 NPO Sens                  12,400b. 390 km
25 NPO Sens                  10,005b. 390 km
26 NPO La Souter.           2,753b. 643 km
26 NPO Montlucon         5,509b. 603 km
28 NPO Issoudun             7,628b. 554 km
28 NPO Chateauroux      3,431b. 577 km
28 NPO Chateauroux      1,303b. 577 km
28 NPO Chateauroux      3,431b. 577 km
28 NPO Chateauroux      2,558b. 577 km
30 NPO Chateauroux      2,558b. 577 km
30 NPO Chateauroux      1,303b. 577 km

NL 18-5181338 “Simone” Lot N° 1 and absolute highlight of the auction

Top hen ‘Simone’ is really fine, small, amazing racing hen that got an assessment of 94% by Jo Herbots. So she didn’t only race really well, but is also a real beautiful one by hand.

‘Simone’ who is only from 2018 won in 3 years’ time: 
4x Top15 on NPO-races 
28 (!) prizes with ao:
10th Provincial Golden Crack 2020
13th Provincial Ace bird young bird 2020

2.NPO Chateauroux      2,558b 577 km
3.Quièvrain                  3,111b 156 km
    3.Quièvrain               1,031b
5.NPO Issoudun            7,628b 554 km
10.NPO Melun             7,249b 366 km
14.NPO Orléans            4,733b 459 km
21.Asse-Zellik               1,082b 89 km
   25.Asse-Zellik            1,772b 
45.Peronne                  1,350b 232 km
    198.Peronne                 5,697b
56.Pointoise                1,425b 344 km
   197.Pointoise               5,514b 
215.NPO Argenton          2,621b 606 km

Father: “Brother Esmee 354” NL13-1365354
He is a super breeder and (grand)father to a.o.:
Melun                                 1/  4,167 pigeons
Morlincourt                        1/  2,747 pigeons
Quievrain                             1/  2,129 pigeons
Chateauroux NPO            2/  2,558 pigeons
Quievrain                           3/  3,111 pigeons
Niergnies                            4/  6,073 pigeons
Sens Provincial                  5/17,266 pigeons
Issoudun NPO                    5/  7,628 pigeons
Peronne                              5/  4,249 pigeons
Orleans                               7/     606 pigeons
Pont St Max Prov.             8/  6,373 pigeons
Pont St Max Prov.           10/12,470 pigeons
Melun Provincial             10/  7,249 pigeons
Pont St Max Prov.           12/  8,001 pigeons
Quievrain                          14/  2,675 pigeons
Orleans National S1A    16/  7,008 pigeons
Chateauroux National    18/37,794 pigeons
Peronne                            18/  4,578 pigeons
Bierges                              22/  3,205 pigeons
Quievrain                          22/  2,250 pigeons
Asse-Zellik                        25/  1,772 pigeons
Peronne                            26/  1,578 pigeons
Quievrain                          30/  3,435 pigeons
Quievrain                         30/  2,713 pigeons
Pont St Max                     34/  2,319 pigeons
Bierges                              36/  3,205 pigeons
Quievrain                          39/  2,338 pigeons
Niergnies                           40/  5,913 pigeons
… and so on!!!

“Brother Esmee 354” is immediate from a pair of outstanding breeders “Witpen 89” NL07-3700489 and “Edith” NL07-3700563Outstanding how good children from this worldclass couple breed! Brother to breeding wonders “Esmee” “Jackie” “Sister Esmee”…and many more!
“Witpen 89 won a.o.: 1/1,285, 14/3,382, 23/2,740, 23/3,608, 33/1,817, 35/2,717
“Edith” won 35 prizes with a.o.:  4/481, 6/908, 7/953, 8/1,195, 11/783, 15/441, 18/565
(Gr)Children from children “Witpen 89 NL07-3700489 and “Edith” NL07-3700563 won a sensational list of 1.prizes among others:
1.Fontenay 6.919 pigeons
1.Creil 8.292 pigeons
1.Creil 6.075 pigeons
1.Orleans NPO 5.110 pigeons
1.Creil 5.090 pigeons
1.Peronne 4.308 pigeons
1.Pommeroeul 2.959 pigeons (fastest 7847)
1.Creil 3.293 pigeons
1.Morlincourt 2.747 pigeons
1.Gien 1.593 pigeons (NPO 9/5.921) 
1. Morlincourt 1.269 pigeons
1.Melun 1.219 pigeons (8/18.466)
1.St Quentin 979 pigeons (14/3.297)
1.Quievrain 965 pigeons (2/4.358)
1.Pommerouel 803 pigeons (2/4.633)
1.Sens 678 pigeons (3/4.706)
1.Asse-Zellik 602 pigeons (2/4.930)
1.Nijvel 314 pigeons
1.Argenton 285 pigeons
1.Nanteauil 207 pigeons
1.Morlincourt 156 pigeons
1.Bourges 152 pigeons (3/1.103)
1.Limoges NPO 144 pigeons (3/2.640)
1.Quievrain 123 pigeons (2/913)
1.Morlincourt 104 pigeons (6/789)
1.Creil 98 pigeons
….and many more top results!

Mother NL 14-3436166 “Topperke 166”
Sensational racing hen!!!! 51 prizes with 8x in first 1%!!
She won a big list of ace-pigeon titels:
2.ace-pigeon autumn races Section Union Rayon 4 ‘15
3.ace-pigeon autumn races Combine Hart van Brabant ‘15
3.ace-pigeon autumn races Combine Hart van Brabant ‘16
5.ace-pigeon middle distance young Section Union Rayon 4 ‘14
6.ace-pigeon young Combine Hart van Brabant ‘14
8.ace-pigeon autumn races Section  Union Rayon 4 ‘17
11.Gouden Crack young Provincial Brabant 2000 ‘14
19.ace-pigeon young Provincial Brabant 2000 ‘14
And in total 51 prizes…

NL18-5181243 “Beautiful 243”  another racing sensation to be found in the auction : Lot N° 2

The next one in row to introduce is another racing sensation with birthyear 2018. This wonderful light chequered white eye hen won no less than 37 prizes whereof 7x per 100 and with a 9th NPO Melun against 13,540b as the icing on the cake. And even on top of that she inherits all from her prize winning family! 

Won 37 (!) prizes with 7x 1:100 ao:
1 Melun                  4,167b
   9 NPO Melun      13,540b 
1  Quièvrain           2,129b 156km
    1 Quièvrain       1,160b
3  Niergnies               1,722b 198km
   4 Niergnies        6,073b
9  Peronne                 824b 232km
   18 Peronne             1,578b
11 Quièvrain             627b 156km
     22 Quièvrain        2,550b
12 Bierges                  809b 92km
     22 Bierges             3,205b
14 Quièvrain             2,675b 156km
20 Niergnies              1,408b 198km
     40 Niergnies        5,913b
49 Pont St Maxence2,114b 303km
    99 Pont St Max Provincial    8,001b

Father: NL 15-3531399 “Chateauroux 99”
Won himself : 18 National Chateauroux 37,794 pigeons
He is another exponent from the “Esmee” line!!!!  He is bred from a full brother to “Esmee”!!
In a short career (as yearling only raced a few times) he won 21 prizes with among others:
3.Orleans 526 pigeons
               20/1,189 pigeons
               49/4,535 pigeons Provincial
4.Chateauroux 320 pigeons
               10.NPO 3,489 pigeons Provincial
            18.National 37,794 pigeons
15.Asse-Zellik 1,479 pigeons
               96/6,532 pigeons
16.St Just Cimetiere 308 pigeons
               69/1,657 pigeons
21.Quievrain 1,341 pigeons
               48/4,932 pigeons
24.Feluy 943 pigeons
               51/4,839 pigeons
25.Pithiviers 440 pigeons
               51/1,611 pigeons
38.Morlincourt 1204 pigeons
               73/2,469 pigeons
Grandfather “Brother Esmee 354” NL 13-1365354 
He is a full brother to worldclass breeding sensation “Esmee”!!! “Esmee” produced more than 35 (gr)children who became good racers!!!
“Brother Esmee 354” Starts to became a very good breeder the last years!!! That is not strange because the “Esmee” line is breeding very well in many generations. He is (grand)father to a.o.: (we only show Top 10 as the list would become too long): 
Melun                                     1/  4,167 pigeons
Morlincourt                           1/  2,747 pigeons
Quievrain                              1/  2,129 pigeons
Quievrain                              1/  1,332 pigeon
Chateauroux  NPO               2/  2,558 pigeons
Quievrain                                3/  3,111 pigeons
Niergnies                                4/  6,073 pigeons
Sens Provincial                      5/17,266 pigeons
Issoudun NPO                        5/  7,628 pigeons
Peronne                                  5/  4,249 pigeons
Orleans                                   7/    606 pigeons
Pont St Max Prov.                 8/  6,373 pigeons
Pont St Max Prov.               10/12,470 pigeons
Melun Provincial                 10/  7,249 pigeons
… and so on!!!
He is immediate from a pair of outstanding breeders “Witpen 89” NL07-3700489 and “Edith” NL07-3700563! (see info above) 
Grandmother: “Schoon 443” NL12-3237443
Won 37 prizes

Mother “Romy 710” NL16-1638710
Immediate from worldclass racing and breedinghen “Romy” NL14-3433130 1.National Ace!!
She is a TOPCLASS breedinghen which we placed in 2020 on the breedingloft because she bred every year good racers, she is mother to among others:
1.Quievrain 2.129 pigeons
1.Melun 4.167 pigeons, 9.NPO 13.450 pigeons
3.Lorris 205 pigeons
4.Niergnies 6.083 pigeons
8.Niergnies 2.118 pigeons
12.Pont St Max 8.001 pigeons
14.Quievrain 2.675 pigeons
18.Peronne 1.578 pigeons
22.Bierges 3.205 pigeons
22.Quievrain 2.550 pigeons
25.Pont St Max 1.477 pigeons
27.Quievrain 2.482 pigeons
30.Quievrain 3.435 pigeons
36.Sens NPO 10.005 pigeons
36.Bierges 3.205 pigeons
40.Niergnies 5.913 pigeons
42.Morlincourt 1.454 pigeons
49.Pont St Max 2.114 pigeons
53.Morlincourt 3.124 pigeons
53.Pointoise 2.772 pigeons
63.Quievrain 3.617 pigeons
69.Niergnies  2.786 pigeons
….and so on!!
So a very promising breeder for the next years!!!!!!
Grandfather: “Beautifull Blue” NL10-5019247 
Direct son from 2 topbreeders “Lichte 30” and “Daphne”, he is a half-brother to:
3.NPO Baden-Baden 6.520 pigeons
4.NPO Orleans 14.551 pigeons
21.NPO Orleans 9.015 pigeons
Grandmother “Romy” NL14-3433130
1.National Ace-pigeon autumn races 
1.Nationale  Ace-pigeon Yearlings Pipa-Ranking
3.National Ace-hen WHZB/TBOTB
She won 35 prizes (14x 1:100) in 2 seasons without doubles.
1.Creil 10.128 pigeons Provincial 
1.St Quentin 1.445 pigeons
2. Quievrain 4.982 pigeons
4.NPO La Souterraine 3.785 pigeons Provincial
5.Morlincourt 2.514 pigeons
6.Creil 3.587 pigeons
7.NPO Creil 9.912 pigeons Provincial
7.Roye 1.556 pigeons
10.Quievrain 2.688 pigeons 
10.Morlincourt 3.528 pigeons
….and many more!!! In club she won 1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4,5,5,5,7,8,8!!!!!
“Romy” is mother to a.o.:
1.Ace late tour Section Rayon 4
1.Ace late tour Section Rayon 4
1.Ace late tour Combine HVB
2.Ace late tour Combine HVB
5.Ace middle dist. YB Section Rayon 4
5.Ace young Combine HVB
8.National Ace short/middle distance Pipa-Rankings
1.Niergnies 2.918 pigeons
2.Peronne 1.978 pigeons, 22/13.749 pigeons Provincial 
6.Quievrain 3.435 pigeons
8.Quievrain 4.765 pigeons…again we stop at the Top 10 as the lists are so long but can be checked out in the auction itself.
And a massive list of grandchildren who raced well.
“Romy” 14-3433130 is bred from topclass breeders “Wouwer 662” B13-6285662 and “Gertje”NL09-1360750

NL18-5101932 “Special One” : not only hens…superb cock in the auction Lot N° 3

It doesn’t matter if it’s a hen or a cock, if it is short distance, middle distance or long distance…the Stabel pigeons are good and win first prizes. This 3rd pigeon we want to introduce shortly is a cock, again from that wonderful breeding year of 2018 that didn’t only race well but is already father to a youngsters from 2020 that won 9 prizes on 9 races and became by doing this 14 Ace Bird Youngsters Union Hart of Brabant. He comes out of the superb breeding line from ‘Esmee’ but this time crossed in with a pigeon from Willem De Bruijn, just saying, there genes fit ! 
He won 19 prizes with ao:
1  Quièvrain                         3,111b 156km
    1 Quièvrain                      1,031b
4  Quièvrain                         1,116b 156km
   5 Quièvrain                        3,617b
4  Peronne                                        848b 232km
   31 Peronne                                2,505b
  109 Prov. Peronne                  9.321b
12 Issoudun                                     500b 554km
     49 NPO Issoudun             7,628b
13 La Souterraine                           265b 643km
     22 La Souterraine                      808b
     142 NPO La Souterrraine   2,753b
32 Peronne                                    1,350b 232km
    69 Peronne                               2,693b
34 Bierges                                      1,036b 92km
     56 Bierges                                2,159b
91 Pont St. Maxence                 2,114b 303km
    184 Prov. Pont St. Max.       8,001b

Father: NL 16-3630722 “Super Melun”
Won himself:
1.Melun 1.219 pigeons
8.Provincial Melun 18.466 pigeons
“Super Melun” is in a short time father to:
Quievrain               1/  3,111 pigeons
Peronne                  4/    848 pigeons
      “                      31/  2,505 pigeons
Quievrain               5/  3,617 pigeons
Peronne                  8/    862 pigeons
    “     Prov.          29/12,621 pigeons
Pointoise              10/  1,425 pigeons
Pointoise              11/  1,425 pigeons
La Souterraine     11/     265 pigeons
       “      NPO     104/  2,753 pigeons
Issoudun               12/     500 pigeons
       “      NPO       49/  7,628 pigeons
La Souterraine     13/    265 pigeons 
       “      NPO     142/  2,753 pigeons
Orleans                 15/    388 pigeons
       “      NPO     150/  4,234 pigeons
Sermaises             18/     637 pigeons
Peronne                21/    616 pigeons
Peronne                28/    862 pigeons
     “     Prov.         75/12,621 pigeons
Peronne                32/  1,350 pigeons
Bierges                  34/  1,036 pigeons
Grandfather: “Son Super Leo”NL08-1628673 came in 2015 on our breedingloft and produced many good racing and breeding pigeons in only 2 years. 25 (grand)children won in top 25 NPO/Provincial!!! He became (grand)father to a.o.:
1.Quievrain 3.111 pigeons
1.Melun 1.219 pigeons, 8/18.466
1.Asse-Zellik 602 pigeons
1.Orleans 665 pigeons, 10.NPO 4.234 pigeons
1.Morlincourt 485 pigeons
1.Vierzon 443 pigeons, 18.NPO 2.945 pigeons
1.La Souterraine 265 pigeons, 26.NPO 2.673 pigeons
Grandmother “Esmee 212” NL11-3051212  Sensational breedinghen and immediate from worldclass breedingpair “Esmee” NL10-3031551 and “Super ace 10” NL09-3931610! 
Only races as YB 4.Ace Combine and then placed on breedingloft! 
Children “Esmee 212” won among others:
1.Allround Super Crack
2.Super Gouden Crack long distance 2016-2018
4.Ace-pigeon old Combine
6.Gouden Crack Provincial 
6.Ace-pigeon long distance Section
6.Ace-pigeon old Combine
7.Ace-pigeon long distance Section
10.Ace-pigeon long distance Provincial
Grandchildren won among other: 
1.Ace Combine
1.Morlincourt 5.028 pigeons
1.St Quentin 4.737 pigeons
1.Morlincourt 4.363 pigeons
1.Quievrain 3.111 pigeons
1.Morlincourt 2.346 pigeons
1.Peronne 1.366 pigeons
1.Sezanne 491 pigeon
1.Quievrain 428 pigeons
1.Creil 808 pigeon
1.Pommeroeul 362 pigeons

Mother: NL 17-1279453 “Bruijntje 53”
Direct Willem de Bruijn, Reeuwijk from toppers “Arie” and “Magic”!!!
“Bruijntje 53” is in a short time mother to:
Quievrain               1/  3,111 pigeons
Peronne                  4/    848 pigeons
     “                      31/  2,505 pigeons
Quievrain               5/  3,617 pigeons
Peronne                  8/    862 pigeons
    “     Prov.          29/12,621 pigeons
Pointoise             10/  1,425 pigeons
Pointoise              11/  1,425 pigeons
La Souterraine     11/     265 pigeons
       “      NPO     104/  2,753 pigeons
Issoudun               12/    500 pigeons
       “      NPO       49/  7,628 pigeons
La Souterraine     13/    265 pigeons 
       “      NPO     142/  2,753 pigeons
Orleans                 15/    388 pigeons
       “      NPO     150/  4,234 pigeons
Sermaises             18/    637 pigeons
Peronne                21/    616 pigeons
Peronne                28/    862 pigeons
     “     Prov.         75/12,621 pigeons
Peronne                32/  1,350 pigeons
Bierges                  34/  1,036 pigeons
Morlincourt         66/  3,224 pigeons
Grandfather: NL 12-1617838 “Arie”
He was a topracer with 14x in first 1%!!!:
He became a topbreeder and is father to a.o.:
6.National Ace Young NPO
1.Ace late tour Combine
8.Ace old Combine
Grandmother: NL 14-1060132 “Magic”
Is a sensational racing hen with a.o.:
5.Peronne 5.435 pigeons
6.Nanteaul 11.867 pigeons
9.National Chateauroux 44.332 pigeons
20.Pont St Max 13.116 pigeons
21.National Ace middle/long distance Pipa-Ranking
31.Nanteuil 12.543 pigeons

The 3 above pigeons are only a glimpse out the amazing auction that is now online with 9 pigeons that all raced superb, are from the best families to be found on the breeding loft and some of them already proved in being good breeders as well. Next to these 9 you can find 11 youngsters that were bred out of specials couples especially for this auction. With as highlight from the youngsters ‘Special Romy’ (Lot N° 10) who is a direct daughter to ‘Romy’ who isn’t only 1st National Ace bird Autumn Races and 3rd National Ace Hen WHZB/TBOT but also an amazing breeding hen. Which makes this youngsters NL20-2026316 ‘Special Romy’ also a ½ sister to Lot N°1 ‘Simone’ !!!

NL 14-3433130 “Romy”
1.National Ace-pigeon autumn races 
1.National Ace-pigeon Yearlings Pipa-Ranking
3.National Ace-hen WHZB/TBOTB
She won 35 prizes (14x 1:100) in 2 seasons without doubles.
1.Creil 10.128 pigeons Provincial 
1.St Quentin 1.445 pigeons
2. Quievrain 4.982 pigeons
4.NPO La Souterraine 3.785 pigeons Provincial
5.Morlincourt 2.514 pigeons
6.Creil 3.587 pigeons
7.NPO Creil 9.912 pigeons Provincial
7.Roye 1.556 pigeons
10.Quievrain 2.688 pigeons 
10.Morlincourt 3.528 pigeons
….and many more!!! In club she won 1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4,5,5,5,7,8,8!!!!!

“Romy” is mother to a.o.:
1.Ace late tour Section Rayon 4
1.Ace late tour Section Rayon 4
1.Ace late tour Combine HVB
2.Ace late tour Combine HVB
5.Ace middle dist. YB Section Rayon 4
5.Ace young Combine HVB
8.National Ace short/middle distance Pipa-Rankings
1.Niergnies 2.918 pigeons
2.Peronne 1.978 pigeons, 22/13.749 pigeons Provincial 
6.Quievrain 3.435 pigeons
8.Quievrain 4.765 pigeons
12.Quievrain 4.414 pigeons
12.Pont St Max 2.405 pigeons
13.Peronne 2.463 pigeons
15.Gien 1.037 pigeons
16.Sermaises Provincial 7.198 pigeons
16.Peronne 5.658 pigeons
16.Melun 4.662 pigeons
17.Peronne 1.424 pigeons
18.Sens 2.908 pigeons
19.Creil 1.764 pigeons
21.Peronne 2.428 pigeons
22.Pont St Max 6.215 pigeons Provincial
22.Creil 1.329 pigeons
23.Asse-Zellik 1.772 pigeons
27.Fontenay 934 pigeons, 88/9.425 pigeons Provincial
28.Orleans 587 pigeons, 50.NPO 5.110 pigeons Provincial
30.Peronne 5.200 pigeons
30.Peronne 2.955 pigeons
….. and so on!!!
And a massive list of grandchildren who raced well.

Also on other lofts they are doing amazingly with these fine birds. Underneath an overview of references from 2018 - 2020

1.Final race 500km Alsafa One Loft Race 50% 2020
1.Ace Alsafa One Loft Race (Saoedi Ar.) 50% 2020
1.Ace middle dist. Section Rayon 4 50% 2018
1.Roye 3.128 p. 50% 2020
1.Quievrain 1332 p. 100% 2019
1.Niergnies 1.243 p. 50% 2020
1.Section 671 p. Denmark 50% 2020
1.Graaten 628 p. Denmark 50% 2019
1.Group 535 p., fastest 2.116 p. Denmark 50% 2020
1.Nanteuil 525 p. direct 2019
1.Arras 512 p. 50% 2020
1.Morlincourt 485 p. direct 2019
1.Section 153 p. Denmark 50% 2020
1.Club 123 p. Denmark 50% 2020
2.Provincial Quievrain 10.971 p. 50% 2019
2.NPO Issoudun 7.219 p., 1/1.66 p. 50% 2018
2.Provincial Melun 7.249 p. 50% 2018
2.Lorris 1.097 p., 14.NPO direct 2019
2.Fiser 955 p. Brasov One Loft Race direct 2020
2.Clermont 864 p 50% 2020
2.Quievrain 766 p. 50% 2019
2.Niergnies 560 p. 50% 2020
2.Quievrain 244 p. direct 2019
2.Orleans 166 p. direct 2019
3.Provincial Morlincourt 17.537 p. 50% 2018
3.National S1A Orleans 7.008 p. 50% 2018
3.Ecouen 1.101 p. 50% 2018
3.Vlademi 1031 p. Brasov One Loft Race direct 2020
3.Ace middle distance YB Combine direct 2019
3.Montlucon 300 p. 100% 2020
3.Lorris 205 d. direct 2019
4.National ace YB middle d. Pipa Rank. 50% 2018
4.Section 330 p. 50% Stabel
4.Sercaia 991 p. Brasov One Loft Race direct 2020
4.Lorris 205 d. direct 2019
4.Niergnies 151 p. direct 2019
4.Peronne 127 p. direct 2019
5.NPO Orleans 4.733 p. 50% 2018
5.Ludus 726 p. Brasov One Loft Race direct 2020
5.Issoudun 205 p. 100% 2020
6.Provincial Pont St Max 12.470 p. direct 2018
6.Provincial Melun 7.249 p. 50% 2018
6.Melun 1.050 p. 50% 2019
6.Issoudun 139 p. direct 2020
7.NPO Chateaudun 2.860 p. 50% 2020
7.Final Race 300km Riyadh one loft race 100% 2020
7.Ace middle distance YB Combine direct 2019
8.NPO Fontenay 7.465 p. 50% 2019
8.Pointoise 484 p. 100% 2020
9.Morlincourt 9.299 p. 50% 2020
9.Provincial Blois 2.714 p. 50% 2018
9.Arras 506 p. 50% 2020
10.NPO Sens 5.204 p. 50% 2018
10.prize 4.536 p. Marocco 100% 2020
10.prize 1.200 p. Marocco 100% 2020
10.Quievrain 2.129 p. direct 2018
10.Pont St Max 851 d. direct 2019
10.Quievrain 388 p. 50% 2020
11.Provincial Ace YB Brabant 2000 50% 2018
11.Sud Mokhtar 2.052 p. Marocco 100% 2020
11.Peronne 1.350 p. 100% 2020
11.Peronne 564 p. 100% 2020
12.NPO Pont St Max 4.071 p. 50% 2019
1.Issoudun 690 d. 50% 2020
14.prize 1.150 p. Marocco 100% 2020
14.Pont St Max 851 p. direct 201914.Niergnies 684 p. direct 2019
15.NPO Montlucon 4.491 p. direct 2019
15.National Chateauroux 2.850 p. Belgie 50% 2019
17.Pont St Max 8.001 p. 50% 2018
17.Ace Sprint YB KBDB West-Vlaanderen 50% 2020
18.Peronne 3.259 p. direct 2020
20.prize 4.200 p. Marocco 100% 2020
20.Quievrain n2.316 p. 50% 2019
21.Provincial Peronne 9.215 p. 50% 2018
21.Fontenay 2.436 p. 50% 2019
23.Quievrain 3.069 p. direct 2018
28.NPO Orleans 4.733 p. 50% 2018
29.Provincial Peronne 18.948 p. 100% 2018
30.NPO Issoudun 7.628 p. 50% 2020
35.Pont St Max 3.828 p. 50% 2018
35.Peronne 3004 p. 50% 2020
38.Provincial Rekkem 10.434 p. 100% 2018
42.Provincial Nanteuil 3.161 p., 1/207 p. direct 2018
43.NPO Montlucon 3.762 p. 50% 2018
44.Provincial Pont St Max 8.001 p. 50% 2018
47.NPO Gien 3.917 p. 50% 2018
62.Provincial Pont St Max 8001 p. 100% 2018

If all the above isn’t convincing enough that Senior and Junior Stabel have a golden strain of breeders and racers on their loft…I don’t know what else will convince you.

Louis and Eugene, once again a big congratulation with these wonderful results and pigeons and thank you for your trust in having Herbots sell your pigeons in this online auction.