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Patrick Vervloesem from Rijmenam wins 1st Provincial Argenton 1,348 olds ( fastest of 3,523 pigeons )

21 Jun 2023

For Patrick Vervloesem from Rijmenam in Antwerp it was a hit from Argenton, his old 2 year old widower won against the weather a handsome 13th National against 13,103 old ( 1st Provincial against 1,348 old and fastest of 3,523 pigeons in the province of Antwerp ). His 2nd arrival was the favorite of Patrick, a yearling cock who showed himself well as a youngster last year and whoever can show himself here as a youngster usually gets even better as a yearling. That's how it happened, as a youngster this cock won a 1st prize on sprint and raced top from Argenton National. This year as a yearling he did not miss and he again won a 1st prize in the sprint and he won the 1st prize locally from Bourges as well as from Argenton. At provincial level he wins 2 x TOP 15 in difficult circumstances, but that is when the Vervloesem pigeons are at their best.


The widowers are on top of the old widower's lofts of the past, very good brick lofts where many top pigeons have raced. The pigeons were coupled in the spring after the yearlings had only been here for one week, but that was not really a success. He let them sit together for 3 weeks, some were brooding, some mated well and some had nothing at all. But he said that was not a problem in view of the season. After those 3 weeks training could start and completing a full hour is more of a rule than an exception here. Sometimes there are even days when they are allowed to fly for 2 hours, but not every day, so continuing to train and keeping the day after a little shorter so as not to force it in the beginning is ideal, according to him. They therefore have a solid basic condition on which he builds further during the season. During the season they train either 2x short or 1x one hour. Depending on how warm it is, but the cocks always train first thing in the morning.

The hen is always shown during the motivation, in the beginning it is just half box and they stay together for 30 to 60 minutes when they return home. Afterwards, the hen is sometimes left with it when basketing and they stay together until the evening when they return from national races. Between the 2 national races the cocks don't get any rest and they always fly Quievrain or Noyon, according to Patrick this is better because rest only rusts.

The power supply used here is always from Beyers, Patrick works a lot with Galaxy Sport Light and Galaxy Energy. The pigeons are regularly checked by An Havet and in terms of by-products he works with products from Schroeder – Tollisan and Belgasol from Belgica De Weerd when they return home. So far the racing team has not had any cure or yellow drop against tricho because no tricho is detected during the check. Only they were treated with Soludox in mid-May before they went to their first provincial race from Blois. During the winter and breeding period, the pigeons get Avidress from Röhnfried or Wonderpigeon every day.

First 2 arrivals from Argenton

BE 21-6068027 “Silver Boy” Blue Cock

  1 Prov Argenton 1.348 old birds ( fastest from 3.523p )
13 National 13.103 old birds

Father BE 19-6204047 Blue Inbred Superbreeder 564

Gr.F. BE 08-6246564 Super breeder 564
         The only real foundation breeder of this colony
         Won 2 Prov Le Mans 1,312b – 5 Noyon 532b – 6 Pithiviers 609b – 58 Chateauroux 10,719b
         Father of a.o. “Okidoki” 1 Prov Bourges 2,165b ( 7 Nat 16.859b ) – 7 Prov Chateauroux 1,580b –7 Prov Nevers 955b – 27 Prov Blois 1.721b – 81 Nat Chateauroux 22.254b
         Father of “Pajot” 1 Br.Unie Salbris 1.038b – 1 Dourdan 2.334b
        Grandfather of several current top pigeons in the racing team
        Son from “480/07” Grandson Bak 17 Marcel Aelbrecht x “441/04” Blue Inbred 231/86 Jules & Jos Engels
Gr.M. BE 17-3046164 Geert 164 – Geert Van Den Eynde 
                Won 23 Nat Ace Gr.M.D. KBDB 2019 – 9 Chevrainvilliers 3.466p
                Won 29 Nat (z) Bourges 2.836p – 45 Nat (z) Gueret 2.775p – 71 Nat Montlucon 9.857p
                Daughter “280/14” Son Superbreeder 564 x “385/12” Geert Van Den Eynde

Mother BE 14-6300340 Blue Kaasboer Silver
Nestsister from superbreeder “Kaasboer Gold”

Gr.F. BE 11-6119106 Son 098/03 – Gaston Van De Wouwer
                Son from “098/03” Rik Son Kaasboer x “210/04” Blue Asduifke 2004
Gr.M. BE 10-6031794 Daughter Kaasboer – Gaston Van De Wouwer
                Daughter from “690/98” Kaasboer x “341/04” Daughter 098/03 Rik 

BE 22-6115117 Blue white feather Cock

    1 Club Bourges                    525p
  13 Prov                                3.130p
  99 NAT                              18.729p
    1 Club Argenton                 397p
    2 Prov                                2.175p
110 NAT                             17.210p
    1 Club Noyon                      256p
    4 Comb.                            2.124p
    1 Club Noyon                      151p
  10 Br.Unie Argenton        1.088p
186 NAT                             13.393p
  52 Comb.Noyon               3.270p
  53 Br.Unie Blois                   855p

Father BE 20-2132938 Son Alaphilippe – Co breeding Herbots x Vervloesem

Gr.F. BE 16-4157919 Alaphilippe – Leutenez M & E 
                1 Nat Ace Long Distance 2017 yls – 3 Nat Ace All Round KBDB 2017
                8 Nat Ace Long Distance 2017 yls KBDB 
                Son from “612/14” Son Bolleken x “081/13” Daughter Limo Eagle Eye
Gr.M. BE 18-6124128 Siska – Vervloesem Patrick
                4 Nat Ace long distance 2020 ( 6 KBDB races )
                Won 4 Prov Brive 384p – 6 Prov Souillac 564p – 12 Prov Aurillac 291p – 70 Nat Montlucon 14.104p
                Daughter from “684/16” ½ brother 1 Nat Bourges Olivier Poussart x “454/11” Saskia 
                Granddaughter Kaasboer Gaston Van De Wouwer

Mother BE 19-6204495 Blue – 100% Gaston Van de Wouwer

Gr.F. BE 16-6023006 Brother father 1st National Gueret - Gaston Van de Wouwer
                Son from “428/14” Grandson Kaasboer x “624/11” Sister Elfje 11 Nat Ace KBDB Niels Broeckx
Gr.M. BE 18-6124284 Blue – 100% Gaston Van de Wouwer
                Daughter from “DV 0517/10” Blue x “717/12” Blue

Patrick and Bieke, keep it up and congratulations on both victories from the entire HERBOTS TEAM.

Buelens Kim