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Top reference Janssen auction: Grandparents of Olympiad Bird “5416” are offered in this auction

22 Dec 2019

The last day before this exclusive auction ends we received at our redaction a top references concerning the Janssen brothers auction.
Polish champion fancier Stanislaw Skucha represented his country Poland with his top bird “PL0344-16-5416” at the Olympiad in Poznan in 2019. This superb pigeon won following results:

03.06.2018         1             Szczecin Dabei III             325km                 1,277b.
17.06.2018         1             Szczecin Dabei   IV           325km                 726b.
30.06.2018         1             Cloppenburg I                   766km                 7,527b.
27.05.2019         8             Salzwedel 1                       535km                 2,722b.
20.05.2018         9             Szczecin Dabei I                325km                 5,077b.
14.07.2018         9             Cloppenburg II                  766km                 5,742b.

Big news is that the grandparents of this Olympiad bird are original Janssen birds and are now offered in the current Janssen auction. We are talking about “Luxe Blauwen” (B10-6246123 – auction number 10 – Part I) and “Jong Septemberke” (B11-6219345 – auction number 14 – Part I)

Do not doubt to purchase the grandparents of a proven Olympiad bird !