
Van den Abbeel-Peleman (Buggenhout) 3° National ace KBDB youngsters great middle distance 2023

04 Jan 2024


A municipality located in East Flanders with an area of no less than 5644 hectares and home to 15000 inhabitants. Sights include the Lilare castle, the Verrebeek mill and the Brakel forest. Brakel is also known by our politicians as Herman and Alexander De Croo live there. Herman was born there as well as Serge Baguet and Peter Van Petegem both were excellent cyclists . Ah yes Mr Boma Marijn Devalck we should not forget .And what you probably did not know is that the famous PANAMARENKO also resided there but left the "EARTH" there in 2019 . The last celebrity who came to take up residence there with his partner Janice as far as Pigeonsport with a Capital is concerned is Patrick Van Den Abbeel.

I have an appointment that Sunday morning at half past nine with perhaps the best young pigeon player of the last few years Patrick Van Den Abbeel together with his new tandem partner Rony Peleman . What Patrick has already achieved in his pigeon career borders on the incredible. As a youngster he started together with his father Gilbert on the speedway , stood fairly quickly on his own two feet and played for years the competition from the proverbial cupboard to the wall . They then did it with the likes of Fernand De Proft from Buggenhout and Pissens Damiaan from Lebbeke .

1995 . Leuven beckoned and Patrick went there to study law, five long years at Unif but eventually got out as a Licencentiate in Law ! At that time he only saw his pigeons in the weekends, father Gilbert took care of them during the week.
Quievrain was his favourite race and he won countless first prizes. During the autumn races in "the days of yore" it was customary that one could also participate in other airlines , in other words they were warned and if the weather and the wind was a bit favourable he basketed today and tomorrow he was off with "the cash" . Patrick "these were great times full of nostalgia, it's a pity this has disappeared". From 2002 to 2010 we "flew" on Quievrain and from 2011 we flew from Noyon and also there the races were dominated .2014 Was the year that the switch was made . Pigeon racing became more modern and Van Den Abbeel would also change course and those who doubted it then are now sitting with their heads in the sand .

A new tandem was born and at the end of 2016 a couple of pigeons of the "world type" Gevaert-Lannoo (Deinze) were brought in, which at the time accounted for 60% of the service . The strain of good friend Kristof Nechelput-Cornet . Also successful contributions from Willy Francois and Van Impe Bart, super was a cock from friend Guy Van Holder who had the strain of Michel Vanlint and Peter Trost on the cage. This cock already became grandfather of 2 National acebirds being "GREG" and "EDEN".The mother of "NAFI" , 2° National acebird great middle distance 2018 was acquired as a young pigeon in 2014 from Domien Van Hoeck (Baasrode) . At Willy Jan Jacobs and son (Opwijk) the mother of the 1° National Ace Pigeon 2019 great middle distance youngsters was fetched .


1° National Ace Pigeon Great Middle Distance Young Pigeons KBDB 2019 !
1° Best young pigeon over the 4 National Great Middle Distance races 2019 !
1° Best young pigeon over the 4 National Great Middle Distance races 2018 !
1° Best young pigeon over the 4 National Great Middle Distance races 2017 !
1° Prov Ace Pigeon Great Middle Distance Young Pigeons KBDB 2018 !
1° Prov Ace Pigeon Great Middle Distance Young Pigeons 2017 !
2° National Ace Pigeon Great Middle Distance Young Pigeons KBDB 2018 !
2° Prov.Ace Middle Distance KBDB 2019 !
3° Best young pigeon over the 4 National Great Middle Distance races 2017 !
3° Prov Ace Pigeon Middle Distance Young Pigeons KBDB 2019 !
6° National Ace Great Middle Distance Young Pigeons KBDB 2017 !
8° Best young pigeon over the 4 National Great Middle Distance races 2018 !
9° Best young pigeon over the 4 National Great Middle Distance races 2018 !
15° National Ace Pigeon Great Middle Distance races KBDB 2019 !
15° National Ace Pigeon Great Middle Distance Races KBDB 2017 !
6° National Ace Pigeon Great Middle Distance Young Pigeons KBDB 2020 !
1° National Ace All-round Young Pigeons KBDB 2020 !
1° National Chateauroux 20789 young Fastest of 32675 Pigeons 2020 !
2° Olympic Pigeon Cat .F 2019-2020 !
3° Olympic pigeon Cat.B 2020-2021 !
4° Olympic Pigeon Cat.F 2020-2021 !
1° + 5° National La Souterraine 3084 Old ,Fastest 17399 pigeons 2021
2° Best young bird over 2 National Great middle distance races 2022 !
8° National Ace Middle Distance young birds KBDB 2022 !
12° Best young pigeon over the 4 National Great middle distance races 2022

Quite an impressive list isn't it ?




A lot of "Indian stories" were sent into the pigeon world , Patrick Van Den Abbeel would stop with the pigeon sport but nothing was less true . A new story was written and this time in Buggenhout . It would not be the first one Patrick would sail new waters with , no not at all ! Rony and Patrick had been pigeon friends for a long time and coincidence played a major role in this story.


Rony had been playing with his father Felix all his life and not unkindly . With the death of Felix, Rony was suddenly all alone and the fact that the pigeon lofts were on Felix's property didn't make it any easier for Rony. Taking care of the pigeons in the morning before work and doing the same in the evening was in fact impossible. So there was talk of Rony quitting the sport ....Tot the offer of "grandmaster" Patrick Van Den Abbeel fell like a gift from heaven. The fact that Rony and father Felix already had a splendid palmares was gladly taken with them, so they won the 2° National Ace Pigeon Middle Distance KBDB. And 2° and 6° Prov Ace pigeon KBDB Oost.Vl. Rony also had a very strong breeding loft with names like Robert Gauchez (breeder 2° National Ace pigeon), Jo Bauters, Jacobs en Zoon, Kris Boeykens, Van Den Abbeel -Van Paesschen and Gevaert-Lannoo, Koen Van Roy, Dirk Van Meegroot,Willy Francois

Both breeding lofts were merged and a tough selection followed so that only the very best remained. The last purchases were the 15° National Ace K.H.F. and 1° PROV ace KBDB pigeon from Boeykens Francois (Lebbeke). In Baasrode at Louis Van Horenbeeck the 20° Nat Asd Fond Pipa Ranking was bought.
Furthermore, 2 brothers of the National winner from Argenton from Jan and Tom Iwens reinforced the breeding stable. Every year youngsters are successfully exchanged with Raf and Kobe Herbots and Willy Jan Jacobs and Jeroen. Three pigeons were purchased on the total sale of our friend the late Roger Buvens-Sleven (Loksbergen) including "HELOISE" which immediately became mother of "SHERICKA" the 3° National Ace Great Half-Fond youngsters KBDB 2023.

As you know, high trees catch a lot of wind and also in this story the wildest gossips were doing the rounds hence we will put it straight here . Patrick would move to Brakel for a better location regarding the pigeon sport , nothing is less true . It was the house of the grandparents of Janice, Patrick's partner, and that house had great emotional value for her, which is why they renovated it together. So I had the privilege of being the first to do an interview in Brakel with perhaps the best young pigeon fancier of recent years. Of course, new lofts were installed for the breeding pigeons. Also a loft where a few youngsters (about 40) will play on Noyon and the small middle-distance races. The main tip lies in Buggenhout where Van Den Abbeel-Peleman will mainly continue to play the national races for youngsters. The loft in Buggenhout is a copy of the one in Lebbeke.

Normally the breeding pigeons 32 couples are coupled in mid-December but this year they were allowed to greet each other early December. Three weeks before pairing the lights are turned on to ensure a good preparation and smooth breeding. We are in favour of pairing the same type of pigeon as much as possible and when there is no other way, we do compensation breeding. Except for couples that produce ace pigeons, others are regularly recoupled. The eggs of the best breeders are moved so that the top couples have 6 youngsters. Family breeding is normally not done and if it ever happens it is in autumn. Those that do not give good youngsters within two years are removed. Especially performance pigeons get a place in the breeding loft. Every year the breeding pigeons are treated against Paratyphus and after that they are injected.

The loft for the youngsters is about 5.50 metres and is divided into two parts, one for cocks and one for hens. The youngsters can always choose where to sit in the loft or in the aviary, but most choose the aviary. The floor of the aviary consists of wooden slats. The loft itself has no grids and is cleaned twice a day. The aviary is open day and night and provides a constant supply of fresh air. In the loft, there is also a ventilation system that extracts the used air. About 120 youngsters of our own breeding and about 30 youngsters of Raf Herbots and Willy Jan and Jeroen Jacobs are weaned at the age of 26 days. The first two weeks we feed them breeding mixtures. After that, they will moult as long as they fly Noyon. Once the small middle distance races arrive, it becomes Beyers Galaxy sport light . The first and second round come together on the same loft without any problems. After a few weeks, 4 or 5 yearling hens are added to the loft of the youngsters and are taken care of just like the youngsters. The freedom , as long as they are not separated they get every day from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. This is also often done by Hilde . The darkning takes effect from the end of March until the first week of July . The darkening starts at 4 pm and is abandoned at 10 pm so that the youngsters wake up with the morning sun. When it is time to train the youngsters, you proceed as follows. Very carefully, they start at 1km, 3km, 5km, 7km, 2x10km, 2x12km, 2x15km, 3x20km, 2x35km and then they go with the big basket to Quievrain. During the playing season when the weather is good they are released twice a week usually on Tuesday and Wednesday at 20 KM, first the hens are released and when they are home and called in the cocks are released. When they come home during the week, they don't see each other. They get a weekly bath in the aviary.


Patrick and Rony are two winners , 98% commitment is not enough it has to be 100% , do everything for it and leave even more for it is a slogan they both support . We speak of a team with Patrick,Rony, Hilde and Janice all doing their bit. The care of the youngsters is mainly in the hands of Rony and Hilde. It is understandable that Patrick cannot drive from Brakel to Buggenhout every day, as he has his own business, but there is daily telephone traffic.

According to Patrick and Rony, anyone who wants to perform at the top must be in control and do everything to achieve this . In Buggenhout, pigeon racing has become a top sport, which is why they do not let anything go unchecked. In May the youngsters are purged of Tricho , this is done through the drinking water. From the moment the youngsters fly the middle distance they get a yellow drop every week. The medical supervision is in the hands of vet Raf Herbots. During the season they go to Velm every fortnight and Raf's advice is always followed. Adeno does not bother them much yet and if there is any sign of it, they are not fed for a day or two. After that they will be given a lighter feed mix and electrolytes will be added to the drinking water.

Both are in favour and both are convinced to wean the youngsters a lot. First there is a vaccination against Paramixo/Rota at weaning. Two weeks later followed by a vaccination against Paramixo/Herpes, three weeks later against Paramixo/Rota and 2 weeks later again against smallpox. Four weeks later énting against Paratyphus . In the month of April everything is over and in May training starts. In the opinion of the pigeons, each vaccination strengthens their resistance.

This is the known territory of Patrick and Rony , here follows their system . After the start of the national races they stop darkening and stay in natural light for a week. One week later they are separated and this is about mid-July , one week later they start with extra light and two weeks later it is Bourges II . From the moment the youngsters are separated they train little in between the races . Sunday and Thursday are two rest days, Tuesday and Wednesday, weather permitting, they are released at 20 km which means they do not train much at home. Once Patrick was looking for motivation for a young hen that needed a prize for the championship and he did everything he could to pair her with a cock. She did not fly a single prize after that ! Before basketing, they are left together for 3 to 4 hours and 10 nesting dishes are placed for the few yearling hens who then enter the "case" with a young cock. After the arrival of a race, they stay together until Sunday afternoon. Each youngster goes along every week from Quievrain, Noyon, small middle distance or the national races with in between also the provincial races, following the Galaxy feeding system of Beyers and the guidance system of Herbovet.

The schedule for the national races looks like this .
Saturday on arrival of the flight until Tuesday evening there is "sport light" on the menu .Until Sunday afternoon there is "Recovery" in the drinking trough so that latecomers can still recuperate . They get "Sport Energy" on Wednesday and Thursday . Thursday evening they get full feed of "Sport Energie" and plenty of peanuts.
Red beet juice is given on Sunday and Monday . On Tuesday and Wednesday the feed is moistened with oil and "Pigeon Elite" (butyric acid) . In the drinking there is Herbosol those days .Young pigeons are not dribbled in the eyes .


She only participated in three of the four National flights but what a great performance she puts in here. The reason "Shericka" only participated in three flights was the fact that she was ranked 1° National Ace Pigeon after her three first flights. The last race was to be Chateauroux but the weather was predicted to be very hot. Then you have two options , basketing or leaving them at home ! That Thursday there were phone calls back and forth and finally late in the evening the decision was made. She stays home !

Provincial 1°/4217 D.
Nat (z)  1°/2372 D
National 6°/18877 D

Provincial 6°/4216 D
National (z)  5°/2622 D

Provincial 39°/4988 D
National (z) 33°/2942 D
Also from NOYON she won 17°/988 D


Eveneens werd hij 3° Prov Asduif kbdb Oost-Vl

Bourges 12°/4216
Orleans 31°/5949
Bourges 32°/4988
Argenton 206°/4217
Chateauroux 1149/13852


Chateauroux lok. 1°/242.NAT 68°/13852
Orleans 20°/5949
Orleans 96°/3915
Bourges 66°/4216
Noyon 120)/2435
Noyon 173°/3064

“ROBINHOOD” 4091838/23

Noyon 1°/157
Noyon 10°/393
Noyon 57°/3064
Bourges 26°/4216
Orleans 42°/5949
Orleans 45°/3915

“ZWARTE PAREL” 4091759/23

Noyon 2°/2642
Noyon 72°/3845
Argenton 7°/4217
Chateauroux 20°/242
Bourges 59°/4988
Orleans 99°/5949

RESULTS 2023 !

Prov Bourges I,
4216 D. 3°.6°.7°.8°.12°.14°.16°.19°.20°.23°.26°.34°.38°.60°,66°.....

Prov Bourges II,
4988 D.1°.2°.26°.32°.39°.41°.59° .ZONAAL 1°.2° !

4217 D.1°.3°.6°.7°.8°.14°.21°.29°.41° ZONAAL 1°,3°.NAT 18837 D 6°

526 D.1°.2°.3°.6°.7°.8°.9°.11°.12°.16°.21°.23° (55/87)

487 D.1°.2°.3°.5°.6°.9°.10°.11°.14°.16°.17°.18°.21°.22° (65/85 )

162 D.1°.2°.3°.4°.5°.7°.10°.11°.14° (22/32)

393 D.1°.2°.4°.5°.6°.10°.11°.13°.14°.15°.16°.19°.20° (47/74)

397 D.1°.4°.5°.6°.7°.11°.13°.15°.16°.17°.18°.19° (63/74)

Piquant detail , in the "LAND VAN AALST" their basketing local may also have broken a record from Orleans and all the big middle distance flights started with at least the first prize each time !


Here I visited possibly the best young pigeon players of the last few years Patrick and Ronny. Two men who do it all, one goal and that's winning and they do, winning. According to them, 100% commitment is the only thing that counts. They both believe in good pigeons, they have done everything to get them in their lofts. In the first place pigeons have to be healthy , the name Raf Herbots guarantees this and if there is quality, it will come up. What I could not forget are the names of a few people who are close to their hearts and those are Kristof Nechelput, Robert Gauchez, Willy Jan and Jeroen Jacobs , Eddy De Block , Gilbert Vermeir, Dany & Tom Thierens and Willy Aerts , they are friends for life . On the way home, a few names flashed through my mind like "SAGAN" 1° Nat Asd. "LAURA" 1° Interpr Orleans, "MARGO" 1° Nat Asd. "NAFI" 1° Nat Asd. "GREG" 3° Nat Asd. "REMCO" 1° Nat Asd. "EDEN" 1° Nat Asd and other "JULIANA'S" .All toppers played by perhaps the best young pigeon players of recent years. After seeing such breeders, I have the feeling that next summer we will be their guests again, but this time in the Stationsstraat in Buggenhout.

Thanks for the warm welcome and congratulations from the whole Herbots team.

Rudy Fosselle