"853 Rax Power”
Numéro 3 "853 Rax Power”
Éleveur : TEAM BAETENS 巴騰斯团队
Full brother to:
25th Nat. ace Great Middle Distance old ‘24
13th Vierzon 6,321b.
45th Argenton 16,547b.
48th Argenton 8,867b.
4th Noyon 721b.
19th Noyon 1,062b.
1st Toury 1,409b.
7th Argenton 1,090b.
10th Lamotte 3,414b.
15th Chateauroux 2,809b.
Father: “Boy Bourges” B16-4011129
Born out “Dream Boy” x “Lady Bourges”
“Dream Boy” B15-4174188
Is a half-brother to:
12th Nat. Argenton
62nd Nat. Brive
12th National Ace KBDB Fond 2016
“Lady Bourges” B09-4063032 – won:
2nd Prov. Bourges
14th Prov. Vierzon
1st Blois 125b.
1st Vierzon 639b.
2nd Argenton 179b.
3rd Blois 96b.
3rd Noyon 832b.
5th Chateauroux 493b.
Mother: “Daughter Rax” B20-4025443
Is a full sister to “313”:
3 x Top-15 national in 2024
1st Prov. and 4th Nat. ace KBDB Great Middle Distance 2024
Born out “Rax” x “Super 221”
“Rax” B16-4011101 won
2nd Nat. ace KBDB Great Middle Distance yearbirds
2nd World Best Pigeon Fond
1st and 3rd Olympiad bird 2019-2020
12th and 13th National ace KBDB 2022
14th and 15th National ace KBDB 2020
“Rax” is father to:
“Oly Rax”:
2nd Nat. ace Allround KBDB 2020
1st Prov. – 12th Nat. ace KBDB Fond and 13th Nat. Ace KBDB Allround
1st Nat. ace KBDB ranking – 7 prizes
“Rax” is grandfather to
1st National Sancoins old birds 2024
1st National Argenton old birds 2024
3rd and 19th Nat. ace KBDB 2019
12th, 18th and 25th National ace KBDB 2024
16th National ace KBDB 2023
“Super 221” B19-4044221 won:
10th Best bird of Belgium on 7 nat. races great middle distance yearbirds KBDB Ranking
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