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Schroeven – Hermans, Molenstede shine once more on the middle distance races

10 Jul 2021

Weekly trying to compete on the middle distance races in sector 2 & 3 is the goal of Schroeven – Hermans from Molenstede. Their game with the hens is top and take care for weekly more than one top results on the shorter middle distance races. Now in the season of 2021 they are racing again superb and we like to introduce their best hens to you. 

A few hens that take care of the beautiful weather over here

During the winter period Eddy likes to test the quality of his pigeons on the breeding loft. That’s why the best 18 hens are being coupled and 2 rounds out of them are being bred. This to discover the breeding talent as soon as possible and / or to stop a super racing pigeon sooner if seems that their youngsters come very good or the other way around. Make use of the efficiency in a maximum on all levels. 

The hens were darkened from the 1st of March until the 15th of April. The hens are being divided over 2 lofts, one with an aviary in front of it and one without an aviary. When they start to pair up I split up the couple. 

From the moment they are racing they hardly stay home. But due to the difficult season this year I left them home 2 weeks ago due to the bad weather predictions and I didn’t toss them in between anymore either. 

Every day from Monday to Tuesday they train once a day during the season, this both in the season as before the season. I like that they train hard so you can see that they make speed in the air. 


All my pigeons have a fixed partner, one loft I let them go into the box, the other loft get to see their partners. But I can’t see a difference in results, so it is possible that I won’t do this anymore before basketing. 

After the race they can stay from the first race on together until the next morning. 

Top hen season 2021

BE 19-2095614 Blue Hen 

    3      Sermaises                        4,211b
    3      Melun                                3,815b
    6      Melun                                6,951b
    6      Sermaises                        3,238b
    6      Momignies                       2,598b
    9      Nanteuil                           1,931b
  33      Melun                               2,769b
  80      Nat Argenton               26,085b
260      Nat Chateauroux        33,833b

Father: Brother to “710/16” 13 x 1:100 1/732b – 2/593b – 3/1,035b – 5/1,008b – 7/1,405b
Is also mother to top hen on the middle distance with 2/1,878b – 2/1,528b – 4/1,548b – 5/3,386b

Gr.F. BE 15-6143198 Checquered white pin Huyghens
Gr.M. BE 14-2261118 Blue white pin – co-breeding Eyletten x Schroeven
            ½ sister “Rosa” 1 Nat Gueret 16,248b

Mother BE 17-2050315 Blue
Won herself on the middle distance 1/200b – 4/518b – 5/975b – 6/2,551b – 6/895b

Gr.V BE 15-2081829 Blue – PEC Racing Team
            Inbred James Bond Verreckt Ariën 
Gr.M. BE 09-2113962 Sister Liliane – Luc Daans


In a matter of food I definitely don’t use a heave feeding schedule. On Sundays and Mondays it is depurative, Tuesdays Super diet and depurative, Wednesdays 50% Super diet and 50% Sport, Thursdays 1/3 super diet and 2/3 sport and on Fridays Sport with Top Energy from Beyers together with candy and hemp seed. They also get this mixture when they get home from a race and then I can start over again with the fixes schedule. I do like to feed the pigeons not too late at the day of basketing with one night basket, I like to basket with an empty crop. 

Also minerals from Ferdinand Mariën are given over the food at arrival from a race and the day after Amino Acids with conditional powder and that’s it. Quick recovery, light feeding and a good condition are the pillars I build on. 

Before the racing season starts of, the pigeons go for a check-up and if necessary they will be treated as well. Afterwards I go for a check-up every 4 to 6 weeks without curing blindly. In Autumn they do get a cure against trichomoniases and paratyphoid and then I go for a check-up to see that they are clear to be able to moult really good. 

Results 2021

Melun 6,951 old & yearlings : 6,7,9,15,47,48,50,87,89,127,… 
Melun 3,600 yearlings: 4,21,57,63,… 
Sermaises 2,364 old & yearlings: 10,19,21,24,30,32,45,49,56,60,69,75,93,… 
Sermaises 1,258 yearlings : 11,29,32,42,79,97,99,… 
Sermaises 2,093 old & yearlings: 3,5,6,13,14,19,24,26,28,31,37,38,39,54,56,57,59,61,70,71,73,75,78,91,92,…. 
Sermaises 1,107 yearlings : 3,4,12,13,14,18,26,35,36,39,42,50,66,74,… 
Sermaises 4,211 old & yearlings: 3,4,5,5,7,8,12,12,20,23,23,26,30,43,79,98,… 
Sermaises 2,469 yearlings : 2,7,10,19,54,70,71,73,95,100,… 
Sermaises 3,238 old & yearlings: 6,7,8,11,14,15,17,21,22,24,29,39,76,87,98,… 
Sermaises 1,843 yearlings : 6,10,15,19,51,80,… 
Melun 3,815 old & yearlings: 2,3,4,5,6,7,12,32,38,39,45,47,56,58,…. 
Melun 2,212 yearlings: 1,2,2,4,22,24,25,31,37,…. 
Melun 1,450 old & yearlings: 5,9,12,13,14,18,28,30,34,38,69,75,79,98,… 

Eddy & Marleen, a big congratulation on these wonderful results from the entire HERBOTS TEAM.

Buelens Kim