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Veulemans – Perilleux from Vissenaken shine with 1st Provincial Bourges 3,862 yearlings

31 May 2022

Last year Tulle was the last national race for the old birds, they finished with 1st Provincial Tulle old birds ( 2nd National ) and 1st Provincial Tulle yearlings ( 5th National ). The next national race for this colony was Bourges, the classic on which they have already excelled several times. In total they already won 5 x TOP 4 NATIONAL !

The preparation went like a train and the pigeons were ready. Again they start here with 1st Provincial and 2nd National against 24,496 yearlings. This top cock is a half-brother of last year's 2nd National Tulle (same mother) and the first 2 arrivals for the yearlings were 2 full brothers. Or how suddenly the line of “Melito” ( inbred Platinum Pair ) has emphasized their important impact on this colony.

Racing team in 2022 on total widowhood

For the 2022 season they chose to race their racing team on total widowhood. The reason for this is that their youngsters from 2021 were running at high speed, so that +- 115 yearlings in the racing team now sat down. They don't like a lot of partners that they can't do anything with, so the decision of total widowhood was made quickly.

In the winter period the 1st group was coupled December 15th and the 2nd group 14 days later. Most pairs were formed, about 5 per group, but the others almost all raised youngsters from the breeders. The best flyers were allowed to raise their own young. An important detail during this coupling was free choice, we let them do their thing, which caused some chaos in the lofts.

During breeding the pigeons were transferred to the lofts of the cocks, because the hens are on the right side of 2 lofts and they enter the cocks during flight and during their daily training in their loft itself. A discipline they know through and through. The training now throughout the season is once a day, the cocks in the morning and the hens in the evening. Before the racing season started they easily completed an hour and a half without a flag, now this is of course less but that is less important.

The racing pigeons were darkened fairly soon after their breeding period and this was continued until the end of April with the aim of completing the national races. The floor in the widowers' loft is also new in 2022, where we have now made use of beech wood blocks, which eases the daily work.

What do you do for motivation?

We have used a different approach this year, we like variety and build up bit by bit towards real widowhood. So when basketing because of the large number of pigeons we do nothing. We put the pigeons in the dark so that we can take them quietly and that's how they go. When they returned home from the first sprint races, the boxes simply remained half open and they had to draw up their plan. After the 1st middle distance race, the boxes have been opened from Saturday evening until 10 am on Sunday morning. So far they haven't seen a dish, but this will be used as an extra incentive in the coming weeks.

It is important here that the pigeons always stay together until Sunday 10-11 in the morning, because if there are losses, the pigeons that are without a partner must still be given the opportunity to find another partner.

In preparation they flew 2x Momignies, 2x Soissons, 2x middle distance and now Bourges. The intention is to really focus on the national races of the heavy middle distance.

Winner Bourges

BE 21-2069627 Chequered Cock

1          Prov     Bourges         3.862b
2          Nat                            24.496b
3          Fastest                     58.124b
7                      Momignies     2.803b
58                    Lorris              4.281b
73                    Melun             3.478b

Sire BE 18-6045918 Ivo – Ivo Renders
Brother 2 Nat Chateauroux 2.413b
½ brother 1 Nat (z) Bourges 5.666b ( 6 Nat 24.019b )

Gr.F. BE 13-6031987 Jonge William – Lemmens x Renders – Superkweker
Gr.M. BE 13-6031924 Isanity – F & K Mariën x Jos Wouters

Mother BE 11-2289847 Melita
Super breeding hen
Mother “Iron Melita” 2 Nat Tulle 5.067b – 55 Nat Chateauroux 24.617b
Full sister from “Melito” 4 Nat Bourges 17.061b

Gr.F. BE 06-2120214 Blue – Veulemans A & T
            Won himself 1 Toury 1.870b – 4 Toury 1.549b
            Son “BE 04-564” Won 1 Toury 874b x “BE 00-329” Blue R Hendrikx
Gr.M. BE 07-2043720 Leading Lady - Veulemans A & T
            Won herself 1 Sens 239b -1 Issoudun 196b
            Daughter from “BE 03-905” Chateauroux won 1 S.Nat Chateauroux 5.457b x 
            “BE 03-222” Sister Lost 3 Nat Bourges 16.023b is daughter Platinum Pair


After the breeding period, the pigeons were presented with 50% Barley and 50% Training Hoebrechts. This to get the pigeons in the rhythm, afterwards we systematically omitted the barley and it became complete Training. Now in the season itself we use 1 mixture day after day ( 1/3 Training Hoebrechts, 1/3 Racing Hoebrechts and 1/3 Super Recup Anthoons). The pigeons are therefore no longer fed, but always have enough and feel good every day.As extras they receive a daily mix of grit, tovo, P40, candy and Goldcorn Beyers.

The medical supervision here is supervised by Vincent Schroeder. We regularly check and use his products. Here too we have built up towards the national flights. In the winter we used a lot of butyric acid via the drinking water. In the spring the pigeons were only given a tricho cure and after the 1st middle distance they were cured for 3 days for the respiratory system. Furthermore, we only used Omega Oil for the first time after Soissons ( 2x a week ), for the middle distance it was Conditioning powder and Extra Energy and the week before Bourges we used Tolyamin Forte and Nano Tolyamin. So here too, purely in construction towards the goals that have been set.

14/05 Lorris I.Prov 4.281 old + yls : 18,24,35,40,41,42,44,47,53,64,65,68,70,79,94,100,103,… 78/124
           Lorris I.Prov 1.803 yls : 14,15,22,26,27,28,30,32,35,44,45,48,49,54,64,69,… 63/108
23/04 Momignies 669 old birds : 1,2,3,7,8,11,13,14,15,16,25,29,30,31,32,33,34,38,40,41,44,48,… 
            Momignies 400 yls : 1,2,3,5,6,15,19,20,21,22,23,24,26,27,29,30,32,34,… 
16/04 Momignies 1.668 yls : 1,2,4,5,31,33,34,36,36,45,61,64,67,73,75,… 
           Momignies 2.803 old birds : 1,2,6,7,48,51,53,56,56,58,80,82,107,112,… 

Olav, Toon, Andre & Jacques, congratulations on this top performance from the entire HERBOTS TEAM.

Buelens Kim