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Mathues Christophe, Kersbeek – Miskom says goodbye to the short distance races

19 Dec 2020

When we can auction a small colony we always notices again that you find really good pigeons that have raced themselves amazingly and are also able to give on their good genes. Racing, breeding, a strong selection and you get a very strong family of pigeons where you can built on. This was the case for the young fancier Christophe Mathues from Kersbeek – Miskom. 

By setting top results the past few years no one left it unnoticed and Benny Steveninck came with a proposition. Pigeons from Hamme moved to Christophe and they had to be raced on the national races. This was a group in 2019 that had as goal to shine in 2020. They did this with a lot of bravoure which made it hard to combine everything, especially as pigeon sport is becoming more and more specialized, they took the decision together to sell all the pigeons from Christophe and to start to focus on the Steveninck pigeons in the future. 

That’s why there is an unique auction online currently of only 25 strong selected pigeons that are one by one beauties. Proven pigeons where off most of them are related to each other.

That’s why we bundled the 2 breeding lines from “Super Vale” – “Grizzle Ace” and “Super Vaaltje” in this pedigree. 

You can admire all pigeons available in the auction underneath. 

Breeding line Super Vale 

BE 19-2063610 “Super Vale”
9 Provincial Ace bird Middle Distance KBDB 2020
Won 6 x 1st ( Lot N°1 in the auction )

Won both as youngster as year bird 3 weeks after each other 1st prizes and especially as a youngster this was in different clubs. A young classful pigeon that proved himself entirely the year afterwards what he had in his wings. Such pigeons of that age are a blessing for every fancier to bring onto his breeding loft. 

His breeding value showed also very quickly.
A young daughter out of him “BE 20-2044735” Daughter Super Vale won top out of Soissons and is to be found under Lot N°6 in this auction. A beautiful hen crossed in with a sister to “Grizzle Ace” where you can read more about it further on in this article. 

What is also very important is that he already had another daughter in 2020 that won the 1st Sermaises against 332 pigeons in the club (4th against 2,223 pigeons in the region), 17th Soissons against 1,215b. She won in total 8 prizes but stayed behind on the last national race out of Chateauroux. 

Full sister “Super Vale” is BE 20-2044739 “Het Bourgeske”
1 Ace Bird Greater Middle Distance Youngsters Oplinter 2020
7th Provincial Ace bird GMD Youngsters KBDB 2020
( Lot N°2 in the auction )

These youngsters shined as young birds both on the short distance, middle distance as on the national races with top result the 69th National Bourges against 28,551b. Amazing isn’t it…. 

The only other full brother in the auction is “BE 20-2044709” Brother Super Vale  ( Lot N°3 in the auction). 

Super couple “Donkere 796” x “Super Vaaltje”

The 3 pigeons we introduced above are all out of this super couple. 

BE 17-2014796 “Donkere 796” was a top racer himself with 1x 1st – 3x 2nd and 10x Top 10 from short distance to middle distance. You can find “Donkere 796” under Lot N°4 in this auction. 

The hen he is coupled to since the Winter of 2018 is a direct Stefaan Lambrechts. BE 16-6081364 “Super Vaaltje”
( strain Goede Rode & Kittel Dirk Van Den Bulck ), she is also already grandmother to several other top pigeons. 
“Super Vaaltje” can be found under Lot N°5 in this auction

She also gave in her 1st breeding year a top pigeon with another cock. This is BE 17-2014787 “Snelle Vale” ( Lot N°7 in the auction )

Also “Snelle Vale” proved his breeding value really quickly and became father to  
“BE 20-2044719” Blauwke 19 who won 2x 2nd in her birth year. (Lot N°8 in the auction ). Always again the proof that this is a family of top racers. 

“BE 19-2063601” Super 01 – a wonderful hen that has become already mother to 2x 1st in 2020. The best young breeding hen for the future. (Lot N°12 in the auction)

Sprinter “Grizzle Ace” 

In 2018 there was together with “Snelle Vale” another pigeon that raced head of the race week after week. This was the BE 17-2014757 “Grizzle Ace” who won in total 7x 1st without doubles and crowned himself to 2nd Provincial Ace bird Short Distance KBDB 2018. This superstar can be found under Lot N°13 in this online auction. 

Also he did already really well on the breeding loft and became father to “BE 19-2063611” Super Blauwe ( Lot N°14 in the auction).

White Sprinters

In Winter 2017-2018 Christophe bought “Witte 764” BE 16-2074764 via an auction from Henot – Briglia via LCB. He grew out to be a top breeder throughout the years and these pigeons showed that they don’t have any problems racing top until 450km (Lot N°19 in the auction)

The “Witte 764” got an amazing rating of 97.5 by Jo Herbots which means that this pigeons has all qualities from muscles, back, balance, softness and that he is a golden breeder for the future. 

Children out of him are 

A son BE 20-2044743 “Witte 743” ( Lot N°20 in the auction ).
Showed his class on the middle distance with a 8th on Sermaises against 2,715b 

A daughter BE 19-2063602 “Meeuwke 602” (Lot N°21 in the auction ).
Won herself 3x TOP 10

A son BE 18-2034201 “Special 201” ( Lot N°22 in the auction).
He is a 1st and 2nd prize winner and became father and grandfather of 1x 1st and 2x 2nd 

Christophe likes to wish all his buyers a lot of success and hopes they are as successful with them as he was.