
Hendrickx Wim - Berlaar: 1st National Valence 3,655b.

24 Jun 2023

1st National Valence 3,655 old birds

Distance: 683km
Velocity: 1,115.53 m/m


This cock won 14 days earlier also on national Valence of 21/06/2023
1st Provincial 593b.
21st National 6,089b.


Normally Montélimar was on the programme but the organiser decided to move to Valence also known as the "gate to the south" due to tight Mistral winds in the Rhône valley. A bit closer in terms of distance and completely out of the danger of the dreaded Mistral. A wise decision and kudos to the organisers for taking it. 
A pity that the number of pigeons participating in this 2nd Rhône Valley race was a bit on the low side as such a beautiful race deserves more than 3,655 participants. Nothing to be done and all this does not detract from the top performances the "Valence tenors" had to deliver. And it may be said. This Valence flight was won by a "Valence topper" or how else should we describe the performance of this national winner? Last weekend, with much panache, he placed his ring number at the top of the national result and correctly counted 2 weeks ago, also from Valence, he did the same on the provincial result against 593 old birds, also good for 4th Nat (z) against 1,846d. and 21st national against 6,089 old birds. This currently puts him 1st in the ranking of best long-distance pigeon with 2 prizes. One more serious bang and who knows what will follow!

National winner was scalloped cock "B20-6055712". "712" is of the smaller type and particularly striking was his look. His characterful eye shines like no other and speaking of character, when owner Wim took his hen away the "712" blew himself up with colère. Rarely seen a cock so angry because his hen was removed. But that was not all. It was striking that he was alone in a loft. Wim explains "indeed, he bred in the loft next door and in fact he is on the loft of my other 17 widowers but he could not settle down there and always wants to stay here on this loft. So I have allowed that and apparently this motivates him tremendously because otherwise he would not have these achievements on record. "

A restart
Wim continues : "my father used to have pigeons and part of my lofts are still these of my dad. Since about six years I started again with pigeons, this on a few lofts of my dad and some lofts of my loyal letter and helper Patrick Van Nuffel. Patrick had to get rid of his pigeons due to health problems but is the saving angel when I run out of time to take care of the pigeons. After all, I am an independent Kinesist/Osteopath, not a "9 to 5 job" and with my family I have the agreement that we go to the sea every Sunday. So, thank you Patrick for all your help. 
Due to "not enough time" I limit my pigeon stock to 18 old widowers,4 racing hens and about 40 yearling cocks and hens. Please note, youngsters here are bred in summer and autumn and never see the inside of a training basket during the year of birth. So my yearlings are in fact my youngsters. 
As yearlings they fly only sprint flights and as two-year-olds they go as far as Tulle. "Careful approach" they call it, learned from that other grandmaster from Brecht and that's Jos Joosen. Make them smart first and only then move on! 
My objective is to shine in the long-distance and very long distance races and I must say that I have succeeded quite well the last few weeks. Also on Pau I start with the 73rd national. 
Barcelona is every long distance fancier's dream and this year 3 hens will probably be sent to the Catalan capital. Among these three a daughter of my Valence winner.

Thank you Marc Vlaeminck

"My national winner was obtained from Marc Vlaeminck. Mark is not only a topper with his pigeons, but also as a person a guy out of a thousand! Sunday he was here and he too was impressed by the "712". 

My national winner comes from "half-brother 1st Nat. Valence '20" x "sister 1st Nat. Chateauroux 14,815d.", so flying to the head nationally is somewhat in the DNA."

Wim, enjoy your 1st national win, think carefully about the future of the "712" and who knows what will follow!

Congratulations from the whole Herbots team

Stefan Mertens


Stefan Mertens