Analyse Tulle

Dirk Cloetens from Rotselaar shines with 1 Nat (z) Bourges 3,205 youngsters

Bennie Homma, Balk (Pays-Bas) Perpignan 2023: 1, 3 et 4 nationaux et internationaux !

analyse Bourges/Vierzon

Ananlyse Perpignan

Herbots Gebr., 1st and 2nd Tulle 635 km against 336p. in club

First national race youngsters on 07-8-2023 Bourges 454 km.

Milovic Mirko & Darko: Essen: 1st National Perpignan 5,722 old birds

Hok Reynaerts Stephen - Velm: 1 National Bourges 19.379 pigeonneaux

Vanhoudt-Serre (Diest): 1 Nat. Tulle 7.813 yearling - plus rapide de 12.795p.

Jespers-Vanderwegen (Holsbeek): 1sNational Tulle 4.982 vieux

Den Hartog Johan & Son from Culemborg ( NL ) win 1-2-3 Niergnies 1,987 pigeons

Anvers national au Danemark 2023

Crucke Koen - Onkerzele 1er Prov. Bourges Flandre Orientale 2.224 yearlings - le plus rapide de 3.496p.

Team Weijers/Wolf gagne Race 1 in OLR Averings 2023 - contre 1.724p.

Bourges National 18.896 pigeons

Analyse Bourges Nationaal

Analyse Narbonne International

Analyse Souillac National

Dennis Veugelers from Nieuwstadt is working on his career with several National Ace pigeons

Frans Keijbets uit Landgraaf (Z-Limburg). 1 National Narbonne ZLU

Tulle National: Nombre des pigeons participants

Perpignan International: Nombre des pigeons participants

Erwin Geraerts – Van Lande from Wijer win 4 x 1st Provincial in 2023

Sorokosz Mariusz (Mettet) 1er Int.Nat Narbonne yearling - 1er National Narbonne 6.100 yearling

Bertrand Michel & Nicolas ( Francorchamps ) 1er National Narbonne 5.000 vieux (le plus rapide de 11.100 pigeons)