Giel Janssens (Epen) fix value on the Dutch marathon races

giel janssens (epen) fix value on the dutch marathon races

For many people the village Epen from the Netherlands is well known, here are the lofts of the famous tandem Janssens - Hausoul. Unfortunately Jean Hausoul left us in the summer of 2019 and Giel Janssens continues on his own. The colony where so many top performances have already been made on the marathon races and where many other fanciers have also succeeded very well. 

Honouring Jean

Jean Hausoul had built up a big reputation. In 1990 he became 1st National Champion Marathon and 1st National Champion Overnight Long distance together with Hub Keulers. As Jean suffered pigeon allergy more and more he decided to say goodbye to pigeon sport in 2001. He gave his friend, Giel Janssens, a round of eggs of his best pigeons and all pigeons were sold afterwards. They did make the deal that Jean could go and watch the pigeons coming home after a race at Giel’s place. It didn’t stop at looking. Giel and Jean saw each other a lot and Jean told how he would race hens. He selected out 10 hens, mainly yearlings and two-year olds. These hens were being raced on a nest position and the results didn’t wait. The pigeons were a mutual experience and responsibility. 
In 2003, the combination Janssens-Hausoul was born at the lofts of Giel. Giel was a fanatic care taker and implementer, Jean took care of the planning, way of working and system. Together a sublime team. Both were very fanatic and had an unknown love for pigeons in common. The ladies , Els Hausoul and Maria Janssens supported Jean and Giel fully when practising their hobby. 

The base of the current strain is out of the eggs that Giel received in 2001 out of the best pigeons from Jean Hausoul. It was an iron strong strain built up with pigeons out of the ‘Zwarte Moordenaars’ (‘Black Killers’) from Marcel Braakhuis crossed in especially with van der Wegen and Brothers  Kuijpers blood.  Eighteen youngsters came out of these eggs and weren’t raced, but used to build up the current strain. The inbred pigeons were raced just as all other pigeons and used for breeding afterwards. Jean and Giel went looking together for reinforcement and got these at Jef Eijkeboom out of Mechelen. They got cocks over there which still had blood from the old kind from Jean himself. Next to him, Giel and Jean went to Gerrit Boyen from Nuth.

An iron strong breeding loft

To be able to stay for decades at the top of the international pigeon sport it is extremely important to have an iron strong breeding loft. Well…our marathon champions have this pure class on their loft. All of them pigeons that had proven themselves being able to put super results on the results lists. 


A few top pigeons: 


“De 800” NL13-1548800 , winner of: 

1st International Ace bird Perpignan 2015-2017
16th  Nat. Perpignan ’16                 against 4,029b.
33rd  Nat. Perpignan ’17 against 4,789b.
127th  Nat. Perpignan ’15 against 5,589b.
46th  Internat. Perpignan ’16 against 12,689b.
76th  Internat. Perpignan ’17 against 14,581b.
438th Internat. Perpignan ’15 against 15,594b.

Is at the moment the base breeder on the loft. In 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation he is perfectly able to give on his class. 

At the moment Giel is auctioning a strong group of youngsters out of his proven breeders and among them 3 children of topper “De 800”

 “Juweeltje” NL15-1129416 , winner of:

16th Nat. Barcelona ’17 against 4,504b.
31st Internat. Barcelona ’17 against 17,026b.
6th Nat. Barcelona ’17 hens
13th  Internat. Barcelona ’17 hens
686th  National Barcelona ‘18

The beauty of the story is that the mother to “Juweeltje” is a full sister “Fleur” or in other words; we get back to that strong “Evi – family” .

“Juweeltje” is a granddaughter to that other base cock “Zwarte Lourdes” (NL04-1195457 ), winner of :
1st Nat. St. Vincent ’06 against 16,621b. (961km)
21st  Nat. Narbonne ’05 against 2,992b.
31st  Internat. Narbonne ’05 against 5,870b.

At the moment Giel is auctioning a strong group of youngsters out of his proven breeders and among them are 2 daughters of topper “Juweeltje”

“Siem” wins 1st National Agen 2020


The highlight for Giel of the 2020 season was of course the international win from Agen with his topper NL 16-1802944 "Siem", a 4 year old widower who already won 113th National Narbonne and now 1st National Agen in 2020 against 6,642 old pigeons and also the fastest of all 12,220 Dutch pigeons released from Agen. His half-brothers are also doing great with 15th National Pau in 2018 and 94th National Marseille in 2016.
For Giel, after 1st National St.Vincent, 1st and 2nd National Marseille hens and 1st National Pau hens it is already the 4th National victory on his record.

At the moment Giel is auctioning a strong group of youngsters out of his proven breeders and among them are 4 children out of topper “Siemen”

“Jo” NL19-1135218: 3rd National Ace Narbonne 2020-2023


One of the current toppers on the Giel Janssen loft is without any doubt “Jo”.
“Jo” won: 3rd National Ace Narbonne 2020-2023 - 9e Nat. Pau  ’21 against 4,614b. - 38th  Internat. Pau ’21 against 14,435b. - 14e Nat. Narbonne ’20 against 6,725b. - 48th Internat. Narbonne ’20 against 8,492b. - 52e Nat. Narbonne ’23 against 5,862b.
“Jo” is a full brother of:  98th Nat. Marseille ’23 against 3,200b.
“Jo” is a half-brother to: 183rd Nat. Barcelona ’20 against 4,477b.


At the moment Giel is auctioning a strong group of youngsters out of his proven breeders and among them are 2 children out of topper “Jo”

Race results 2023 Giel Janssens  

  3e Nat. Ace Pigeon Narbonne 2020-2023 with NL19-1135218

  3e Euregio Algemeen Kampioen 2023

  4e Nat. Ace Pigeon PIPA ranking: Narbonne 2023-2022               NL20-1716666

  9e W.E.O. 8 Getekende Marathon. 2023

 11e ZLU Marathon 2023

 11e Totaal W.E.O. Marathon 2023

 10e Nat. Ace Pigeon PIPA ranking: Marseille 2023-2022                NL20-1716523

 31e Nat. ZLU Marseille 3.200d. with NL22-8656482

 31e Nat. ZLU Narbonne 5.862d. with NL20-1716666

 52e Nat. ZLU Narbonne 5.862d. with NL19-1135218

 98e Nat. ZLU Marseille 3.200d. with NL22-8656465

 99e Nat. ZLU st. Vincent 2.532d. with NL21-1407396

127e Nat. ZLU Agen 5.449d. with NL20-1716666

123 Nat. ZLU Marseille 3.200d. with NL20-1716523

134e Nat. ZLU st. Vincent 2.532d. with NL20-1716633

135e Nat. ZLU st. Vincent 2.532d. with NL21-1407365


References with the breeding lines of Giel Janssens 2023

12e Nat.ZLU  Narbonne’23 against5.862d. at R. Geerdink - Hoogerheide
47e Int. Narbonne’23 against12.196d. at R. Geerdink – Hoogerheide
1e Nat. Yearling Narbonne’23 at Ronald Geerdink - Hoogerheide
19e Nat. ZLU Barcelona’23 against4.832d. at J.M.G. van Houten - IJsselstein (U)
22e NPO Afd.4  Cahors’23 against1.126d. at J.F. de Cock - Wijnandsrade
43e Nat.  Cahors’23 against3.772d. at Sven van Houten - IJsselstein (U) 
46e Nat. ZLU  Narbonne’23 against5.862d. at L. Olischlager - NijswIller 
151e Nat. ZLU Barcelona’23 against4.832d. at Gert-Jan van Houten - IJsselstein (U)

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