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Speliers Paulien (Herne) 1st Prov. Argenton 1,534 old birds

14 Jun 2023

Argenton and Speliers family from Herne, apparently there is a click because after winning national last year against 20,467 old birds with their hen "Paulien I", now it was bingo again and they took the provincial win against 1,534 old birds. This time it was cock "Full Try" (B21-2131929) that popped the champagne cork through the steel blue sky. With an average speed of 1,166.54 m/m, his ring number is in place 33 of the national result. 
Daughter Paulien and daddy Bart have built their colony with pigeons from Etienne de Meyer (Tollenbeek), Wim and Bram Moens (Aspelare), Geert and Ronny Boschmans (Herne) and play both cocks and hens on pure widowhood, i.e. with partners staying at home. No winter or early breeding for the choice is made to save all energy for the racing season. Only after the season the racers are allowed to raise a round of youngsters. The hens are housed in a section that can be perfectly divided into two parts with panels. During the week, the hens sit in the front part of the loft on kapellekes and when basketing time comes, the panels are removed and they can fly in their boxes. 
Feeding is done as in many places namely from light to heavy. For this purpose, they work with low-protein mixtures (Gerry Plus and Vandenabeele) and are fed with sport and energy mixtures as the basketing date approaches. In terms of by-products, Sliepzand is used weekly and eye drops, vitamins and Turbo Disinfect from Travipharma are used. On the medical front, the medicine cabinet is kept as close as possible and, apart from mandatory vaccinations, Bart tries to avoid antibiotics. 
Provincial winner "Full Try" was certainly not on his test piece as as a youngster he also won 3rd Argenton 532d. and 42nd La Souterraine against 777d. . As a yearling he won e.g. 4th Gueret against 156b. 


Paulien and Bart, congratulations from the whole Herbots team.

Stefan Mertens