“Son Marvel 765”




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2D 13H 52M 29S

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Numéro 10 “Son Marvel 765”


Éleveur : VAN OECKEL BART & NANCE 巴特&南希·范欧克


Is a half-brother to winners of:
28th Nat. Argenton 18,837b. 
44th Nat. Chateauroux 13,096b.
208th Nat. Souillac 6,085b. 
212th Nat. Bourges 12,094b.
230th and 235th Nat. Bourges 9,922b. 
Also to winners of: 
1st Quievrain772b. 
2nd Sermaises 126b. 
3rd Quievrain 1,238b. 
5th Quievrain 627b. 
7th Melun 105b. 
8th Noyon 911b. 
8th Quievrain 459b.


Father: “Marvel” B21-6087341
Is father to 1 x 1st and 9 x Top-10 winners
Born out “F-Hao Hao” x “Olympic 231”
“F-Hao Hao” B18-6058116 is father to:
1st 4th, 5th, 5th and 10th Nat. ace KBDB ’21 – ‘24
4th and 7th Nat. Souillac 4,571b. 
29th Nat. Tulle 7,267b. 
90th Nat.Chateauroux 6,306b.
And also of winners of: 
And so on
“Olympic 231” B16-2146231 – original Herbots Gebr. – won:
1st Olympic Hope KBDB Cat E. 2020 
5th Olympic bird KBDB Cat C. 2019


Mother: “794” B22-6060794 – original Niels Broeckx
Born out “Energetic Runner” x “Olympic New Elfje”
“Energetic Runner” B17-6056310
Is father to “Wout Runner”, winner of: 
14th Nat. ace KBDB short distance yearbirds ‘20
Is a full brother to Olympiad bird Brussels “Olympic 306’ke”
“Olympic New Elfje” B18-6056571 won: 
2nd Olympiad bird Cat. C Romania 2022
28th Nat. Bourges 8,410b. 
35th Iprov. Vierzon 8,008b.
41st Nat. Issoudun 10,603b. 
42nd Nat. La Souterraine 8,383b. 
78th Nat. La Souterraine 9,469b. 
82nd Nat. Argenton 9,851b.
And so on 

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