Father: BE20-2060879 "Beauty Mystery Boy"
- Original Tournelle Davy
Father to multiple first prize winners
Half-brother to father of:
1st Nat. Ace M.D. KBDB '20
1st Nat. La Souterraine against 22.240b.
Grandson to "Tevez":
7 times top 65 National
Mother: BE17-2155326 "Acy Girl"
- Original Vanoppen Luyten
Daughter of 12th Nat. Ace KBDB 2016
Halfsister to "Jennie":
1st Prov. Gien against 3.006b.
4th Prov. Orleans against 1.803b.
5th Prov. Sens against 9.473b.
12th Soissons against 1.473b.