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Topweekend for Dirk Cloetens (Rotselaar)

20 Jul 2020

Today at 2 p.m. the Pigeon Bids sale of some performance pigeons of Dirk Cloetens from the Vlaams-Brabantse Rotselaar ends. The fact that Dirk has a colony rich in quality was underlined once again during the last WE by the magnificent performances that were put on paper at all distances. Not only were top prices clocked, but also a price percentage of 100% 1/3 and a price percentage of almost 50% 1/10 were achieved. Results that can count... enjoy them.

Sermaise 345 km

598 old 1-9-17-33-41-42-48-54-65-70-94-101-111-139-169-188-189 (17/17)

Issoudun 483 km

local sans peur Herent

283 old : 12-23 (2/2)

490 years : 3-4-7 (3/3)

Demer & Dijle

681 yl : 9-11-16 (3/3)

429 o : 23-38


1772 old : 79-129

3193 years : 56-61-82


10603 old : 213-375

18176 years : 183-202-266


Limoges 653 km

local "sans peur" Herent

319 old : 5 (1/1)

Demer & Dijle

452 o : 5 (1/1)


1011 old: 7


10319 old : 40