
Platteeuw Kurt - Rumbeke: 1st Provincial Souillac (West-Flanders) - fastest 1,697b.

18 Jul 2024

Kurt Platteeuw scored his 2nd provincial victory of this season at Souillac. After Bourges it was now from Souillac that the palm of honour was taken to Rumbeke. Provincial winner yearling and also fastest of all 1,697 West Flemish Souillac racers is "Jason" B23-4013757. With an average speed of 1,362.72 m/m, he was the fastest of all West Flemish pigeons on this for Rumbeke 682km flight. 

The system
At the Team Platteeuw home, the card of total widowhood is drawn. For this they have 120 hens and 80 cocks. Kurt says: "Many more hens than cocks and this because hens are much more jealous when new loves are formed. A cock falling without a hen has choice in abundance and sometimes there is even "partner swapping" which again provides the necessary motivation. 
All pigeons, both breeders and racers, are paired in December and are allowed to raise a pair. In the racing team, the sliding doors are opened and "free love" can do its work. When the first eggs start to hatch, all pigeons that do not have a nest yet are taken from the loft to avoid fights and give the pigeons a certain feeling of peace. "
According to Kurt, food plays a more important role than anyone expects. Given his fanatical coaching, it is therefore not surprising that Kurt has created his own mixture. This "Platteeuw mixture" is commercialised by the company Van Robaeys. It is a basic mixture that can be fed to both speed and middle distance pigeons. Only on the last two days, the Platteeuw mixture is enriched with Cribs corn and peanuts. The racers are fed twice a day in a joint feeder and are all given the same menu. A portion of grit is not looked at and if vitamins or other by-products are given it is always done through the feed, never through the drinking water. 
When they arrive home on Saturday, food will be ready until Monday morning. After returning home, the pigeons stay together until evening. On Sunday, nobody comes to the lofts except to take away late hens to place in their departments. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings we train for an hour. On the day of basketing, all racers are unloaded at about 10 km and when they return home they are allowed to stay together for about 4 hours. The "chaos system" in the lofts ensures that they are basketed motivated.

Medically, the medicine cabinet is kept closed. The old and yearling pigeons are vaccinated twice against paramyxo and the youngsters twice against paramyxo/rota. All pigeons are also vaccinated against parathyphoid. No other antibiotics are given.

Stefan Mertens