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Vandepasch & Dochter are guaranty for super class from 100 to 600km

01 Dec 2020

Year after year we go with pleasure to the colony of Jan & Leanne Vandepasch in Grubbenvorst in Holland. Every time again they can present results to bow for and Jan is as an experienced pigeon fancier in heart and soul. Only racing with hens they compete each week again with old and yearlings from 100 to 600km and this against 1000-2000-5000 or even 10,000 pigeons on a provincial level. The Gold from Grubbenvorst is to be found here…Off course they can build on an iron strong base from the past with their many Olympiad birds. Now they decided after the season of 2020 to sell their racing team 2018 together with their 3 best hens from 2017 which were still in the racing team of 2020. This top auction can be admired until the 2nd of December at 14h00, which is the end of the auction of these super racers who everybody can use on their breeding loft. 

Best results 2020

Chalons Prov 10,622b: 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,21,29,34,63,65,66,71,… 30/35
Burdinne 1,847b : 2,3,6,10,11,12,14,16,… 
Sens NPO 3,519b : 1,2,3,… 12/18
Chimay 1,617b : 1,2,3,6,7,15,17,18,19,67,69,71,79,… 15/17
Chimay 1,149b : 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,… 78/85
Rethel 1,039b : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,14,16,17,18,19,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,… 74/99
Rethel 1,488b : 1,3,8,9,11,12,18,… 10/16

How do you get to these top pigeons ? 

The goal is to breed a pigeon which can compete from 100 to 600km from April to August. So especially regular pigeons that can aim for the top more than once a year, when you select on this you get a broad base as you can find here ! 

It all started with “Lowieke” from the Brothers Janssens from Arendonk, this cock grew out to be a real base breeder in more than one generation. When you are lucky that you can cross this strong breeding line against pigeons that have the same kind of genes, you are on roses. 

If you than to a co-breeding with Albert Derwa and this works out, well yes, you are again a step ahead. Also a top breeding hen from Maurits Haesendonckx came over here, but it was especially the input of the Willem de Bruijn pigeons which was the most important move that they do already for 10 years. 

We like to introduce with a lot of pleasure a few of the pigeons out of the old strain. 
NL 1544193-08 “Zoon Erika”, Erika won 1 Peronne 29,149b and 1 Peronne 24,353b. He grew out to be a super breeder and became father to “Jupiter” and several brothers from “Jupiter” that came onto the breeding loft all proved their breeding value. 

In this auction is present out of the strain from “Zoon Erika” & “Jupiter”

NL 17-1457108 “Hurricane 108” N°1 – Wins 14 x p/100 
NL 18-1270386 “Jupiter Girl 386” N°17 – 4 x TOP 100 NPO-PROV – 6 x p/100
NL 18-1270392 “Hurricane 392” N°2 – 1 Prov Ace bird Middle distance Limburg 2020 and Super star of the season – 11 x p/100 – 2 x TOP 10 NPO
NL 18-1270466 “Iluna” N°6 – 4 x TOP 80 NPO-PROV
NL 18-1270472 “Hurricane 472” N°3 2 x TOP 10 +2,500 pigeons
NL 18-5143419 “Sanne 419” N°14 – super hen on the middle distance
NL 18-5143437 “Louise 437” N°19 – 5 x p/100 
NL 18-5143534 “Hurricane 534” N°3 – 2 x TOP 100 NPO
NL 19-1064242 “Hurricane Boy” N°7 – won 4 Prov Chalons 11,256b
NL 19-1064281 “Hurrican Boy 281” N°13 – won 5 x top as youngsters and is a full sister to the best yearling 2020
NL 19-7008119 “Golden Hurricane” N°8 – ½ brother 1 Prov Chalons 10,622b

The one and only base breeding mother is NL 1542878-08 Moeder Olympic Ranomi 
She is 
Mother to “Olympic Ranomi” 1  Olympiad bird Cat.H Nitra ‘13
Mother to “Olympic Jan” 2 Olympiad bird Cat.D Budapest ‘15
Mother to “New Robin” 1 Rethel 4,359b – 1 Reims 2,757b – 2 Reims 1,600b
Mother to “NL 1446366-13” 6 x 1st – 1 Sezanne 2,994b 
Mother to “NL 1446367-13” Robin – 1 Rethel 4,359b – 1 Reims 2,757b – 1 Nat Ace bird youngsters 2013 – 2 Ace bird Europe Cup Dortmund ’14. 
Mother to “NL 1260867-14” 1 Marche 4,298b
Grandmother to  “NL 1458050-17” 1 Nat Ace bird youngsters W.H.Z.B. 2017
Grandmother to  “NL 1260356-14” Young Robin – 1 NPO Gien 3,745b and 8 x TOP 50 NPO
Grandmother to  “NL 1457128-17” Super Lucas – 1 NPO Reims 22,291b – 1 Marche 3,275b
Grandmother to   “NL 1260306-14” 1 Lorris 1,883b and 5 x TOP 100 NPO
Grandmother to  “NL 5134426-18” 1 Rethel 4,440b

The strain of “Mother Olympic Ranomi” can be found in underneath pigeons that are in the auction
Grandmother to  NL 18-1270384 “Sproetje” 2 x TOP 80 NPO N°21 
Grandmother to   NL 18-1270392 “Hurricane 392” N°2 – 1 Prov Ace bird Middle distance Limmburg 2020 and Super Star of the season – 11 x p/100 – 2 x TOP 10 NPO
Grandmother to  NL 18-1270466 “Iluna” N°6 – 4 x TOP 80 NPO-PROV
Grandmother to  r NL 18-1270472 “Hurricane 472” N°3 2 x TOP 10 +2,500 pigeons
Grandmother to  r NL 18-5143436 “Turbo Girl” N°18 – 2 x TOP 65 NPO-Prov
Grandmother to  NL 18-514354 “Hurricane 534” N°3 – 2 x TOP 100 NPO
Grandmother to  r NL 19-1064239 “Lowieke 239” N° 12 - Won 9 Prov Chalons 11,256b 
Grandmother to   NL 19-1064281 “Hurrican Boy 281” N°13 – won 5 x top as young bird and is a full sister to the best yearling 2020.
Great-grandmother to   NL 18-5143437 “Louise 437” N°19 – 5 x p/100

But the very best investment of the past years is without a doubt “OLYMPIC HURRICANE” from Willem De Bruijn. They bought more than one direct child that all are doing amazing on the breeding loft ! “Olympic Hurricane” became 3rd Olympiad bird Cat.F in Nederland and grew out to be a real world breeder who takes care of successes in the entire world ! 

NL 1446290-13 “Daughter Olympic Hurricane”
Mother to NL 18-1270392 “Hurricane 392” N°2 – 1 Prov Ace bird Middle distance Limburg 2020 and Super Star of the season – 11 x p/100 – 2 x TOP 10 NPO
Mother to NL 18-1270472 “Hurricane 472” N°3 2 x TOP 10 +2,500 pigeons
Mother to NL 18-514354 “Hurricane 534” N°3 – 2 x TOP 100 NPO 
Mother to  “NL 1458050-17” 1 Nat Ace bird youngsters W.H.Z.B. 2017
Mother to “NL 1457125-17” 2 Nat Ace bird Pipa Ranking youngsters 2017
Mother to “NL 1260306-14” 6 x TOP 100 NPO + 450km 
Grandmother to NL 19-1064242 “Hurricane Boy” N°7 – won 4 Prov Chalons 11,256b

NL 1446289-13 “Son Olympic Hurricane”
Grandfather to NL 19-7008119 “Golden Hurricane” N°8 – ½ brother 1 Prov Chalons 10,622b

NL 1238727-13 “Daughter Olympic Hurricane”
Co-breeding with Willem De Bruijn x ‘Olympic Argentonneke’ Vandepasch 
Grandmother to NL 17-1457108 “Hurricane 108” N°1 – Wins 14 x p/100
Grandmother to NL 19-1064281 “Hurrican Boy 281” N°13 – won 5 x top as youngster and is a full sister to the best yearling 2020

Toppers present in the auction 

NL 18-1270392 “Hurricane 392”
The super hen of 2020 – Became 1 Prov Ace bird Middle distance Limburg 2020. 
Won himself 11 x p/100 and 2 x TOP 10 NPO
Granddaughter “Olympic Hurricane” and “Jupiter” 

In this auction you can find two more sister of her namely “NL 18-1270472” and “NL 18-5143534”

NL 17-1457108 “Hurricane 108
What a wonderful hen with  14 x p/100. She can take on everything from 200 to 600km. 
Father is “Grandson Hurricane” and mother is “Gabriella” with 1 NPO Tours 13,244b

NL 18-5143399 “Argentonneke 99”
Won herself 61st National Vierzon 26,041b and on top of that 2 x TOP 100 NPO
Also has proven her class as breeding hen by becoming mother to 2 x 1st and 3 NPO Melun 2,785b

NL 18-1270466 “Iluna”
Won herself 4 x TOP 80 NPO – Provincial and is a direct daughter to “Luna” 1 Prov Reims 22,291b

NL 17-1457118 “Dirkje” Super hen with 5 x TOP 100 NPO on 300-600km. 
Is a granddaughter to “Gabriella” with 1 NPO Tours 13,244b

NL 18-5143479 “Blue Primo 479”
The topper of 2018 when he became the best young cock in their colony is now in this auction. 
Won himself  6 x p/100 which is already very unique and won 2 x TOP 15 provincial against 6,000 and 15,000 pigeons

NL 19-7008119 “Golden Hurricane” 
Is a ½ brother van 1 Prov Chalons 10,622b and is a direct son to super hen “Hurricane 545” who won 1 NPO Lorris 5,537b – 4 NPO Gien 3,754b – 6 NPO Sens 17,032b 

NL 18-5143386 “Willem”
A classy one who only raced in 2018 and won 2 Prov Epernay 6,453b – 2 Epernay 690b – 3 Chimay 742b- … 
( Inbred old base breeder ‘Lowieke’ x a direct Willem De Bruijn hen )