Burniat Boris (St. Marie Semois): 1ier National Montélimar 4.736 vieux

Ceulemans Gunther ( Emblem ) - 1st National Agen 7,360 year birds ( 1st Int.Nat Agen year birds )

Ameel-Vanlake (Dadizele): 1ier Internat. Agen 35.725 vieux

Frank Neven wins the 1st prize on Chimay against 3.222 pigeons and fastest of 4.571 pigeons

Peter Janssen (Kleve) remporte les 1ère, 3ème et 7ème places du National Vierzon contre 10,183b.

Koopman Gerard – Ermerveen 1-2-4-5-8-10 Sens Afdeling 10 contre 4.995 pigeons

Surinx-Pletsers, Nieuwerkerken 1 Provincial (Limbourg) Brive 768 vieux avec une avance de 12 minutes

Tom&Ante Platteau, Sint-Katarina-Lombeek, keep on winning 1st prizes

Gommaire Verbruggen is racing after 4 National races at the same high level as the past season

Cees Schroevers, Arnemuiden The Netherlands

Herbots brothers presenting BE2131005-19 hen and BE2131258-19 hen

Débuts prometteurs d'Olivier De Smet (Semmerzake)

Frank Zwiers - Terheijden holding "Mad Max" the 1st international Ace Pigeon ZLU races 2019-2020

Bakker Pigeons presenting: "Germiny", "Gene" and "Artus".

Steveninck Benny from Hamme presenting: "Limo" and "Crash 99"

Agen Internat.: nombre de pigeons participants

Roziers Walter (Berlaar): 1ier Nat. brive 8.839 vieux

Tournelle Davy (Rummen): 1st Nat. La Souterraine - fastest 22,420b.

Brugmans Sabrina (Halen): 1st Nat. La Souterraine 8,383 old birds

Family Jacobs (Beek ): 1st National Pau The Netherlands

Exceptional race result for Herbots-Heller on the National race of Pau 2021

Flasse Samuel (Audregnies): 1ier National Pau 3.600p.