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Verreckt-Rutten-Deplae (Tessenderlo, BE), the Golden Pigeon Loft!

07 Nov 2019

In August you could already read that they keep pulling out all stops in Tessenderlo. The results do not go by unnoticed, certainly not because time and time again it is about pigeons from that same fantastic, cast-iron breeding lines based on the breeding couple 'Dikke Lowet' x 'Lang Lowet'.

As they do not like to play with too many racing pigeons in Tessenderlo and the selection is very hard in view of the abundancy of talent in the flying lofts, they decided to sell the entire racing team excluding the 2017 youngsters and the 2018 yearlings. So let us take look at basic lines again and how they have proven themselves as top breeders. This can be found in almost every racer that is auctioned off.

Basic breeding couple 'Dikke Lowet' X 'Lang Lowet'

In (almost) all pedigrees you will find links to their basic breeding pair 'Dikke Lowet' (BE97-6499247) X 'Lang Lowet' (BE97-6499255). They are parents, grandparents and great-grandparents of more than 40 different 1st National and 1st Provincial winners. A list of victories of their descendants, going beyond 1st prizes would take us much too far as this list truely is infinitely long. Not even all 1st prizes are listed below:

1 & 14 National La Souterraine 16.665d
1 National Argenton 6.033d
1 National Tulle 6.698d
1 National Argenton 1.340d
1 S-National Châteauroux 8.253d
1 & 2 S-National Montluçon 6.141d
1 National Z Argenton 2.662d
1 & 2 National Z Châteauroux 5.993d
1 National Z Brive 5.943d
1 National Z Limoges 1.919d
1 National Z Souillac 1.254d
1 National Z Tulle 2.077d
1 National Z Limoges 2.429d
1 & 3 Provincial Aurillac 1.069d
1 Provincial Montluçon 2.163d
1 Provincial Argenton 558d
1 Provincial Chateauroux 2.424d
1 Provincial Montluçon 2.264d
1 Provincial Bourges 1.982d
1 Provincial Limoges 770d
1 Provincial Brive 408d
1 Provincial Argenton 922d
1 & 2 Provincial Le Mans 918d
1 Provincial Bourges 3.737d
1 & 3 Provincial Limoges 1.508d
1 & 2 Provincial Montlucon 1.503d
1 Provincial Tulle 651d
1 & 2 Prov. La Souterraine 1.259d
1 Provincial Brive 2.177d
1 Provincial Châteauroux 2.018d
1 Provincial Châteauroux 1.630d
1 Provincial Châteauroux 1.642d
1 Provincial Châteauroux 1.437d
1 Provincal Châteauroux 1.233d
1 Provincial Montluçon 1.104d

The golden brother couple 'Wacko' and 'Jacko'

Another example of super offspring from the basic breeders 'Dikke Lowet' and 'Lang Lowet' are the nest brothers 'Wacko' and 'Jacko' which have themselves turned out to be super sires as briefly mentioned above.

'Wacko' BE07-5035388, later called 'Olympic Wacko' won:

Olympic Pigeon Poznan in 2011
West-European Ace Pigeon
7 National Ace Pigeon Long Distance KBDB 2010
1 Provincial Ace Pigeon Long Distance 2010
1 Provincial Tulle 441b
2 National Z Tulle 2.090b
4 Provincial Souillac 401b
9 National Z Souillac 1.708b
27 National Souillac 7.597d
10 Provincial Cahors 1.044b
4 Provincial Limoges 488d
10 National Z Limoges 1.919b
23 National Tulle 6.598d
30 National Z Bourges 6.628b

‘Jacko’ BE07-5035389 won:

West-Europese Ace Pigeon
1 Provincial Argenton 736b
2 National Argenton 9.902b
2 Provincial Montluçon 1.838b
4 S-National Montluçon 7.516b
12 Provincial Chateauroux 2.424b
17 Provincial Bourges 2.356b

In the meantime they are themselves father, grandfather, great-grandfather of 1st, 2nd , 3rd prize winners and several ace pigeons and championship pigeons.

Some toppers in the auction

BE14-2118727 ‘Grandson Gilbert’ Original Verreckt-Rutten-Deplae

2 National Ace bird over 6 National races KBDB 2017 (PIPA)
6 I. Provincial Ace bird 2017
19 National Ace bird KBDB Greater Middle Distance KBDB

5 National Argenton 3,110b 558km 13/08/2017
7 Soissons 857b 214km 21/06/2014
18 National z Argenton 8,003b 558km 22/07/2017
19 Soissons 631b 214km 25/04/2015
23 Provincial Chateauroux 2,463b 529km 10/06/2017
35 I. Provincial Argenton 1,870b 558km 09/07/2017
36 Provincial Bourges 2,452b 479km 28/05/2016
40 Provincial Argenton 1,721b 558km 28/06/2015
59 Soissons 1,891b 214km 25/04/2015
144 National Bourges 8,348b 479km 06/08/2017
282 National Chateauroux 10,454b 529km 08/07/2017

So super results by themselves and a full brother of a.o.
5 National Argenton 3,110b
7 Momignies 907b
7 Soissons 857b
18 National z Argenton 8,003b
23 Provincial Chateauroux 2,463b

The father of this topper is a direct pigeon from Erik Limbourg and is a son of top pigeon 'Gilbert'.
'Gilbert' is winner of:
W-European Ace Fond 2010
1 Prov Ace KBDB Long Distance 2010 1 Ace Long Distance “Brabantse Unie” 2010
1 Nat Ace Long Distance “De Duivenkrant” 2010
Best yearling of Belgium 2010 (+600 km races)
1 I Nat Bordeaux 6,686b fastest 13.386b 800km 18’ ahead 2010
1 NW Brabant Limoges 687b 610km 15’ ahead 2011
7 Nat Limoges 14,211b 610km 2010
8 S-Nat Libourne 1,815b 750km 2010
16 Nat Z Limoges 5,896b 610km 2011
60 I Prov Angerville 3,078b 335km 2010
85 S-Nat Chateauroux I 5,077b 496km 2010
95 S-Nat Chateauroux II 4,056b 496km 2010

And his best-known son is 'Gilbert Jr' who won the 1 I Nat Bordeaux 10.622b 800km in 2012. He is also grandfather of the super twins 'Playboy Gilbert' and 'Power 003':
'Playboy Gilbert'
1 Western European Ace YL 2015
2 Nat Ace KBDB MD YB 2015
1 Prov Ace KBDB MD YB 2015
1 Nat Ace Ace of Aces LCB 2015
1 Nat Ace Middle Distance LCB 2015
6 x 1st Prize!

"Power 003"
1 Ace bird Brabant Union LD 2015
1 Ace YL LD 2015
1 Tulle 104 yl 628km - 27 National Tulle 8,621 yl
1 La Souterraine 895 youngsters 560 km -176 National 18.588 yl

On mother's side BE11-5170052 ‘Tam Blauw’ we find the best of Verreckt-Rutten-Deplae, as, on father's side, she is a granddaughter of 'Moluca' who achieved the following results:
1 National Z KBDB Limoges 2,424b ‘09
1 National Z KBDB Limoges 1,919b ‘10
1 Provincial Montluçon 2,028b ‘08
1 Provincial Limoges 498b ‘10
1 Provincial Limoges 501b ‘09
5 Provincial Argenton 1,483b
12 Provincial Bourges 2,804b
14 Provincial Chateauroux 2,018b
17 Provincial Vierzon 2,300b
55 National Limoges 11.869b
71 Inter Provincial Chateauroux 4,706b
129 National Limoges 10,448b

Her only child that has flown won the 2 National Z KBDB Gueret - 9 National KBDB Gueret 14,362b. as a youngster.
'Moluca' is a granddaughter to basic breeding pair 'Dikke Lowet' x 'Lang Lowet' on father's side. On mother's side, BE11-5170052 'Tam Blauw' is also a granddaughter of the hen of this basic breeding couple, i.e. 'Lang Lowet'.
In short, this 'Grandson Gilbert' is a top pigeon from top parents.

Another top pigeon in the auction is e.g. BE15-2157275 'Wackolina', she is a granddaughter of 'Olympic Wacko' and achieved amongst others the following results:

3 Provincial Montluçon 1,147b 552km 18/06/2016
6 I. Provincial Montluçon 2,881b
11 National z Montluçon 3,457b
8 Provincial Bourges 2,422b 479km 28/05/2016
66 National Bourges 19,889b
15 Provincial Chateauroux 1,065b 529km 07/07/2018
22 Provincial La Souterraine 1,229b 594km 03/07/2016
77 National Chateauroux 10,454b 529km 08/07/2017

She is a full sister of a.o.
1 Soissons 2,817b
1 Soissons 956b
3 Prov. Chateauroux 1,397b
4 Prov. Chevrainvilliers 6,430b

Father is a direct son of 'Olympic Wacko', above you can read what this topper has won.
The mother of this beautiful hen is a direct Andre Verbesselt hen with lots of de Rauw-Sablon in her blood and through the grandparents related to the famous 'Bak 17' couple.

She is also the half sister of another hen in this auction, i.e. BE16-2157781 'Mila', they have the same mother and won amongst others:

18 Chevrainvillers 615b 357km 19/05/2018
149 Provincial Bourges 2,071b 479km 26/05/2018

Her father is the super breeder BE11-5035517 'Milo', which is already father of a.o.
3 Soissons 556b
4 Provincial Chateauroux 2,280b
4 Nanteuil 2,004b
4 Pithiviers 575b
7 Momignies 903b
10 Nat.Z KBDB Bourges 2,904b
14 Provincial Chateauroux 1,896b
57 National Z Chateauroux 5,902b
And a grandson of ‘Moluca’ we described above.

The last ones I would like to introduce briefly are the nest sisters BE14-2118758 and BE14-2118757. They are descendants of the best breeding couple in the lofts of the Golden Pigeon Loft in Tessenderlo at the moment 'Milo' x 'Vedetta'

The BE14 -2118757 won ao:

14 Provincial Chateauroux 1,896b 529km 06/06/2015
91 National Chateauroux 25,710b
12 Provincial Chateauroux 815b 529km 08/08/2015
128 National Chateauroux 5,868b
29 Provincial Montluçon 1,733b 552km 20/06/2015
55 Provincial Vierzon 1,129b 477km25/07/2015

And BE14-2118758 won a.o.:

39 Provincial Chateauroux 1,914b 529km 11/07/2015
177 National Chateauroux 18,658b
70 Provincial Montluçon 1,074b 552km 19/06/2016
73 I. Provincial Bourges 3,797b 479km 01/08/2015
79 Provincial Bourges 2,071b 479km 26/05/2018
86 Soissons 1,137b 214km 28/04/2018

They are half sisters again, this time of the abovementioned hen 'Mila' on father's side. So you can check on father 'Milo' at 'Mila' above and mother 'Vedetta' is mother of ao.
1 Lorris 198b
3 Nat. Chateauroux 10,933b
10 Momignies 1,114b
13 Provincial La Souterraine 6,430b
13 Melun 1,179b
14 Provincial chateauroux 1,896b
29 National Z Chateauroux 3,370b

And is a direct daughter of topper 'Olympic Wacko' x 'Norma' which itself achieved the following results:
4 National Ace bird KBDB
1 S National Montluçon 6,141b (fastest against 13,745b)
1 Provincial Chateauroux 1,233b
1 Vierzon 359b
9 Soissons 445b
12 Provincial Vierzon 2,553b
12 I Provincial Moulins 1,769b
30 National Z Bourges 8,439b

And is a granddaughter of 'James Bond', Winner of
2 Provincial Ace bird KBDB Middle Distance
4 Best Old bird Belgium '08
9 S Nat Montluçon 7,302b
12 Nat Bourges 5,278b

This means that the nest sisters are inbreed products of the basic breeding couple 'Dikke Lowet' x 'Lang Lowet'

Thus all the pigeons are related to each other one way or the other and rightly so they manage to breed top pigeons again and again. And we have only mentioned the pigeons upto 2016. Amongst the remaining pigeons of 2017 and 2018 there is the same of perhaps even more talent. Next season we will certainly come back to this and you will definitely see the Verreckt-Rutten-Deplae team appear at the top of the rankings again.

Agy, Robert and Pablo, first of all thank you very much for your confidence in Herbots to allow us to auction off these toppers and we wish you good luck for the upcoming season 2019.
