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Peter & Gwen Van de Merwe A fixed value in Dutch pigeon racing!

13 Jan 2021

The Van de Merwe pigeons have the art in their wings to perform at an unprecedented high level season after season. Also in 2020 the results were FENOMENAL !

1st NPO Roye 20,199b.
1st NPO Fontenay 17,630b.
1st NPO Pont St. Max 12,240b.
1st NPO Blois 3,212b.

Pont St. Maxence 19,142b.: 2-3-4-5-7-8-9-10-12-16-17-20-21-22-23-26-29-36 etc.
Roye 20,172b.: 1-2-3-5-6-7-8-9-11-13-14-35-37-38-40-44-51-56 etc.
Fontenay 17,629b.: 1-2-5-8-10-28-32-38-43-47-50-69-71-72 etc.
Pont St. Maxence 33,678d.: 2-3-7-9-10-12-13-27-28-34-48-49-51-53-55 etc.
Blois NPO 3,212b.: 1-2-9-12-13-14-15-55-83-84-90 etc.
Chateauroux NPO 4,973b.: 3-4-10-16-23-41-42-43-73 etc.
Blois NPO 7,756b. 2-3-21-38-45-46-50 etc. 

Such results do not come out of the blue. The whole thing must click perfectly. The lofts, the system, the fancier and of course the very strong base of the breeding loft. Peter, being the down-to-earth person he is, sees especially the strong breeding base as the key to his success. "If it goes wrong there, you may be such a good fancier... nobody can make a racehorse out of a donkey, so you have to make sure you have racehorses! “

The inexhaustible class of their breeding loft

For years at the top of the Dutch pigeon sport performing very hard... it is only given to a few but Peter succeeds miraculously. His secret "class pigeons"... everything started with those well-known pedigrees such as "Replay", "Gwen", "Amigo", "Replay Jr", "Big John Jr", "Nathalie" etc... Most of these toppers have first shown their capacities on the races and afterwards they excelled on the breeding loft by passing on their flying capacities to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation. When we asked Peter about his breeding strategy, his answer was short and clear " I will especially cross the children/grandchildren from the above mentioned stock pigeons. Rarely will there be an inbreeding pairing. I look a bit at the type of each pigeon and I don't know anything about the eye theory. The most important thing is the results "Good x Good" is in my opinion the ideal pairing and it is striking that some breeding lines pass on their winning genes much better than others."

One of the current top pairings is without discussion "Young Dreampair".

“Young Dreampair” is formed by “Son Jill” (NL17-1280564) x “Bulck 118” (NL17-1826118)

They are parents to: 

“Max” 18-5129512 
2.Nat Ace Pigeon Ranking 6 price 2018
6.Peronne 8,420b
8.Quievrain 2,391b
11.Quievrain 1,234b
12.Pointoise 6,679b
27.Pont st M 18,381b
78.Pont st M 9,047b
67.Quievrain 2,755b

“Max” is father to: 

16.NPO Chateauroux 4,973b 600 Km
32.NPO Pont st max 3,477b
45.NPO Vierzon 9,031b
107.NPO Fontenay  17,630b
120.Nat Pointoise  8,068b

9.Niergnies 3,393b
19.NPO Pont st Max 3,477b
38.NAT Blois 11,576b
55.NPO Blois 3,212b
91.NPO Pont st max 33,636b
58.Pointoise 1,555b
177.Nat Pointoise 8,068
241.Peronne 8,044b

“Maxien” 18-5129511 

1.Nanteuil 3,086b
4.Prov. 12,413b
4.Melun 9,656b
7.Duffel 1,369b
8.Lennik 1,202b
9.Quievrain 3,742b
12.Melun 1,994b
17.Quievrain 2,192b
38.Lennik 1,837b
59.Pont 18,381b

1.Niergnies 3,393b
10.Quievrain 1,400b
15.Pointoise 1,278b
17.Lennik 984b
43.NPO Fontenay 17,630b

5.Prov Ace pigeon Middle distance 2020

3.Peronne 568b
6.NPO Fontenay 17,630b  (after loftmates)
6.Quievrain 1,400b
9.Lennik 1,202b
10.NPO Pointoise 3,173b
10.Peronne 1,108b
12.Nat Pointoise 8,068b
13.NPO Pont st Max 3,477b (after lofmates)
17.Peronne 1,954b
19.Prov Peronne 7,103b
45.Prov Peronne 16,670b

 Ineke 19-7005625  
1.NPO Pont st Max 12,240b
2.NPO Pont st Max 33,687b
12.NPO Pointoise 6,621b
36.Nat Pointoise 8,068b
37.Quievrain 2,234b
46.Lennik 1,837b

2.NPO Roye 20,172b After loft mate
22.NPO Pont st Max 19,399b


6.NPO Roye 20,199b after loftmate
29.NPO Peronne 16,670b

18.Duffel 435b

30.Lennik 1,410b

50.Quievrain 2,835b


Another very strong and important base breeder is “Blauwe Leo”

“Blauwe Leo” (B16-6047206 – original Dockx Leo en Gerry) is a direct son “Tarzan” (1st National ace KBDB youngbirds) x “Fenna” (won o.a. 4th Nat. Montluçon 11,056b. and 5th Nat. Argenton 22,464b.). 
“Blauwe Leo” won himself: 2nd provincial Arras 12,475b. and  4th NPO Pont 12,751b. 

“Blauwe Leo” is father to: “Evy” (NL18-5129349)

“Evy” won: 

1st Nat. Melun S2 against 8,893b.
Fastest S2 + S3 against 38,000b.
8th Pont St. Maxence 7,771b.
3rd Pont St. Maxence 1.,034b.
15th National ace WHZB old birds

“Evy” is mother to:

“Leonora” NL19-1670031 
3rd Nat Asce middle distance De Allerbeste 2020
1.NPO Blois 3,211b
8.NPO Fontenay 17,630b
15.NPO Fontenay 12,920b
20.Pointoise 1,555b
39.Lennik 1,837b
41.Pont st max 2,875b
52.Pointoise 1,275b
64.Quievrain 9,359b
67.NPO Vierzon 9,031b
73.NPO Chateauroux 4,973b

“Romil” NL20-1498569
2nd National ace Fondspiegel
7th NPO Pont St. Maxence 19,399b.
26th NPO Fontenay 15,396b.

Girl power on the breeding loft  “Jill” NL15-1708672

1st Nationale asduif jonge duiven Ranking 2015
4th asduif nationale competitie WHZB 2015
1st Duffel 1,064b.
2nd Duffel 2,355b.
1st Troyes 251b.
14th prov. Troyes 4,147b.
12th Asse 1,306b.
18th Nanteuil 7,763b.
13th Pont 6,160b.

“Jill” is mother to: 

18-5129358 (uit “Rambo” x “Jill”)  
5.Nat Ace pigeon Ranking 2018
3.NAT Melun 8,893b
5.Pointoise 1,706b
10.NPO Pointoise 6,679b
5.Pont st Max   1,970b
16.NPO Pont st Max 7,771b
15.Pont st Max   1,034b
44.Quievrain 1,896b

11.Peronne 897b
13.Pont st M 18,381b
26.Pointoise 6,679b
26.Quievrain 2,192b
27.Pointoise 4,846b
39.Peronne 1,570b
47.Quievrain 3,742b
157.Pont st M 9,047b

“Sherwin” 19-7005628
2.NPO Pointoise 3,173b after loftmate 
3.Nat Pointoise 8,068b 
10.NPO Pont 6,733b after loftmate
1.Peronne 1,004b
10.Prov Peronne 19,257 b
1.Lennik  984b 
8.Nat Ace Pigeon Ranking 2019

“Sherwin” is father to “Fleur”, this when he was paired to “Charlotte” (1st NPO Pontoise 16,215b.)
“Fleur” won 1st NPO Roye 20,199b.

Other children of “Jill” won: 

1.Pont st Max 1,970b
7.NPO Pont st Max 18,381b
17.Peronne 2,165b
53.Quievrain 1,896b
86.Nat Melun 8,893b

1.Peronne 387b
2.Peronne 3,453b
20.NPO Vierzon 9,031b
28.NPO Pont st Max 3,477b
43.Niegnies 3,393b
93.NPO Chateauroux 4,973b
125.NPO Fontenay 17,630b

1.Duffel 7,593b
2.Chimay 359b
13.Asse 2,570b
14.Arras 4,115b
25.Pointoise 6,878b
26.pont st Max 7,593b
26.Roye  6,946b
38.Arras 3,713b
51.Pont st Max 7,593b
198.Nat Chateauroux 9,980b

Famous grandchildren of “Jill” are:

“Ineke”  19-7005625 
1.NPO Pont st Max 12,240b
2.NPO Pont st Max 33,687b
12.NPO Pointoise 6,621b
36.Nat Pointoise 8,068 b
37.Quievrain 2,234b
46.Lennik 1,837b

3.Peronne 568b
6.NPO Fontenay 17,630b
6.Quievrain 1,400b
9.Lennik 1,202b
10.NPO Pointoise 3,173b
10.Peronne 1,108b
12.Nat Pointoie 8,068b
13.NPO Pont 3,477b
17.Peronne 1,954b
19.Peronne 7,103b

Max 18-5129512 
2.Nat Ace Ranking  6 prijzen 2018
6.Peronne 8,420 b
8.Quievrain 2,391b
11.Quievrain 1,234b
12.Pointoise 6,679b
27.Pont st M. 18,381b
78.Pont st M 9,047b
67.Quievrain 2,755b

“Max” is father to: 

16.NPO Chateauroux 4,973b 600 Km 
32.NPO Pont st max  3,477b
45.NPO Vierzon 9,031b
107.NPO Fontenay 17,630b
120.Nat Pointoise 8,068b

9.Niergnies 3,393b
19.NPO Pont st Max  3,477b
38.NAT Blois 11,576b
55.NPO Blois 3,212b
91.NPO Pont 33,636b
58.Pointoise 1,555b
177.Nat Pointoise 8,068b
241.Peronne 8,044b

Maxien 18-5129511 
1.Nanteuil 3,086b
4.Prov 12,413b
4.Melun 9,656b
7.Duffel 1,369b
8.Lennik 1,202b
9.Quievrain 3,742b
12.Melun 1,994b
17.Quievrain 2,192b
38.Lennik 1,837b
59.Pont 18,381b

1.Niergnies 3,393b
10.Quievrain 1,400b
15.Pointoise 1,278b
17.Lennik 984b
43.NPO Fontenay 17,630b


And what do you think about the breeding value of “Rambo”, again a direct son to “Jill” 

 “Rambo” (NL18-5129358) won
5th Nat. ace WHZB
3rd Nat. Melun 8,893b.
10th NPO Pontoise 6,679b.
16th NPO Pontoise 7,771b.

On the breeding loft he became father to “Leonora”. 
“Leonora” NL19-1670031 won
3rd Nat Ace middle distance De Allerbeste 2020
1.NPO Blois 3,211b
8.NPO Fontenay 17,630b
15.NPO Fontenay 12,920b
20.Pointoise 1,555b
39.Lennik 1,837b
41.Pont st max 2,875b
52.Pointoise 1,275b
64.Quievrain 9,359b
67.NPO Vierzon 9,031b
73.NPO Chateauroux 4,973b

And we could easily go on like this for a while. Unbelievable how much class there is on the breeding- and racing loft of Peter and daughter Gwen. 


If you also want to enjoy the class of the Van de Merwe pigeons, do not hesitate and click through to the current Pigeon Bids auction. In this internet auction Peter offers both proven breeders and proven racers for sale. Do not hesitate... do it!