01 2月 2022
alp-race team - simon wolf – olr champion – the power of famous “romario” breeding line
The FCI (F C I) is the World network of OLR’s (One Loft Races) – and is highly regarded throughout the world as one of the premier systems of pigeon races.
Simon Wolf has achieved Champion status in the FCI in 2019:
#1 Champion FCI with 2 Best Results
#4 Champion with 4 Best Results
2016- Europa champion FCI with a Pigeons from Simon for Bucher Bühler One Loft Race Mira 2016.
In addition to his great FCI successes, Simon’s birds have scored at the top in other prestigious races:
1. Place Final Moledo Yearlings Race 2018 and 1 As Pigeon MD
1. Place Final Europachampion 2016 Breeder Simon Wolf (Team Bucher/ Bühler) and 3. As Pigeon
1. Platz Half-Final One Loft Race Mira 2017
1. Place, 3. Hot Spot, Costa del Sol 2018 One Loft Race
1. Place 2Prova Race, Riachos YR 2019
1. Place 4Prova Race, Riachos YR 2018
1. Place Hoosier Classic Race 9-T-Flight, 3183 Pigeons 2018
2. Place Final Talent Quatro Race and 7. As Pigeon 2019
2. Place FCI Final Costa del Sol 2019
3. Place Final AS Golden Race Griechenland 2018
3. Place Final Sofia One Loft Race 2017
3. As Pigeon Riachos One Loft Race 2018
"I have had a big stroke of luck with great pigeons for OLRs since I started in 2015! I've been flying big races in such a short time; it was really incredible." I have owned pigeons for shows since I was 11 years old.4 x Swiss Champion, European Champion.
Key Breeders
Following are just several of the top pairs.
1. Blue Shark x Half-Sister Sanjay – bred Bluebell, my new favorite for the future – 18th place final race South-Africa
2. Son Romario x Daughter Laura – Note: there are very few direct children and grandchildren of Romario, and I have 2 direct children and several grandchildren. Note: Romario Line is Great. 4 x Big Winner One Loft Race, 2018 and 2019 Golden Algarve and also 2014, Victoria Falls Winner 2019
3. Son Josef (Josef Linie Family, from his top breeder, Thomas 6) x Daughter Little Miss Nikki. I am fortunate to have a close relationship with the great fancier, Josef Linie.
4. Grandson Romario x Daughter/Grandmother, Thomas 6
5. Grandson Romario x daughter Romario
6. Brother Thomas 6 x Daughter Little Miss Nikki
7. Son of Brother Sanjay x Moledo – Winner of 2X’s 2nd Place, plus 1st Place Final and 1st Ace Pigeon, SAMDPR (South Africa Million Dollar Pigeon Race)
8. Moledo Couple – Sire and Dam of, Moledo Multi-Winner
9. Plus, many more top pigeons. From Braveheart Line 1340 from Germany the best Line for One Loft Race in Europa!
The power of “Romario” breeding line
‘Romario’ is father of
7. final SA Million Dollar race 2011
17. Int. Danmark MCL Cup OLR 2011
‘Romario’ is grandfather of ‘Lina’
1. final Golden Algarve OLR – 3,522 birds 2019
51. acebird Golden Algarve OLR 2019 - Winner of 120,000 Euro
‘Romario’ is g.father of
6. prize Hot Spot race 4 SA Million Dollar race
18. prize Hot Spot race 3 SA Million Dollar race
30. prize Hot Spot race 1 SA Million Dollar race
‘Romario’ is grandfather of ‘Reino’
4. best overall bird Victoria Falls OLR yearling race series
58. acebird Victoria Falls OLR yearling race series
104. final race YL Lake Kyle 602 km 584 birds
4. Open Bulawayo Road 103 km 661 birds – Training Flight 16 YL
6. Open Bulawayo Road 103 km 707 birds – Training Flight 14 YL
6. Open Gweru 450 km 655 birds – Hotspot Race 2 YL
9. Open Bulawayo Road 103 km 659 birds – Training Flight 18 YL
‘Romario’ Hallmann family won
Offspring won a/o
1. final Golden Algarve 2014
1. final Golden Algarve 2018 (Thomas Kornelius) with 120,000 Euro
1. final Golden Algrave 2019 (Uwe Neubauer) with 120,000.00 Euro
1. final Victoria Falls 2019 (Rolf Berger) with 225,000 US Dollar
1. Grand Averages acebird Million Dollar Race Sun City 2013
1. final Burghofrennen Derby 2019
1. final Nordseerennen 2017 with 15,000 Euro
1. acebird Danmark Derby 2011
1. acebird Derby Ostseerennen 2014
1. final Super Cup Winner 2014
2. final Victoria Falls 2020 (Reinhard Gebhardt) with 100,000 US Dollar
2. acebird Derby Ostseerennen 2013
4. acebird Schleswig Holstein Derby 2013
8. final Victoria Falls 2020 (Jan Hooymans) = 1. Knock Out winner 20,000 US Dollar = 9. Acebird = 4. Super acebird competition - Total winner 45,000 US Dollar
8. final Victoria Falls 2019 (Flying Pilgrims USA) with 10,000 US Dollar
7. final SA Million Dollar race 2011 with 24,000 US Dollar
7. final Schleswig Holstein Derby 2014
12. final Schleswig Holstein Derby 2013
13. final Derby Ostseerennen 2013
17. final Danmark Derby 2011
30. prize 3 Race Teutoburgerrennen Derby 2018
40. final Preussen Derby 2017
71. final Teutoburgerwaldrennen Derby 2018
Attention: Recently Mike Ganus won with a grandchild of “Romario” crossed with the breedingline of “Josef”: 1st prize 400 Mile Race - Winning $100,000.00 USD.
Methods- Selection for Breeder
It is important for the selection to play top on One Loft Race, that you bring top lines. Only Top x Top blood brings good. And youngsters that are ripe very early. The plumage must be great, not everything has to be fulfilled, the results show the successI like small to medium sized pigeons. For me it is always mated that for example large with small pigeons are bred.
I test all healthy youngsters! The results are proof of what is good. I prefer hens but cocks also go well. I like to test all lines!
Only healthy pigeons fly well, so it is very important to me to have the pigeons healthy in my loft. The air has to be right and there is no wind in the loft, but you also have to be able to get outside. I also keep the pigeons healthy with natural products N-Fit powder!
It is the best product that I got to know. Pigeons are premature and great plumage and health. Perfect for one loft race.
Since beginning in 2015 some of my favorite wins are, I now focus on One Loft Race, Victoria Falls, Pattaya, Golden Algarve Race, Cap Town South Africa and FCI World Ranking.
Simon lives in Eschlikon, Switzerland with wife and son, and there he works in their own business with floors. My most important mentors are Thomas Kornelius and Georg Fröhlingsdorf Pigeons Breeders Germany.
I currently believe very much in pigeons from the Romario line for tough racing and Thomas 6 Pigeon (Mike Ganus) bred by Thomas Kornelius. My super pair of Blue Shark x Half-Sister Sanjay 18th Place Final South Africa.
Also my great lines from Moledo Races with Braveheart line! Georg Fröhlingsdorf from Germany Line Josef, Tauben, has also determined super pigeons for the future at One Loft Race.
Also the world class line Little Miss Nikki by Tom Schilling.
In the future I will build on this line !!! Lines for winners!
Especially for Pigeon Bids Simon bred and selected 7 OLR birds!