Olivier Poussart ( Chimay ) - 1st National Bourges 24,221 year birds

Olivier Poussart ( Chimay ) - 1st National Bourges 33.410 old birds ( fastest 57,631 birds )

Jespers – Vanderwegen from Holsbeek win 1st Br.Unie Vierzon 2,868 old (fastest of 4,976p)

Bert and Roger Martens from Elsloo (NL) shine with gold and silver from Sens against 4,255 pigeons

Hermans – Bonne from Loksbergen win 1st Provincial Gien 2,506 yearlings

Kenny Hollanders from Berlaar wins 1st Int.Prov Vierzon 8,897 old birds

Jan & Tom Iwens from Sint-Katelijne-Waver win 1st Int.Prov Vierzon 6,336 yearlings ( fastest of 15,233 pigeons )

Benny Steveninck (Hamme) 1iere et 5 ieme provinciale Vierzon 7.433 vieux

Nick & Roger Thijs from Hallaar became 1st National Champion Heavy middle distance youngsters KBDB 2021

Stabel Louis & Eugene: 1st provincial Melun 12,374 birds

Results Provincial Vierzon East Flanders 21/05/2022

Frans & Dirk Maris from Itegem and their successful "Maxi" and "Proxi" line

Kristian Vrebos from Neerijse wins 1st National Ace Pigeon Rhone Valley KBDB 2021

Roger Buvens est décédé

Gwen & Arie Van de Merwe (Dordrecht): 1st NPO Pont St. Maxence 35,038b.

Sabrina Brugmans from Halen dominates Provincial Lorris with 1-2-3 against 8,346 pigeons

La femelle supérieure "Triple One" de Gerard Koopman frappe à nouveau ! Dans 2 semaines : 2ieme contre 17.461p. et 2ieme contre 16.263p.

Koen Crucke – Onkerzele 1st Interprovincial Orleans 21,087 birds

Top references of Bustraan Pigeons

Derwa – Luxem from Herent shines with 4 Olympiad pigeons

Gerard Koopman (Ermerveen) surpasse tout le monde avec le 1er et le 2ème prix contre 17 478 pigeons

Frans & Gert Rondags conjure up a whirlwind with 1-2-3-4-5 Dizy 2,773 pigeons and 1-2-3 Sourdun 1,919 pigeons

Weekend of 07/05: Amazing results Gino Clicque on Fontenay Provincial

Jinxi Lake Champion Pigeon 1st place against 15.800 pigeons